Saturday, 30 November 2013

p.Show - 蝶影紅梨記

The last part is here:   Show - 射雕英雄传 1983 (part II)

The show is here:   蝶影紅梨記 (全劇) - 任劍輝 白雪仙
The more I dwell into Chinese opera, the more I like it. The love stories were so pure and simple. No tricks. No scams. Love can be so rich, so clean and unblemished. The bads are always punished in the end, while the goods prevailed. But, I don't see them happening in real life. I do want to believe in karma, but, karma is taking too long a time. At the same time, so many weak ones have fallen. My tengri, how many more must fall before I see justice done?

The next time if I do have time, I will join the opera singing classes.

There were times that I wish I had never taken that money. The burden is now so heavy. With so much blessings and hopes rest on that every dollar, how can I rest now and ever with no regrets?

Please enjoy the show ...

Friday, 29 November 2013


I will be going too to East Malaysia to buy my pet twin porcupines. May this pair of porcupines bless my friend who had been so nice to me. I will look at the land in East Malaysia. So sexy ...
LOL ... I just found a very nice cypress tree for my blood relation. He would be most happy. The young tree will be planted this coming spring. May this tree bless our family.

Today is a good day. The grand chieftain did not meet me as scheduled but sent his deputy to see me. The deputy announced that I am promoted to be the third junior member in the ring of power immediately. My job entails serving exclusively the needs of the royal family. Sigh ... it was my old job some fucking decades ago. These people simply don't believe I do have other real skills, apart from cock-sucking.

Ohhh ... Well ... Life is ironic that after so many years, I am still just a cock-sucker at my personal best.

Next week, I will be meeting the grand mayor chieftain. With my new rank, I hope he is happy to let me have my land for free. My main eye is still on the free hot spring. Let's hope he has weakness that I could use.

If I ever have command over this spring, I will use this spring for the benefit of those who have helped me in the past. Mdm Lu, please bless me too. With this spring, there would be millions who will be saved. This spring will give life to those who needs to live, give health to those who are ill, give peace to those who have been troubled.

My mind is now at peace. There are still 3 more fasting days in the temple. May my body be cleansed of evil thoughts before I meet my grand sire.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

b.孫子兵法 (作戰篇第二) (Chapter 2 - 3) (Part 13)

The last part is here:   孫子兵法 (作戰篇第二) (Chapter 2 - 2) (Part 12)


          其用戰也貴勝,久則鈍兵挫銳,攻城則力屈,久暴師則國 用不足。夫鈍兵挫銳,屈力殫貨,則諸侯乘其弊而起,雖有智者,不能善其後矣。故兵聞拙速,未睹巧之久也。夫兵久而國利者,未之有也。故不盡知用兵之害者,則不能盡知用兵之利也。
          國之貧于師者遠輸,遠輸則百姓貧。近師者貴賣,貴賣則百姓竭,財 竭則急於丘役。力屈、財殫,中原內虛于家。百姓之費,十去其七﹔公家之費:破軍罷馬,甲冑矢弩,戟盾蔽櫓,丘牛大車,十去其六。
          故殺敵者,怒也﹔取敵之利者,貨也。故車戰,得車十乘已上,賞其 先得者,而更其旌旗,車雜而乘之,卒善而養之,是謂勝敵而益強。故兵貴勝,不貴久。 故知兵之將,民之司命,國家安危之主也。

Let's continue ...


Some translation suggested: 
The skillful soldier does not raise a second levy, neither are his supply-wagons loaded more than twice.
Bring war material with you from home, but forage on the enemy. Thus the army will have food enough for its needs.

Let's discuss:

善用兵者,役不再籍,:   A skillful general will not conscript his men more than once.
糧不三載﹔取用于國,:   There is no need to store war supplies for more than 3 years. Do take from the state.
因糧于敵,故軍食可足也。:  For further supply needs, forage from the enemy territories. Thus, the army will have food enough for its needs.

To wage a war, one must do it as if it is based on excess capital. If you don't have enough spare capital, never wage a war. Waging a war means you are invading new territory. Invading a new territory means you are expanding your ownership. Now, you understand full well why I suggest using full cash to gain new territory.

Just today, I was visiting my bank. The cashier curiously asked me why I am paying the ultra-grand chieftain. I said to pay for the down-payment for a piece of land. She then suggested I should take a loan for the best effects. I replied I have enough to complete the deal. She then said good for me. But, she went on to ask again. I smiled.

