Very frequently I heard of people saying bargaining is beneath me. I should never bargain. For small items, maybe, but for big item, you better bargain. I don't care if you are a prince-in-the-making, you better bargain as if you depended on it to survive.
It is very typical for seller to mark up a little just in case the buyer bargains. In order not to lose the deal, the seller normally gives in a little and closes the deal as if you as a buyer having made some in-routes into some discounts by bargaining.
Supermarts also resort to periodic discounts to lure customers. No choice. In the east, bargaining has become a way of life. But, in the west, this is not as common. Hence, the great opportunity to make some great savings from bargaining, simply because the westerners are not as well-trained as the easterners.
Bargaining is uncomfortable. Hence, it has to be handled with great caution. One good thing that comes out from a good bargain is both seller and buyer must feel happy to get that deal. That way, the seller wouldn't back out last minute. The seller must feel painful enough not to back off and lose the deal. He has spent way too much time closing it. That way, the fall-off is a lot lesser. If you don't bargain and just take his asking price, you might not even get it as the owner might just back off thinking he has made a mistake in the asking price. He will then withdraw and come back with an even higher asking price. Stupidity! I know! I meant the buyer not the seller.
Contract 101 - The Art of Bargaining (for land deals only, I couldn't care less about other contracts)
Identify the land - Once identified, do look for a few more alternatives. You cannot be emotionally attached to the said land. I know you love that waterfall, river, mountain view, woods, animals, neighbours and so on. You will either die from heart-attack (normally very high stress during negotiations) or lose the deal if you are shown to be too eager. These contracts behave like gals. The gals love to chase. So let them.
Agent - Do not appoint your own buyer agent to do the contract for you. Seller agent hates to share his/her commission. So be brave, deal with the native agent alone. It is not usual for the buyer to pay any buyer's commission.
Approach - Approach the agent as if you are approaching a gal. Careful not to scare her away too soon. Nowadays, even better, the agents are normally gals too. So not much different from approach any new gal on the street. You have to be humble and smiling.
Humility - Gals hate poor bastards (I am using "gal" in place of the word "agent"). By being humble, you are showing that you are fucking poor. Being fuckening poor, she will not even reply your email enquiries or phone calls. This is good news. You will feel dejected and unwanted. This is normal, get use to that feeling. Contact her 4-5 times humbly. Show sincerity that you want to bid for that deal.
Money talks! - No matter how nasty the gal is. She needs to eat. The good thing about land deals is that the gal will get nothing if the deal is not closed. She will come around and start to talk to you about the contract.
Home work - Do you home work and find out all the transactions that happened around that area. Most of these valuations and transacted price information can be purchased online. These prices are normally VERY VERY VERY LOW compared to what the seller wants. Don't panic.
Offer - By this time, the agent would have spoken to you a little and asking for your identification. Ask her humbly for more information. She will definitely find you irritating and uselessly stupid. Don't feel bad, you are like a cheapo foreign trash in their eyes trying to rob their land. She will not respond anymore. That is when you deliver that offer-to-purchase. It is backed by the information you researched online and be brave - put that value as your offer-price. It is easily 25% - 60% from the selling price. Yes. You heard me right. I had offered 60% off the selling price before. But, because I backed this offer by attaching physical evidence of such value and pricing, the agent couldn't reject my offer as unreasonable. In fact, it made the seller looked real bad. It is as if the seller has been trying to sell his ware with a super-sized mark-up and con the agent in trying her luck. Such deals, the agent will know better not even bother to advertise and waste her limited valuable advertising resources. LOL.
New selling price - After the initial shock, the agent will come to her senses and realize that the seller is pulling a hard price. She will get back to the seller and try to lower his expectation. She will return to you with a lowered selling price (not much reduced though).
Ding-dong - In any contract negotiations, you have 3 reductions. Say, the first reduction is $100. You can counter by giving a $50-$100 increase. The second reduction from the seller would be around $50 (about half of the first reduction). You can counter by another $50 up. The 3rd reduction from the seller would be another $25. This is the limit the seller will go. You can never cross this 3rd time. If you try, you will sound unreasonable. It is better to just accept this 3rd reduction and give the seller face so that he can complete the deal. If you push further, you will lose the deal permanently. Even if you are willing to pay the full original asking price later, you will not get the deal. You have bruised the seller's ego. Selling land is a very emotional affair for the seller. If not for his desperation, he wouldn't have sold. So work hard but only for 3 reductions in total. Every time you are returning the new offer price, always quote reliable information for your continual low price. One possible way is to claim that you are a poor bastard.
Double agent - This is one of the most brilliant idea yet. The agent collects the commission from the seller. Hence, it is imperative for her to align her interest with that of the seller. She will be extremely rude to you. Be nice, don't fight back. Because you didn't engage any buyer agent, the commission she will get is double-strength. So it is in her interest to try to close the gap and hence, the deal. But, you are all reasonable and humble. You raised the buying price just little by little claiming that you are a poor bastard and the selling price is way too high compared to his neighbours and valuation. Since you have limited resources, you simply can't raise the bar too high, else the deal will be off. Soon enough in order to close the deal, the agent will double herself up as your buying agent and push all buttons to close the deal. She will sweet-talk or half-force the seller to be more "reasonable" with his selling price. She must feel that you had been extremely reasonable in your approach as you have supported each and every offer-price by physical evidence (Of cos choose those evidence that are extremely damning to the seller's unreasonable expectations). She has been marketing the land for more than 6 months already. She simply needs to get food into her own mouth. It is hard for her to get another cute guy like you for the deal. You have then successfully turned her into a turn-coat without her knowing.
Close case - Don't play with fire. Close the deal at the 3rd reduction from the seller.
Result - Typically I can achieve up to 10%-20% off the selling price. For land deals, this is big.
The Middle Rule - If the initial asking price is $X and your bidding price is $Y, then it is likely that you will close the deal at ($X+$Y)/2 if you press all the right buttons. So get the $Y as low as possible, you will get an even lower closing price. But, do be warned, you must support all offer-prices with physical evidence which is super easy to do. Communicate that to the agent, you will see magic on display.
NEVER - Always drag out the bargaining and/or buying process. Otherwise, you will face seller's remorse issue, i.e., the seller will back out of the deal half way through. Make the seller feels that he has struck a good bargain.