She understood that by not taking a loan, I am almost guaranteed of success. If I were to take a loan, I may close the deal, but, it is almost impossible for me to complete the deal. Because any time over the loan repayment periods, I might be sick, I might have urgent needs, then I go back on my repayments. I would die-cock-stand. Then what wealth are you accumulating? You have just work for free for the banks - the true blood-suckers.

Will you be weak since you can only start very small? Yes, the generations game theory states that you would have to start very small. But, each small start will add to a better start next round and the next round. After a while, you realize you can command the grand chieftains' attention. There is no better path. Just start as small as possible and as soon as possible.

How to start? Just look around. Be patience. Opportunity is where no people is looking. I often been asked: For 5,000 years, wouldn't every trick has been tried? NO. Otherwise, we will never have airplanes, computers, cell phones and internet. You just have to be very observant and creative.

LOL ... of course I am not telling you the true investables in public. If I am no longer around, ask my blood relations for the list.

I am now fasting in my temple for tomorrow's grand chieftains' meeting. There are battle considerations to think through.

b.孫子兵法 (作戰篇第二) (Chapter 2 - 2) (Part 12)

The last part is here:   孫子兵法 (作戰篇第二) (Chapter 2 - 1) (Part 11)


          其用戰也貴勝,久則鈍兵挫銳,攻城則力屈,久暴師則國 用不足。夫鈍兵挫銳,屈力殫貨,則諸侯乘其弊而起,雖有智者,不能善其後矣。故兵聞拙速,未睹巧之久也。夫兵久而國利者,未之有也。故不盡知用兵之害者,則不能盡知用兵之利也。
          國之貧于師者遠輸,遠輸則百姓貧。近師者貴賣,貴賣則百姓竭,財 竭則急於丘役。力屈、財殫,中原內虛于家。百姓之費,十去其七﹔公家之費:破軍罷馬,甲冑矢弩,戟盾蔽櫓,丘牛大車,十去其六。
          故殺敵者,怒也﹔取敵之利者,貨也。故車戰,得車十乘已上,賞其 先得者,而更其旌旗,車雜而乘之,卒善而養之,是謂勝敵而益強。故兵貴勝,不貴久。 故知兵之將,民之司命,國家安危之主也。

Let's continue ...

          其用戰也貴勝,久則鈍兵挫銳,攻城則力屈,久暴師則國 用不足。夫鈍兵挫銳,屈力殫貨,則諸侯乘其弊而起,雖有智者,不能善其後矣。故兵聞拙速,未睹巧之久也。夫兵久而國利者,未之有也。故不盡知用兵之害者,則不能盡知用兵之利也。

Some translation suggested: 
When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then men's weapons will grow dull and their ardor will be damped. If you lay siege to a city, you will exhaust your strength.
Again, if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain.
Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.
Thus, though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays.
There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.
It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on.

This part is not well crafted by Sun Tzu. Maybe this explains the fallacy faced by the Chinese for 5,000 years. I will analyze why at the end.

Let's discuss:

其用戰也貴勝,久則鈍兵挫銳,:   Wage a battle, the victory longing, the men's weapons will now grow dull and their ardor will now be damped.
攻城則力屈,久暴師則國 用不足。:   Siege a city, you will exhaust your strength. If the campaign is protracted, the resources of the state will be insufficient to supply the army.
夫鈍兵挫銳,屈力殫貨,則諸侯乘其弊而起,雖有智者,不能善其後矣。:   Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other warring chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Even with however wise men as advisers, they will not be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.
故兵聞拙速,未睹巧之久也。:   Thus, though we have heard of crude hasty victories in war, we never witness a classic win due to protruded time strategy.
夫兵久而國利者,未之有也。:   Hence, there is no instance of a country having benefited from protracted battle engagement.
故不盡知用兵之害者,則不能盡知用兵之利也。:   Therefore, it is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it out.