Good deal - Frankly the fact that you start the negotiation process is indication enough that the selling price is already super nice and reasonable, i.e., you can just take the asking price immediately. But, you can't do that due to possible seller's remorse. So be happy for any form of discount, you have already made your day by buying cheapest among all the lands for sale.
Backing off! - If you find the deal not to be too sweet, just back off gently. Remember always: It is better to lose opportunities than capital. Don't know who said that but it is an important guiding light when all deals are dim. Then restart by looking at other deals. As long as the capital stays with you, you are her ultimate sexy guy. Remember always: She can't eat without you.
Timing - Always pace the seller agent, if she answers in 1 day, do the same answer in 1 day. If she answers in a week, do the same answer in a week. Remember you are allowing the gal to chase you. You cannot apply haste.
Worked Example - As mentioned before, I have a guy trying his luck with native agent. The native agent was so nasty and warned the guy not to bargain too much. The guy just offered 10% down from the asking price. He got the deal after the seller returned with a 5% discount. The property market then went in for a further drop. He could have gotten the same deal but cheaper from the seller's other neighbours.
Caveat Emptor - For lowly priced land, this bargaining style may not worked so well. 50-50. But, since it is lowly priced, the possible error is also smaller.
Too many buyers - This is the same as "Backing off" option. Just back off, don't need to rush. There is always another land that has rivers, hills, waterfalls and birds. For those who has been to bank auctions, you would know that by having too many buyers, the auction bids become irrational. So be cunning and stay the fuck out.
To sum: It is important to close the case nicely by taking the price offered by the seller. That way the seller will not feel so bad. The deal will go through the legal process without him coming back to stop the case. To bargain is easy, but to bargain well without any backlash from the seller requires training. So practise hard.
Friday, 31 May 2013
Thursday, 30 May 2013
b.Happiness - 1.032375+3 (0.093852%) 30 May 2013
Year 2013 has been very kind. I am almost 0.1% nearer to my target. 頑張って (がんばって)
I look forward to feeding my little ducklings with my home-made fish paste.
The lesson learnt:
The white people are quite nasty in their approach to yellows. They like to ride on their tall horses and look down on the yellows. As I am writing, another yellow was terrified by his contact with the white. He was afraid to strike a heavy bargain on his contract. He asked for my advice. I told him if the deal is so good to be true, he will get it somehow. If the deal is not his to keep, then be graceful to let go. Sometime it is important to remain happy than sad. If it is yours to have, you will have, otherwise, just smile and wait for the next rain, hopefully to be followed by the rainbow. 命里有时终须有, 命里无时莫强求 ... (许冠杰)
He was much calmer after that. Seek council of the strong. He should get his deal and be happy.
As for my deals, I almost given up hope just a few days back. But, quiet confidence and patience paid off. The whites love to see a hint of desperation before they give in. I have stayed extremely humble from beginning to end. The white felt strong and well-respected, so they felt charitable and I had managed to lop 20% off their prices. Having someone to address you as "Sir" cost money!
So to sum: Be extremely patient with the whites, they like to feel their power, so let them. They will reward you with large chunks of food. The main reason for their charity is that they arrived at a place where they just grab and occupy. So whenever they needed money, they just sell off chunks to survive. Their forefathers are adventurers and very skillful, but not their youngs.
Most hard-working inventors of the white are migrant stock.
So do not be mistaken by racism, it is everywhere and yet it is in nowhere. You just have to look, analyse and understand.
Monday, 27 May 2013
p.屌你嘅老母臭化閪: Degree is useless
I must use 廣東粗口五大字 to describe these white maggots: 仆街 冚家剷 ... I absolutely respect Mr Hew Kuan Yau 丘光耀, he is really my guiding light. You can watch him at:
youtube: Superman 丘光耀
I understand so many bloggers have spoken against the white maggots for suggesting that getting a degree is not important.
屌你老母 ... 生仔冇屎忽 ... These 屎忽鬼 really are living white maggots among the uninitiated people. Bloggers have tried in vain to explain, analyse and suggest in various scenerios on whether a degree is needed or not. In the end, they always conclude that there are true merits in getting the degree.
Frankly I just don't give a damn. I wrote this entry is because I find so much indignation in these 仆街's farts. So irresponsible. So vile. So inhuman to the weak ones. Don't really need to appeal to people's logic. There is none to begin with.
My reason is simple: If the degree is so useless, why don't those 野仔 from these 冚家剷 don't go to famous universities overseas for their degrees? Stay put in 粉肠 local uni lah. Why give maximum private tuition to these 屎忽仔s so that they can advance in their class ranking?
扑你个街 ... These 冇屎忽畜类 really 衰到贴地. 偷呃拐骗, 生安白造 ... everything also can do.
君子爱财, 取之有道 ...
Most of us are too selfish to understand the true meaning of integrity. If you don't practise this, your wealth will not last.
A little poem for these 仆街s :
This blog is written ONLY for my next generation. This blog is never for fun. Everything I stand for and written is meant for my next generation to read and know me when I finally passed on. My struggles in white land and my real philosophy in life. There is no greater tool than a historic diary.
All of us will come to pass one day, so why make this passage so painfully meaningless?
To sum: To get a university degree is to get that 思维. 思维 is very important in one's mental health. With that 思维, one is crystal clear. One is not proud. One is calm. One is not hasty. It is almost like the highest zen level in kungfu, 思维 will create that weapon-of-choice within one's mind. All powerful. All encompassing. All free. Once you have achieved it, share it with your loved ones. Veni, vidi, vici ...
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
b.Land - The Present (Part 2 of 4)
Time to discuss the second part of the Land essay. The first part is located at Land - The Past (Part 1 of 4).
The Present
The modern battle field for most places is in the ballot boxes. For large countries, gone are the days where soldiers and knights go into battles just for land occupation. However, for smaller countries, armed conflicts still exist. For that, one is advised not to stay in small places like the fucken little island. The risk is still too high for stability to be the main order of the day. With only the ballot boxes in play in larger countries, blood spilling is expected to be minimised.
Whosoever subsequently take control, they will still hope to retain law and order. Business people in this case are super sexy and wooed by all political parties. The existence of cronies should not affect the balance of equation too much. After all, all political leaders should be too busy fighting in the political arena and can only rely on business people (cronies) to help them to earn their keep. Once the politicians of the day proved to be too wayward, a new political force will rise from the ballot boxes to re-balance the harmonic equation again.
Once you have settled down in a large country, the next thing to do is to acquire land.
Land is a tricky commodity:
The next part - The future - I will discuss the change management model and the correct attitude towards land ownership.
The Present
The modern battle field for most places is in the ballot boxes. For large countries, gone are the days where soldiers and knights go into battles just for land occupation. However, for smaller countries, armed conflicts still exist. For that, one is advised not to stay in small places like the fucken little island. The risk is still too high for stability to be the main order of the day. With only the ballot boxes in play in larger countries, blood spilling is expected to be minimised.
Whosoever subsequently take control, they will still hope to retain law and order. Business people in this case are super sexy and wooed by all political parties. The existence of cronies should not affect the balance of equation too much. After all, all political leaders should be too busy fighting in the political arena and can only rely on business people (cronies) to help them to earn their keep. Once the politicians of the day proved to be too wayward, a new political force will rise from the ballot boxes to re-balance the harmonic equation again.
Once you have settled down in a large country, the next thing to do is to acquire land.
Land is a tricky commodity:
- New developments - Many agents would suggest that you go for the brand new properties as they are attractive in terms of looks and feel. Most new developments are to be sold at a large premium over the existing properties. Agents love to sell them as they will get the maximum fee out of the deal. Stay away from these properties as the banks, developers and agents will collude to exact a heavy price from you.
- Location, Location, Location - This is one of the best bullshit, one would encounter in life. Stay away from buying into a location simply because everyone claim that that's the best money can buy. Once you commit into one, you would be shackled for the rest of your life with no possibility of a come-back. You would have paid more than necessary. One should know that investing in property is very illiquid, i.e., very expensive to buy and very cheap to sell, when one needs cash desperately. A careful study into the landscape, one would realize that a rubbish in the past is now the new darling of the crowd. For example, compare the chinatown in every city last time and the chinatown in every city now. Notice their poor state of repair and poor reception of investors and learn their reason for the demise.
- Property Type - Contrary to common misconception, land use and zone can be changed at will if the land is large enough. One just needs to pay what's due to Caesar. Hence, buy the property type that is currently the cheapest.
- Old property - The state of the property is not important. Normally new or domestic buyers will not compete with you. They need a home or office or factory. They don't have much cash at hand to buy over the property that is bad and renovate to their needs. Your only competition is only investors with deep pockets. They might bid up the property but they don't have infinite cash. So after a while, these investors will also run out of cash on hand to bid. That's when you should go in to play.
- Auctions - Keep at least 50% of the cash to buy properties that are auctioned by the bank. The title is normally clean and without hassle. Have a low bid price and be extremely patient. Most of my gems are gotten this way.
- Government land - Since the country is big, the government of the day likes to provide good land deals for the investors. Talk to the officials and find out what's the flavour of the day. Sometimes, one can receive super deals. This is the only source when one wants large contiguous land parcels. My Dato friend got free land from the ruling party. He just needs to carry balls a bit.
- Taxes - Read this section well so that the taxes upon your death is minimum and well-prepared. One good way is to save from the rentals collected for a couple of years and joint-tenancy when buying a property.
- Hold forever - Unless forced to sell by the government of the day, buy property to hold indefinitely. Therefore, every property purchase must be made with great care and considerations. No point getting something cheap or expensive based on emotion.
- Buy cash - This is definitely the hardest covenant to keep. So get that first pot of gold / golden goose and all things will fall in place. Never, I repeat, never ever borrow from banks. Disagree with this covenant, you will lose immediately. Just wait for 10 years, your assets will melt to nothingness by the banks. Consequentially, the converse of this covenant is unless your cash is really spare cash, never buy any property. Get the house of the first pot of gold in order first. Make the first pot of gold flows smoothly spare-cash every month before starting to buy modestly.
- Freehold - This is self-explanatory and only acceptable tenure.
The next part - The future - I will discuss the change management model and the correct attitude towards land ownership.
Friday, 17 May 2013
p.The End of a Good Final Chapter
If the chapter is good, it is sad to end.
If the memories are strong, it will never fade.
If the chapter is really that good, why is there then a heaviness?
Let the sands of time be my guide, may my heart be as soft and willing to accept my station in life.
I cannot regret. Neither can I be allowed to remember.
A little poem to read (徐志摩):
Lightly I leave,
as lightly I came;
I lightly wave goodbye,
to the sunlit clouds in the western sky.
The golden willows of that riverside,
are brides in the setting sun;
their glimmering reflections in the water,
ripple in the depth of my heart.
The waterlilies in the soft mud,
sway splendidly under the water.
In the gentle waves of the Cam,
I would be a water plant!
That pool in the shade of elm trees,
is not springwater, but a heavenly rainbow;
crumbling amongst the floating grasses,
the settling rainbow seems like a dream.
Looking for dreams? Push a punt,
to where the grass is greener still upstream;
a boat laden with starlight,
singing freely in the glorious light of stars.
But I cannot sing freely,
silence is the music of my departure,
even the summer insects are quiet for me,
tonight’s Cambridge is silent!
Quietly I leave,
as quietly I came;
I cast my sleeves a little,
not taking even a strand of cloud away.
youtube: 張清芳 - 再別康橋
youtube: (1) 偶然 - 陳秋霞
(2) 偶然 詩:徐志摩 作曲:陳秋霞 演唱:張清芳
youtube: 陈百强 ~ 偏偏喜欢你
youtube: 胭脂扣 梅艷芳
youtube: 梅艷芳 心債 1982
明明用尽了努力 明明事事都不计
为什么万般痴心 都等如枉费
Let this be the closure I have always expected. May all who loved love. I am too old to contemplate again.
youtube: 王靖雯 - 容易受傷的女人
youtube: 蔡楓華 倩影 1981
youtube: 徐小鳳 無奈
明白我愿能完全屬你 無奈身不自主
不必再管我 轉身去 縱使捨不得你
youtube: 張德蘭 情義兩心堅 1983
情若真 不必相見恨晚 見到一眼再不慨歎 情義似水逝去 此心托飛雁 遠勝孤單在世間 情若真 不必驚怕聚散 變化轉瞬也應見慣 誰願去揮慧劍 此心托飛雁 縱隔千山亦無間 愛比朝露 未怕短暫 存在兩心堅 情不會淡 別去已經難 重會更艱難 愛火於心間 不冷 情若真 不必苦惱自歎 縱已失去也可再挽 情緣至今未冷 此心托飛雁 那怕悲歡何妨聚散 愛比朝露 未怕短暫 存在兩心堅 情不會淡 別去已經難 重會更艱難 愛火於心間 不冷 情若真 不必苦惱自歎 縱已失去也可再挽 情緣至今未冷 此心托飛雁 那怕悲歡何妨聚散 情緣至今未冷 此心托飛雁 那怕悲歡何妨聚散
youtube: 忘盡心中情 (1982年電視劇《蘇乞兒》主題曲)
未記起從前名字 ...