Interestingly, as I take a longer timeline to study 孫子兵法。I realized Sun Tzu is not a 帥才 but a good 將才,i.e., he can try to win local battles but overall, he was a poor strategist. Based on this segment, he already showed his weakness. No battle can be won on a permanent basis. When you are strong, you beat the living daylight out of your neighbour, but, on other days, your neighbour will soon ask for a rematch and he in turn will beat the living daylight out of you. Since both of you are neighbours, both of you can't quit. No conquests are permanent. Just look at Genghis Khan, he may have the largest empire. He lost it all in 2 generations. Just look at British Empire, within 350 years, the empire that sun never sets closed shop. There are numerous other examples. Although I can't think of counter-examples. It is good to note that there are very peaceful companies that last for many centuries and the ownership is with the original family, such as Kikkoman, Hennessy and many others (please wiki them, too many to name). All of them are super non-aggressive types. Once they are aggressive, they will lose in no time. Only patience will win the day.

It is important to note that our enemies won't die. Once they are defeated, they just lie dormant for a while to recuperate. When the day comes that they are strong enough, they will do a rematch. If you can't play well this next time, you will be beaten. This push-pull will last forever.

If you bother to study about trees, most trees don't last very long. Some 100 years; some 500 years; some 1000 years. Very seldom beyond 1200 years. The reason being that the tree couldn't regenerate enough new tissues all the time for renewal. Yet, if you do a research on the net, you will find trees that can last up a million years old. They managed to clone themselves forever and older tissues just die off, but the clonal tree stayed alive.

Hence, given a choice, conserve your resources. If you don't need to battle, please don't tempt your evil intent. Even if you have won, it is not at all permanent. It is only with resources in hand that victory is permanent. Try your luck in building century-old business type. Please don't waste time to wear monkey suits and ties.

Shit! Talking about suit and tie, I am buying and wearing one to meet the ultra-grand chieftains this week and the next.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

p.My Heart must Go On ...

The last part is here:   Article - Unwilling to Burden Family with Medical Bills, 95 year old Samsui Woman Commits Suicide (II)

The full show is here:   千与千寻
The song is here:   千与千寻-片尾曲(童年回忆)
You must watch the show first in Japanese and then in other languages.

Tonight, I am unusually quiet. Scene by scene, my video just passes me by. I looked back, I looked forward, I looked left, I looked right, I looked up and I looked down. I realized I couldn't find myself. I have no spirit. Life just passes me by. In reality, I don't even exist.

After reviewing so many bad incidents, they blaze at me like a thunderclap. I can no longer turn a blind eye to all the miseries around me.

I may have been doing marginally better than most, but I am definitely not as well off as I can do charity full-time. I too realized that I am but a small candle burning with a weak flame.

Nonetheless I am still a candle, a candle no matter how weak can still give warmth to others. I can no longer shut my eyes and ears and pretend that nothing has happened. I cannot lie to myself that I am too weak to help. I really cannot. In short, I am just selfish. I can't even hold a candle and stand upright in front of the grand dame. I felt so small.

Once upon a time, in a land far away, a poor student received money to study at higher institutions. He was happy and excited that at last he can contribute to the wellness of everybody. But life was nasty to him. He was dejected to no ends.

Now he witnessed the death of an supreme old lady who gave her life for the betterment of everybody else. In fact, I am sure some of her monies also found its way to help this poor student during his studies.

The question now then is how can this poor student who benefited from superb education, courtesy of the old lady, turn his back to the lady's plight?

He could not. He  cannot. He will not.

My lady, thank you for alerting the dormant dragon in me. I cannot promise anything after your passing and contribute directly to your kins. But, I will work myself to the ground and for the goodness of the group of people who has built our home, so that I can once again get back my dignity and regain your respect.

My regrets have been although I can build a 1000 buildings per land, the white people will not be too kind to me for letting in the flood gate.

Mdm, please let me work my magic. I am sure there is a way.

For now, at least I have found my footing and even if I have helped only just one family, I am sure my forefathers before me will still accept me among the stars.

I have said many times before, each of us are off-springs of very high quality genes, if ever we had once before a weaker gene, we wouldn't have lived till now. In fact, the cold calculations of Mdm showed that age didn't blind her 20/20 vision, she knew exactly what to do when it is time for love offerings.

Thank you, Mdm.

May you bless each and every one of us who are still living to work towards a better future. Your death has enlightened me not to be blinded by physical wonders but to seek salvation of one's soul. What's the use of living when one is still indebted to and not paying back another's charity.

With so many decades more to go, Mdm, please bless me and those who will come forward to your rally call.

Goodbye, till we meet again among the stars ...