If the memories are strong, it will never fade.
If the chapter is really that good, why is there then a heaviness?
Let the sands of time be my guide, may my heart be as soft and willing to accept my station in life.
I cannot regret. Neither can I be allowed to remember.
A little poem to read (徐志摩):
Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again
輕輕的我走了,Lightly I leave,
as lightly I came;
I lightly wave goodbye,
to the sunlit clouds in the western sky.
The golden willows of that riverside,
are brides in the setting sun;
their glimmering reflections in the water,
ripple in the depth of my heart.
The waterlilies in the soft mud,
sway splendidly under the water.
In the gentle waves of the Cam,
I would be a water plant!
That pool in the shade of elm trees,
is not springwater, but a heavenly rainbow;
crumbling amongst the floating grasses,
the settling rainbow seems like a dream.
Looking for dreams? Push a punt,
to where the grass is greener still upstream;
a boat laden with starlight,
singing freely in the glorious light of stars.
But I cannot sing freely,
silence is the music of my departure,
even the summer insects are quiet for me,
tonight’s Cambridge is silent!
Quietly I leave,
as quietly I came;
I cast my sleeves a little,
not taking even a strand of cloud away.
youtube: 張清芳 - 再別康橋
(2) 偶然 詩:徐志摩 作曲:陳秋霞 演唱:張清芳
youtube: 陈百强 ~ 偏偏喜欢你
youtube: 胭脂扣 梅艷芳
youtube: 梅艷芳 心債 1982
明明用尽了努力 明明事事都不计
为什么万般痴心 都等如枉费
Let this be the closure I have always expected. May all who loved love. I am too old to contemplate again.
youtube: 王靖雯 - 容易受傷的女人
youtube: 蔡楓華 倩影 1981
youtube: 徐小鳳 無奈
明白我愿能完全屬你 無奈身不自主
不必再管我 轉身去 縱使捨不得你
youtube: 張德蘭 情義兩心堅 1983
情若真 不必相見恨晚 見到一眼再不慨歎 情義似水逝去 此心托飛雁 遠勝孤單在世間 情若真 不必驚怕聚散 變化轉瞬也應見慣 誰願去揮慧劍 此心托飛雁 縱隔千山亦無間 愛比朝露 未怕短暫 存在兩心堅 情不會淡 別去已經難 重會更艱難 愛火於心間 不冷 情若真 不必苦惱自歎 縱已失去也可再挽 情緣至今未冷 此心托飛雁 那怕悲歡何妨聚散 愛比朝露 未怕短暫 存在兩心堅 情不會淡 別去已經難 重會更艱難 愛火於心間 不冷 情若真 不必苦惱自歎 縱已失去也可再挽 情緣至今未冷 此心托飛雁 那怕悲歡何妨聚散 情緣至今未冷 此心托飛雁 那怕悲歡何妨聚散
youtube: 忘盡心中情 (1982年電視劇《蘇乞兒》主題曲)
未記起從前名字 ...
inner core,
Thursday, 16 May 2013
b.Why I Am Not A Politician?
This essay concludes once and for all all my thinking behind Why I am not a Politician?
In the same vibes of Why I Am Not A Christian by Bertrand Russell or Albert Einstein's quote of God and Einstein, I am fully aware of the political price one has to pay in order to be a strong leader or a lame cock-sucker.
Malaysia is successful in democracy is because Mr Anwar Ibrahim has paid a price of imprisonment and beating up, leading to a successful grabbing of some opposition power in 2008 General Election. This was closely followed by the death of an innocent man, Teoh Beng Hock in 2009. Opposition capitalized this poor fellow's body as their altar for ubah (change). By 2013 General Election, the opposition parties made great inroads into the chinese hearts. But, at the same time, Anwar has lost many of the Malays and aborigines' votes back to the ruling parties. The chinese' claim for greater power sharing has rocked the confidence of the Malays. Thus, pushing them once again back to the ruling parties' arms. The ruling parties embittered by the poor Chinese support has immediately started their purge of Chinese privileges. The price that Chinese in Malaysia has to pay is going to be extremely heavy. In fact, in many Chinese areas, day-light armed robberies into homes have gone up by a huge quantum. The sad stories for Chinese will follow ...
The Chinese in the zeal of wanting change has forgotten that "短人财路,如杀人父母".
A wise man once advised that I must always vote for the opposition rings true in my ears. (I have mentioned this once before. Well, another story for another time.)
In the Arab world, the Arab Spring for a revolutionary wave of nonviolent and violent demonstrations, violent and nonviolent protests, riots, and civil wars in the Arab world that began on 18 December 2010, started in Tunisia. Many dictators lost their shirts that time. Link:
Tarek al-Tayeb Mohamed Bouazizi was a Tunisian street vendor who set himself on fire on 17 December 2010, in protest of the confiscation of his wares and the harassment and humiliation that he reported was inflicted on him by a municipal official and her aides.
Mohamed Bouazizi, who was known locally as "Basboosa". His father, a construction worker in Libya, died of a heart attack when Bouazizi was three, and his mother married Bouazizi's uncle some time later. Along with his six siblings, with his uncle in poor health and unable to work regularly, Bouazizi had worked various jobs since he was ten, and in his late teens he quit school in order to work full-time. Bouazizi lived in a modest stucco home, a 20-minute walk from the center of Sidi Bouzid, a rural town in Tunisia burdened by corruption and suffering an unemployment rate estimated at 30%. According to his mother, he applied to join the army, but was refused, and several subsequent job applications also resulted in rejection. He supported his mother, uncle, and younger siblings, including paying for one of his sisters to attend university, by earning approximately US$140 per month selling produce on the street in Sidi Bouzid. He was also working toward the goal of buying or renting a pickup truck for his work. A close friend of Bouazizi said he "was a very well-known and popular man [who] would give free fruit and vegetables to very poor families."
According to friends and family, local police officers had allegedly targeted and mistreated Bouazizi for years, including during his childhood, regularly confiscating his small wheelbarrow of produce; but Bouazizi had no other way to make a living, so he continued to work as a street vendor. Around 10 p.m. on 16 December 2010, he had contracted approximately US$200 in debt to buy the produce he was to sell the following day. On the morning of 17 December, he started his workday at 8 a.m. Just after 10:30 a.m., the police began harassing him again, ostensibly because he did not have a vendor's permit. However, while some sources state that street vending is illegal in Tunisia, and others that Bouazizi lacked a required permit to sell his wares, according to the head of Sidi Bouzid's state office for employment and independent work, no permit is needed to sell from a cart.
In any case Bouazizi did not have the funds to bribe police officials to allow his street vending to continue. Similarly, two of Bouazizi's siblings accused authorities of attempting to extort money from their brother, and during an interview with Reuters, one of his sisters stated, "What kind of repression do you imagine it takes for a young man to do this? A man who has to feed his family by buying goods on credit when they fine him...and take his goods. In Sidi Bouzid, those with no connections and no money for bribes are humiliated and insulted and not allowed to live."
Bouazizi's family claims he was publicly humiliated, that a 45-year-old female municipal official, Faida Hamdi, slapped him in the face, spat at him, confiscated his electronic weighing scales, and tossed aside his produce cart. It was also stated that she made a slur against his deceased father. Bouazizi's family says her gender made his humiliation worse.
Faida Hamdi and her brother claimed in interviews that she did not slap Bouazizi or otherwise mistreat him. An eyewitness referred to by Asharq Al-Awsat claimed not to have seen Hamdi slap Bouazizi.
Both Bouazizi's mother and the eyewitness who told Asharq Al-Awsat stated that her aides had kicked and beaten him after confiscating his fruit-cart, Faida Hamdi states it might have happened and Asharq Al-Awsat denies it happened.
Bouazizi, angered by the confrontation, ran to the governor's office to complain and to ask for his scales back. The governor refused to see or listen to him, even after Bouazizi was quoted as saying "If you don't see me, I'll burn myself." Bouazizi acquired a can of gasoline from a nearby gas station and returned to the governor's office. While standing in the middle of traffic, he shouted, "How do you expect me to make a living?" He then doused and set himself alight with a match at 11:30 a.m. local time, less than an hour after the altercation.
His act became a catalyst for the Tunisian Revolution and the wider Arab Spring, inciting demonstrations and riots throughout Tunisia in protest of social and political issues in the country. The public's anger and violence intensified following Bouazizi's death, leading then-President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali to step down on 14 January 2011, after 23 years in power.
The death of this one man led to the demise of many totalitarian states in the Arab world. Once again, as I have always quoted:
In this time and space, a plane ticket is too cheap an alternative to politicking. Why fight a battle that I am already disadvantaged in the first place. That old guy is already 3rd-5th generations before my time. Let him build his 阿斗. A real warrior has no fear of the unknown.
At times, it is a lonesome battle. It is nonetheless a fun path.
In the same vibes of Why I Am Not A Christian by Bertrand Russell or Albert Einstein's quote of God and Einstein, I am fully aware of the political price one has to pay in order to be a strong leader or a lame cock-sucker.
Malaysia is successful in democracy is because Mr Anwar Ibrahim has paid a price of imprisonment and beating up, leading to a successful grabbing of some opposition power in 2008 General Election. This was closely followed by the death of an innocent man, Teoh Beng Hock in 2009. Opposition capitalized this poor fellow's body as their altar for ubah (change). By 2013 General Election, the opposition parties made great inroads into the chinese hearts. But, at the same time, Anwar has lost many of the Malays and aborigines' votes back to the ruling parties. The chinese' claim for greater power sharing has rocked the confidence of the Malays. Thus, pushing them once again back to the ruling parties' arms. The ruling parties embittered by the poor Chinese support has immediately started their purge of Chinese privileges. The price that Chinese in Malaysia has to pay is going to be extremely heavy. In fact, in many Chinese areas, day-light armed robberies into homes have gone up by a huge quantum. The sad stories for Chinese will follow ...
The Chinese in the zeal of wanting change has forgotten that "短人财路,如杀人父母".
A wise man once advised that I must always vote for the opposition rings true in my ears. (I have mentioned this once before. Well, another story for another time.)
In the Arab world, the Arab Spring for a revolutionary wave of nonviolent and violent demonstrations, violent and nonviolent protests, riots, and civil wars in the Arab world that began on 18 December 2010, started in Tunisia. Many dictators lost their shirts that time. Link:
Tarek al-Tayeb Mohamed Bouazizi was a Tunisian street vendor who set himself on fire on 17 December 2010, in protest of the confiscation of his wares and the harassment and humiliation that he reported was inflicted on him by a municipal official and her aides.
Mohamed Bouazizi, who was known locally as "Basboosa". His father, a construction worker in Libya, died of a heart attack when Bouazizi was three, and his mother married Bouazizi's uncle some time later. Along with his six siblings, with his uncle in poor health and unable to work regularly, Bouazizi had worked various jobs since he was ten, and in his late teens he quit school in order to work full-time. Bouazizi lived in a modest stucco home, a 20-minute walk from the center of Sidi Bouzid, a rural town in Tunisia burdened by corruption and suffering an unemployment rate estimated at 30%. According to his mother, he applied to join the army, but was refused, and several subsequent job applications also resulted in rejection. He supported his mother, uncle, and younger siblings, including paying for one of his sisters to attend university, by earning approximately US$140 per month selling produce on the street in Sidi Bouzid. He was also working toward the goal of buying or renting a pickup truck for his work. A close friend of Bouazizi said he "was a very well-known and popular man [who] would give free fruit and vegetables to very poor families."