Monday, 25 November 2013

p.Article - Unwilling to Burden Family with Medical Bills, 95 year old Samsui Woman Commits Suicide (II)

The last part is here:   Article - Unwilling to Burden Family with Medical Bills, 95 year old Samsui Woman Commits Suicide

Chao chee bye ... As expected, this news has more or less died down. People are so superior-scented. But, they never know, once upon their blood-line, they must have had it bad too. So, please don't feel superior, there is none to begin with. Don't ever try to let karma extinguishes your blood-line like that of Hitler's and Stalin's.

I would like to say "thank you" to asingaporeanson, for writing about her in the essay, Die Can, Sick Cannot.

So much memories ... my partner-in-crime just told me that his mother might know her personally. I have already asked him to make arrangement for me to pay my respect to her when I next visit.

My blooded relation was in construction too. Back in those days, every one of us yellowskin was construction worker. We are part of a very big family with very common thoughts. My blooded relation had poor eye-sight due to poor working conditions. Did the fuckens knew? I bet they did. But, who cares!

If fuckens don't honour her, that doesn't mean I cannot do it. They are actually beneath my reproach.

Madam Lu
I would like you to watch this classic show - 
枇杷巷口故人來 (全劇) - 任劍輝 白雪仙
Please enjoy ...

I concurred with asingaporeanson. When I first landed in white land, I worked as a construction site worker, carrying rocks and breaking cement, at minimum wage for 8 bucks an hour, break-times were not counted as work. I couldn't even last 2 weeks in a construction site. Most whites are double my height. I was told to go by my boss, let alone trying for 40 years. This is not funny.

Rest well, please, Mdm ... May your life story be remembered ... I also hope that your family will allow your story to be remembered for future generations, learning from you the selfless and silent sacrifice. We shall drink to your goodness.

Yellowskins did not fail. They are hard-working, resourceful, thrifty and silent campaigners.

Based on the above qualities, the yellowskins would have done well everywhere they venture. But, no. Once they established themselves in foreign soil, instead of remembering how hard they have come along and help those newer, they choose to tekan the newer and burr-er immigrants, as the much easier targets.

But, to what ends, what comes round, goes round. The yellowskins then degenerate and become weak once again, to be tekan by others. Yellowskins' history is so full of such examples.

Tonight, let me focus on Madam Lu and those whom we might or might not have known, who have worked so tiredlessly for a future. She didn't let herself down. It is fuckens, men mouthing honesty, equality and honour, that have let her down. She has fulfilled her part of the bargain. I would very much like to fulfill mine by honouring her. 

It takes great courage to move from China to south. It takes even greater courage to judge what's good for the family and end it all. Your courageous act is no less significant than a soldier who throws himself on a land mine, so that his companions may not be pinned down in a hopeless struggle to survive.

Money cannot buy this act ... It must first come from love ...

My blood relation and my partner-in-crime's mum must have known you in person, staying in the same area. You are definitely family to us.

Rest well ... go well ...

(Purple Heart)

(Deep bow) x 3 ...

Sunday, 24 November 2013

p.Article - Unwilling to Burden Family with Medical Bills, 95 year old Samsui Woman Commits Suicide

The last part is here:   Article - For China, Nobel Prize in science is still a big leap away

"This story bothered me. This granny has been working for the prosperity of that fucken little island all her life. It is precisely because of people like her that that fucken little island is what it is today. Even Ah Hole show cased her during the fake National Shit Rally. In the end, she has to end her life in this manner because the system was not able to lighten the burden on her three children. Why has it come to this? Where is the care in our system? It is stories like this that make me determined to get rid of the FuckenAP at all costs."

Unwilling to burden family with medical bills, 95 year old samsui woman commits suicide
(Translated Article)

Arrived in that fucken little island at the age of 18 years old. Admitted into hospital after a fall, unwilling to burden family with hospital bills, 95 year old Samsui Woman falls to her death.

95 year old grandmother who was once commemorated as a samsui woman, arrived in Singapore at the age of 18 years old, and worked 42 years in the occupation, tragically falls to her death.

Still remember the report that was made during September this year? 95 year old grandmother falls to her death, as she is unwilling to burden her family after being admitted to hospital.

Two months after the incident, Fucken Press got to know that this grandmother is the samsui woman, Lu Dai Hao whom the leader commemorated in the short clip shown in the 2007 fucken day celebrations.

Lu Dai Hao have been actively at work all her life, came to that fucken little island from Canton South at the age of 17 years old, became a samsui woman after getting married, and carried bricks and sand for 42 years in the construction sites.

After retirement, she helped families to tend to their kids, worked as an assistant in coffee shop, odd job supervisor for 20 over years till the point where her children dissuaded her from working over concern about her safely and finally got her retirement.

And even though this grandmother wasn’t working anymore, she couldn’t keep still and took buses to go around that fucken little island.

No one could expect how such a lively old folk could choose to end her own life.

According to her children, the trigger to this tragedy was her 3 week hospitalization in July after a fall in her home.

Daughter, Feng Lun Ping (50, accountant) sighed and said, “My mother worked as a samsui woman for 40 over years with not even one word of complaint.

She did everything that there is for the family without complain, and the choice to take this path at the age of 95 years old was also for the sake of her family.

Ultimately, my mother just didn’t want to burden her children!”

Lu Dai Hao passed away on 11th September 5.32pm, she lived at redhill road block 77A when she was still alive.

Just when I thought I have a sound night tonight. How can those 躝癱 do such heinous act and still sleep well at night? It is a sad day. 屌你老母臭化閪 ...扑你个街 ... These 冇屎忽畜类 really 衰到贴地. 偷呃拐骗, 生安白造 ... everything also can do.  冚家剷吾係粗口, 扑你個臭街都唔係, 屌鳩撚柒閪先係. Surely this is such a hopeless state for yellowskins. May all their off-springs of 冇屎忽畜类 die a thousand deaths. May those who suffered under these hands find peace finally. Death may not be pretty, at least you are now in peace. Go, if you must. Go, if you chose. May you always have my soft heart. I pray for your safe journey to the other world. May your generous act be appreciated by those whom you once loved. May they never forget your warm hands that once brought them to life. I wish I could have done more, but I couldn't. I am sorry. Of all my intelligence, I couldn't even save myself, let alone another one's soul.

One day, I would build a monument and a museum in remembrance of you guys. It may not have helped in anyway while you guys are still alive, but, at least I try to preserve the memories that you have once given your entire lives to.

May you rest finally in peace ... Go now ... You are free once again ...

I would like to dedicate this show to you. Please enjoy ...
紫釵記 (全劇) - 任劍輝 白雪仙 梁醒波 
There is nothing I can do more now. But, I promised when I next return, I shall seek out your kins and collect some of your memories to build the monument and museum in remembrance of you. Here, I would like to thank you for making our lives that much more comfortable. Those bricks and labour of joy must have found fondness in your heart. I humbly give you thanks.

冚家剷 ... I teared again just by re-reading this essay ... Sorry ... My throat hurts ...

Saturday, 23 November 2013

p.Living in Fairer Shore

The last part is here:   Leaving the good shore in search of a better life 

Finally I have a pet. This little brown bat will keep me through the dark wintry days.

I was playing with it for the whole night. I believe it is a he. He would fly around me at very low flight path and I would use a magazine and wave it in the air. He will just fly over the magazine and come back again for more.

When he was tired, he would just rest on a tall speaker. I would just throw a sock at it to start it flying again.

When he was finally tired, he would climb through the chimney making clumsy sounds and disappeared into the night. The next following night, he would return and do the same playing with me.

I used to have a squirrel as a pet, I would feed the squirrel with fruits and biscuits. Although these animals are wild, they are absolutely fun to keep.

After my current fiascoes with the grand chieftains, I would be making a pigeon house to keep loads of pigeons. Don't know if they let me play with a pair of alpacas. I want to do some training before I go at it full time.


An amazing find! Recently I just spoken to an alpaca farmer, he said that to buy male wethers is very cheap. They can go for $50 a pop. If buy in bulk, it might even be cheaper. 

"It is generally accepted by most alpaca breeders that males who are not required for breeding are wethered. This results in a quieter, more handle-able animal who is not under the influence of sexual hormones. Wethers make great pets when sold to buyers who only want a small herd, and they are easier to manage on the stud farm, too. They don’t tend to fight, and can be kept with your breeding females without risk of an unwanted pregnancies, and some quiet machos also appreciate the company of a wether (don’t make assumptions on this – some working studs can’t stand wethers, and will attack your uncomprehending wether mercilessly. Be very sure that your macho is not aggressively inclined before leaving wethers and machos unsupervised). Wethers also make great companion animals for weanlings, sick animals, or any alpaca you need to separate from the main herd for any reason. Wethering make good practical sense both economically and for ease of management."