According to friends and family, local police officers had allegedly targeted and mistreated Bouazizi for years, including during his childhood, regularly confiscating his small wheelbarrow of produce; but Bouazizi had no other way to make a living, so he continued to work as a street vendor. Around 10 p.m. on 16 December 2010, he had contracted approximately US$200 in debt to buy the produce he was to sell the following day. On the morning of 17 December, he started his workday at 8 a.m. Just after 10:30 a.m., the police began harassing him again, ostensibly because he did not have a vendor's permit. However, while some sources state that street vending is illegal in Tunisia, and others that Bouazizi lacked a required permit to sell his wares, according to the head of Sidi Bouzid's state office for employment and independent work, no permit is needed to sell from a cart.
In any case Bouazizi did not have the funds to bribe police officials to allow his street vending to continue. Similarly, two of Bouazizi's siblings accused authorities of attempting to extort money from their brother, and during an interview with Reuters, one of his sisters stated, "What kind of repression do you imagine it takes for a young man to do this? A man who has to feed his family by buying goods on credit when they fine him...and take his goods. In Sidi Bouzid, those with no connections and no money for bribes are humiliated and insulted and not allowed to live."
Bouazizi's family claims he was publicly humiliated, that a 45-year-old female municipal official, Faida Hamdi, slapped him in the face, spat at him, confiscated his electronic weighing scales, and tossed aside his produce cart. It was also stated that she made a slur against his deceased father. Bouazizi's family says her gender made his humiliation worse.
Faida Hamdi and her brother claimed in interviews that she did not slap Bouazizi or otherwise mistreat him. An eyewitness referred to by Asharq Al-Awsat claimed not to have seen Hamdi slap Bouazizi.
Both Bouazizi's mother and the eyewitness who told Asharq Al-Awsat stated that her aides had kicked and beaten him after confiscating his fruit-cart, Faida Hamdi states it might have happened and Asharq Al-Awsat denies it happened.
Bouazizi, angered by the confrontation, ran to the governor's office to complain and to ask for his scales back. The governor refused to see or listen to him, even after Bouazizi was quoted as saying "If you don't see me, I'll burn myself." Bouazizi acquired a can of gasoline from a nearby gas station and returned to the governor's office. While standing in the middle of traffic, he shouted, "How do you expect me to make a living?" He then doused and set himself alight with a match at 11:30 a.m. local time, less than an hour after the altercation.
His act became a catalyst for the Tunisian Revolution and the wider Arab Spring, inciting demonstrations and riots throughout Tunisia in protest of social and political issues in the country. The public's anger and violence intensified following Bouazizi's death, leading then-President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali to step down on 14 January 2011, after 23 years in power.
The death of this one man led to the demise of many totalitarian states in the Arab world. Once again, as I have always quoted:
“What country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms ... The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.” - Thomas JeffersonSince I am unwilling to pay such a price, I can never be in politics. I will just travel the world in search of the best place to settle. If that place deteriorates in time, hey, I will move again. I am a wanderer, a warrior, a knight, but never a coward. I will leave silly words-mongering to the self-clever idiots who can't even dare to move away from their comfort zones.
In this time and space, a plane ticket is too cheap an alternative to politicking. Why fight a battle that I am already disadvantaged in the first place. That old guy is already 3rd-5th generations before my time. Let him build his 阿斗. A real warrior has no fear of the unknown.
At times, it is a lonesome battle. It is nonetheless a fun path.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
b.The Alignment of Aim
No matter how hard I try to work alone (my most preferred mode; or at most one other, i.e., my trusted partner-in-crime), I always ended up having to deal with more than one other person. They could be my co-workers, my colleagues, my sales teams, my more-distant partners and my "social" friends.
This is where the problem starts. None, absolutely none can be trusted. They are very cunning and crafty in actions and plans. Their aims (ambitions) are not aligned with mine in the first place. When aims are not aligned, no business will work.
This, of course, was taught to me by my partner-in-crime. I can't claim credit for this insight.
He is a self-made historian, hence, he is sensitive to subtle variations in the human nature. He said that a salesman based on commission does not have the same aim aligned. I was surprised by this statement. I said that based on commission and low basic, shouldn't that helps to align the salesman's aim towards that of the corporation. He said a big fat NO. No amount of commission will make the salesman's aim to be aligned to that of the corporation. Commission after a while is not longer attractive. Initially, his aim is reasonably aligned. But, once he knows the ropes, he will get lazy. He will plot to use his time for other "deals", because the corporation can't monitor his movements. He will then become an arm-chair salesman, i.e., he will just try to conclude sales by calling instead of personal visits. He will visit his customers instead of once a week, it will become once every month. He will try to maximise by pushing the customers to take more. This, in turn, will offend the customers greatly. First, the customers always have contention of limited shelf space. Second, customers, being the lowest life-form in their corporate hierarchy, love the power to dominate. Once the salesman is not there to be scolded or played. These customers instead of buying from me will go elsewhere where the other salesman is fun to be played. My sale goes down down down. When the sale not longer justifies the employment of the sales team, they will quit too, bringing along with them years of training and "potential deals". This was a very bad experience we had together. We have to sack the entire team and restart.
We are therefore left with 2 choices: one, change the salesman team full set once every 3 years or second, make the sales team(s)' aim to be aligned to ours.
It is the second option that I am keen to discuss:
(My partner-in-crime said that misalignment of aim happens all the time in every one we engage and stops short in suggesting any solution. He is however a keen observer.)
I will slowly build up the case that working for the corporation will bring forth riches that is far greater than he can ever hope. Introduce small bite-size investment projects that he can take on. Although we are keen business people and we don't need money, we need time. We need people's faithful time. Being a tiny investor in our next scheme of things. The salesman would be keen to get more. Little by little, he will become part of the core team. He becomes extremely self-motivated. He becomes an active contributor to our primary sales and any new business-types. In reality, he enjoys his new position as a junior partner of the team. His work becomes beautiful and he has learned to trust us. This is how we can align our aim. Honesty and honest sharing of wealth-creation as a combination of weapon-of-choice is so deadly.
I have recently encountered the same issue as stated above:
(1) (positive) I have first put on loan a computer while I was away. The whites are relatively poor in comparison. When I finally called upon him to return the computer. He gladly obliged. In exchange, he started to offer small little favours to keep the friendship going. So by aligning his aim to me by providing a simple resource in need, he opened up immensely. He could actually still use his older computer. This is actually a good way to start.
(2) (positive) I have first volunteered to put on loan a small sum of money. Again, the whites are relatively poor. I didn't asked for it to be returned. He then volunteered to offset the sum by working for me as a budget builder.
(3) (negative) I have first put on food treats to a chineseman in another island. He responded well to my treats. But, when I needed a small non-monetary favour in return, he refused. I dropped him like a rock. He tried to win me back. But, it was too late. It is better that I cut my friendship treat loss now than to find a deeper loss later in business dealings.
My partner-in-crime is indeed wise.
This is where the problem starts. None, absolutely none can be trusted. They are very cunning and crafty in actions and plans. Their aims (ambitions) are not aligned with mine in the first place. When aims are not aligned, no business will work.
This, of course, was taught to me by my partner-in-crime. I can't claim credit for this insight.
He is a self-made historian, hence, he is sensitive to subtle variations in the human nature. He said that a salesman based on commission does not have the same aim aligned. I was surprised by this statement. I said that based on commission and low basic, shouldn't that helps to align the salesman's aim towards that of the corporation. He said a big fat NO. No amount of commission will make the salesman's aim to be aligned to that of the corporation. Commission after a while is not longer attractive. Initially, his aim is reasonably aligned. But, once he knows the ropes, he will get lazy. He will plot to use his time for other "deals", because the corporation can't monitor his movements. He will then become an arm-chair salesman, i.e., he will just try to conclude sales by calling instead of personal visits. He will visit his customers instead of once a week, it will become once every month. He will try to maximise by pushing the customers to take more. This, in turn, will offend the customers greatly. First, the customers always have contention of limited shelf space. Second, customers, being the lowest life-form in their corporate hierarchy, love the power to dominate. Once the salesman is not there to be scolded or played. These customers instead of buying from me will go elsewhere where the other salesman is fun to be played. My sale goes down down down. When the sale not longer justifies the employment of the sales team, they will quit too, bringing along with them years of training and "potential deals". This was a very bad experience we had together. We have to sack the entire team and restart.
We are therefore left with 2 choices: one, change the salesman team full set once every 3 years or second, make the sales team(s)' aim to be aligned to ours.
It is the second option that I am keen to discuss:
(My partner-in-crime said that misalignment of aim happens all the time in every one we engage and stops short in suggesting any solution. He is however a keen observer.)
I will slowly build up the case that working for the corporation will bring forth riches that is far greater than he can ever hope. Introduce small bite-size investment projects that he can take on. Although we are keen business people and we don't need money, we need time. We need people's faithful time. Being a tiny investor in our next scheme of things. The salesman would be keen to get more. Little by little, he will become part of the core team. He becomes extremely self-motivated. He becomes an active contributor to our primary sales and any new business-types. In reality, he enjoys his new position as a junior partner of the team. His work becomes beautiful and he has learned to trust us. This is how we can align our aim. Honesty and honest sharing of wealth-creation as a combination of weapon-of-choice is so deadly.
I have recently encountered the same issue as stated above:
(1) (positive) I have first put on loan a computer while I was away. The whites are relatively poor in comparison. When I finally called upon him to return the computer. He gladly obliged. In exchange, he started to offer small little favours to keep the friendship going. So by aligning his aim to me by providing a simple resource in need, he opened up immensely. He could actually still use his older computer. This is actually a good way to start.
(2) (positive) I have first volunteered to put on loan a small sum of money. Again, the whites are relatively poor. I didn't asked for it to be returned. He then volunteered to offset the sum by working for me as a budget builder.
(3) (negative) I have first put on food treats to a chineseman in another island. He responded well to my treats. But, when I needed a small non-monetary favour in return, he refused. I dropped him like a rock. He tried to win me back. But, it was too late. It is better that I cut my friendship treat loss now than to find a deeper loss later in business dealings.
My partner-in-crime is indeed wise.
Saturday, 11 May 2013
b.Putting My Nose Back to the Grindstone
Every person is protective of their ambition. In another words, they are selfishly watching me fall.
Therefore, every step I take must be well considered and never reveal that all along I had never depended on any one of them for the successful implementation of my ultimate plan. For those whom I trusted, they do know that in my ultimate plan, they would be given a role, not only a good role but a role that represents our true friendship. If you are my true friend, then there is not ever a question at all.
True friendship should never be spoken about, but felt.
Today marks the first step towards another business-type.
I already had firm pre-orders, it is now time to implement the plan. Due to the intricate nature of the plan, some suggested that I borrow some strength from existing suppliers.
This is laughable.
The very reason why I can get these firm pre-orders even before I get my act together is because they trust that I will not take any short-cut for my fulfillment. I would be fully responsible for the final quality of the delivery, hence, their reputation is well-guarded against poor observance of their job.
But, the distractors said, if I am not careful, it might take up to 3 years to reach my delivery point. The investment amount is too great for any one to bear. LOL. Such skepticism.
I have done so much ground work that I believe I should be a-ok. Even if I miss these pre-orders, I am sure my friends who gave me these pre-orders understand my earnestness. The pre-orders might just return as planned.
Can I therefore wait so long? The plan may have a long gestation period, which I believe not, I am willing to pay that price.
Good thing must come slowly. Any rush will spoil its value and ultimate enjoyment. The higher the barrier of entry, the safer is the business-type.
Therefore, every step I take must be well considered and never reveal that all along I had never depended on any one of them for the successful implementation of my ultimate plan. For those whom I trusted, they do know that in my ultimate plan, they would be given a role, not only a good role but a role that represents our true friendship. If you are my true friend, then there is not ever a question at all.
True friendship should never be spoken about, but felt.
Today marks the first step towards another business-type.
I already had firm pre-orders, it is now time to implement the plan. Due to the intricate nature of the plan, some suggested that I borrow some strength from existing suppliers.
This is laughable.
The very reason why I can get these firm pre-orders even before I get my act together is because they trust that I will not take any short-cut for my fulfillment. I would be fully responsible for the final quality of the delivery, hence, their reputation is well-guarded against poor observance of their job.