It is quite a joke the the current farmers are more inclined towards breeding champion alpacas and win prizes and in exchange be sold for a high breeding price. They are not interested in the true fleece production, which is the key farming activity. The farmers are not into hard work. They just keep alpacas and try to produce champions for sale. It is no different from trying to keep and breed fighting cocks for sale. A non-farm activity. Possibly below are the reason:

"Our farm of 75 plus alpacas and over 40 acres puts us in the large end of the range of all alpacas breeders though there are a few with over 500 alpacas and the largest, Magical Farms in Ohio, with more than 1,500 alpacas. There are many alpaca farms with only two or three alpacas though the national average falls into the ten to 20 alpaca range. Most herds start out small and grow to the size that fits the breeder's farm and financial goals. Since the alpacas are self-producing after a while, the farm will grow."

"The U.S. market is focused on breeding alpacas, not on fiber production. The actual value of the animal ultimately is based on what people will pay for it - or its services. The alpaca's only real economic service is to provide fleece (or more alpacas). With global alpaca production of fleece far outstripping demand there is no need for more fiber production locally. Spurious people promote alpaca breeding as a quick way to make money, but eventually people will realize that nobody will want to buy more alpacas and the price per animal will plummet.

The plummeting price might bring quality alpaca goods to your neck of the woods, but it is also a disaster for the poor U.S. alpacas and their farmers. The economics of raising an alpaca in the U.S. for profit on fiber alone is depressing. It is extremely difficult to make money, especially as Peru and other international fiber producing countries could readily supply any demand for the product. On this note, it might be wise for existing or future alpaca ranchers to think about adopting organic and sustainable practices now. Creating a niche market for local grown sustainable products might be the best way to weather the coming storm."  

"There is a considerable range in the purchasing prices for alpacas. The average selling price for purebred, breeding, registered stock is around $5000.00-$10000.00 Unregistered or non-breeding alpacas will generally sell for $200.00 to $500.00. There are cases where some people who no longer want their animals will take them to a general livestock or odd and unusual auction where they can fetch as low as $25.00. At such sales the buyer has no idea as to health or registration status of the animals so it is "buyer beware". At the other end of the scale, purebred, registered alpacas have sold for $30,000.00 and up. Not all alpacas are of equal value, please refer to the following sections for more detail."

For a package of 5 females and 2 males, it will give about 39.5 animals in 5 years' time. Sell off all animals that are 10 years or older. If the initial cost is 34 units, then in 5 years' time, it will worth 155 units, i.e., IRR of 35.44%. An excellent return.

Alpacas can be pastured at 5-10 per acre. The largest farm size is 3000 alpacas. I am fairly sure I will be the largest given a little more time. Together with my black truffles farming need, I am sure I am finally home.

b.Exploration - Town Planning (II)

The last part is here:   Exploration - Town Planning

Question:   How to survive a small town?

The internet is your friend. Internet has transcended all dimensions. In the past, magazines are the only sources of selling. You get very thick magazines with plenty of goodies in between the pages. Magazine shopping was the order of the day. Due to distances, it is way easier to find what you need amongst the pages. Now, with the internet, everything's changed. The internet is not just a catalogue, but it can react back. It can give advice, reply to questions and provide bargaining ability.

In that fucken little island, the catalogue marts are everywhere. Gals embrace the internet way faster than guys. They are now shopping and getting their stocks from the weekly snail-mails. The national post is a cheap way to deliver things. The superstores are now fucked. It is only a matter of time that they will give way to smaller shops.

So start an internet shop and start making things that are demanded. Deliver them using the national post. With a bit of patience, you will get somewhere. The best way to gain attention is to blog. Do controversial blog. Get notice. The approach of your blog must not be in the same style as this blog. This blog aims to kill traffic, not encourage.

After about 10 years, you are well on the way to some profit. Of course, you can do the same for all other town / city types. But, your game is never to get by. Your aim is to get to know the real pulse of the farm land. The only way is to be very close to the very people that play the games. For example, some of the small town listings are not on the internet. You thought you must be kidding me? Yes. It is true. Not all listings are on the internet. Why? Because the owner wanted only to be known only within the local list. Funny. Stupid. But, true. It is very interesting indeed. If you look closer, these unlisted listings are so cheap that you wonder how to not be too eager.