But, the distractors said, if I am not careful, it might take up to 3 years to reach my delivery point. The investment amount is too great for any one to bear. LOL. Such skepticism.
I have done so much ground work that I believe I should be a-ok. Even if I miss these pre-orders, I am sure my friends who gave me these pre-orders understand my earnestness. The pre-orders might just return as planned.
Can I therefore wait so long? The plan may have a long gestation period, which I believe not, I am willing to pay that price.
Good thing must come slowly. Any rush will spoil its value and ultimate enjoyment. The higher the barrier of entry, the safer is the business-type.
Thursday, 9 May 2013
p.仆街 , 冚家鏟! 屌你老母! 冚家富貴!
仆街 , 冚家鏟! Finally got it off my chest. That asshole little island was so fucken. I was treated with the utmost disrespect. Since that little island treated me so bad, honestly why should I care about its inhabitants, except for those loved ones still stuck.
I was supposed to be given 2 x luggage weight of 23 kg and a hand luggage of 7 kg for check-in. I was dead early and I checked-in my 2 x luggages at less 23 kg each. That zero-smile fucken asshole fillipina foreign trash got the cheek to ask me to weigh my hand luggage. It was found to be 9 kg flat. She said I was over-limit. I must lighten before I fly. I was stupid enough to comply.
屌你老母! Later I found that all the angmo tua kee. They each got 20 kg hand luggage in tow. They all went through the same fucken check-in gal.
冚家富貴! This is what foreign trash has done to that little fucken island. May God be nice and bless it with more of such trash.
Enough of such trashy shit.
Youtube: anwar's rally after the 5 May 2013 election results
My utmost respect for a nice man - Mr Anwar Ibrahim.
He once said, "I was DPM before and I enjoyed being at the top of the world. I went to hell when I was jailed, stripped naked, beaten up and ate my meals on the ground. What else can I not have done." (paraphased)
I believed him. He is an enlightened man.
May he and his daughter be the stars that shine upon the Malaysians when darkness falls.
As a business person, I must admit this is already the best 5 May 2013 election result Malaysia can hope to achieve. Anything else, blood will splash. This is unfortunately after all the great tree of freedom - it takes no other type of nourishment.
His most beautiful wife: Dr Wan Azizah: What You Hold Onto, What You Believe, That Makes A Real Malaysia
Friday, 3 May 2013
p.The new Hope of Malaysia - Nurul Izzah Anwar
Youtube: (1) Nurul Izzah: Once And For All, We Kick This Political Parasite Out Of Our Country
(2) Nurul Izzah: We Are Malaysian & No One, No Party, No Bigot Can Take That Away From Us
(3) OMG! It's Patrick Teoh
(4) MediaRakyat "Speak Your Mind": The Role Played By Young People And Women In Malaysian Politics
(5) 五月五,换政府 505 Vote For Change
(6) 癫狗 4.0 : 癫狗终结篇——五月五,敢敢换政府!(大选前必看)
(7) 五月五换政府主题曲《快收皮》
(8) Superman 丘光耀博士 Hew KuanYao Ceramah At Batu Lanchang Penang 18/04/2013
(9) Ubah- Lagu Tema Kempen DAP Pilihanraya ke-13
(10) 明天- 民主行动党第13届全国大选竞选主题曲
(11) hew kuan yao excellent group videos
He he he ... I am nuts for beautiful gals ...
mildlad said: "She is awesome! wish her success in her political career and hope she will make it as the 1st PM of Malaysia!"
Before I go and put my nose back to the grindstone, let me enjoy the last few days of Malaysian politics. They have shown to be super mature and super nice. Everyone is so involved that they make little rockets and ubah birds. I have attended a few rallies that I am so ashamed of not being a citizen there and yet so passionately involved. They shouted "5月5" and I shouted back "换政府"; then they shouted "5月6" and I shouted back "新政府", as I slurped my favourite drink and proudly wearing my ubah tee. LOL. Maybe I should apply to be a PR right after this.
On this coming May 5 2013, may the best person win based on honesty and will to serve the Rakyat (People).
An ubah birdie once told me:
但我不敢 ! 我不敢,所以我哭泣!
Another ubah birdie also said:
5)气油的涨幅更是无需多说。一个石油出口国,居然要人民买贵油。虽然说,比起泰国,新加坡等国贵。但是相比其它石油出口国而言,我们的油贵到妈妈都认不 得了。 6)马来西亚的收费站数量对国民比例已经可以在世界上排第一了。不但如此,收费久不久又要上涨,经营权居然可以一再更新,好像很怕巫统朋党赚不够似的,一 直不停拦路抢钱。
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
p.Ubah - The Rally
Last night's rally at Sutera Mall with Lim Kit Siang wetted my eyes.
Having a voice is so important. Finding that voice unfortunately was not easy.
How many of us have to skip town so that we can find a new beginning for ourself and family. This is hardly a pleasurable thing to do.
The amount of festivities the rally has brought. The amount of togetherness the rally has brought is indeed priceless. Malaysia has finally arrived. Come May 05, no matter who wins the leadership. It would be a big leap of democracy for the lovely people of Malaysia.
When I talked to the BN supporters, they are fantastic. When I talked to the PR supporters, they are priceless. So much trust and so much zeal. I guess there is surely no true right and wrong. But, in a shade of grey. Hopefully, behind every ambition, there would be a true will to lead with integrity.
Malaysians are so fortunate. They can have a choice and hence, a voice. Malaysia boleh!
I thank you for leading by example.
Having a voice is so important. Finding that voice unfortunately was not easy.
How many of us have to skip town so that we can find a new beginning for ourself and family. This is hardly a pleasurable thing to do.
The amount of festivities the rally has brought. The amount of togetherness the rally has brought is indeed priceless. Malaysia has finally arrived. Come May 05, no matter who wins the leadership. It would be a big leap of democracy for the lovely people of Malaysia.
When I talked to the BN supporters, they are fantastic. When I talked to the PR supporters, they are priceless. So much trust and so much zeal. I guess there is surely no true right and wrong. But, in a shade of grey. Hopefully, behind every ambition, there would be a true will to lead with integrity.
Malaysians are so fortunate. They can have a choice and hence, a voice. Malaysia boleh!
I thank you for leading by example.
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