Just received my tax bill for one of the land, it was valued at 33% of my purchase price, i.e., I bought at 3 times the actual valuation of the land. That means with my money, the previous owner can now look to buy 3 pieces of similar sized land and restart the sucker cycle to trap more of these fat-cat yellowskins. See how stupid I was. Well, I was never wiser as I would never receive any tax information until I actual own some of them. Not all my purchases are wrong. Some I paid only 10-20% of the land valuations. So, I win some, I lose some. The whites are never stupid. Overall, I won quite big. That's good enough for me. Further, I am not selling any of the purchases, in time, the valuations will catch up.

Learn to play some online interactive games. You would soon realize that you lose most of the online games. You simply can't win big. The cunning birds out there are so many. Many of them were intentionally under-ranked. So if you game with them, they will whip your ass clean. None of them are true-ful to their true ranks. They under-rank to whip you. So, there is no honesty in the internet. You learn to survive. In fact, after a while, your rank stops improving. As your game improves, but your rank stayed. You slowly, like them, become rather under-ranked. Subsequently, like any other cunning players on the internet, any player that plays with you got their ass whipped. You start to collect simple points and goodies, but your rank never ever improve. There are still others who will create multiple nicks to be truly under-ranked. Never mind the game, it is alright to lose, by losing the games, you gain in experience and game skills. So never use anger to determine your life.

b.Exploration - Town Planning

The last part is here:   Philosophy - The highest form of Thinking 

I used to know a friend. She was into town planning. Her town planning skill was so good that she was perpetually employed by the town planners from that fucken little island.

During my engagement with her, I didn't bother to ask her anything about town planning. What a waste? I will ask her when I next go to meet her.

The white land ultra-grand chieftain just told me yesterday that my application to convert my farm to residential use is approved. I am now allowed to build 980 multi-storey buildings on that one site. Fuck ... I am finally allowed to build that fucking forbidden city. But, I shall resist. White crane just told me that it would have been better to just build my botanic garden first, then use the indian land i just gotten for my forbidden city and tiananmen together. Her father, grey hawk said I better don't play with him. The promise was to leave the indian land untouched for 10 years when the willows are being prepared. With the hot spring coming my way, white crane said, "You must follow the sayings of the stars. Do not succumb to one's poor fancy." Fuck them ... All noise, no action.

Town Planning

Town planning is very important. Understand town planning, all things will be put in place. I will build the concept of town planning in the reverse. Only then, will you understand the concept of town planning completely. I will only deal with freehold land.

In the beginning, there are only forested land. So the chieftains gave free land to the locals to convert to farm land. They would do so by cultivating the forests into farm land. Some are so god-damn far. It is really a true challenge to would-be farmers. No power, no water, no road, no flat land, i.e., no "三通一平" (通水、通电、通路、平整土地). The grand chieftains then try to build train tracks all over the place (I will use West Malaysia as an example as it is easier to understand, West Malaysia is organized linearly). If power option exist, internet connectivity is not an issue.

Small Town (15 - 25 km apart)
No farmers can tahan a solitary life-style. They need to hundle together to get some form of social interactions and some services. So at every 10 -15 km radius, there would be a small town developed. In the small town, they will have postal services (snail mails are not sent to the farm itself, the farmer needs to get a postbox at the small town to receive snail mails.) The small town will have "七通一平"(通水、排水、通电、通路、通讯、通暖气、通天燃气或煤气、平整土地). Shops are rare, but they do have churches. Internet is not an issue.

Medium Town (30 - 50 km)
The medium town is born out of tertiary needs. The medium town will have banks, auto repair shops, restaurants, motels, insurance companies, real estate agents, schools, co-ops and most conveniences.

Major Town (100 - 120 km, e.g., Muar, Yong Peng, Kluang)
The major town has almost every thing, including some government services. It might even have hyper-marts or cinemas.

City (150 - 200 km apart, e.g., Segamat, Seremban, Malacca, Ipoh)
The city has almost every thing, including all government services. It will have adult entertainment.

Capital City (250 - 300 km apart, e.g., Kalau Lumpur, Penang, Johore Baharu, Kuantan)
Some capital cities are even bigger than the Capital itself. It will have a regional airport.

Investment Opportunity

If you are not rich, start a least-risk option. Buy something at the small town level. The property prices are super reasonable. Save enough for a typical property and then lie-in-wait. Wait for that desperate owner who just died a closed relation. He will throw out like a used tampon. Eat it up and do a bit of repair. Rent it out if you like or use it for your small-time business. You will definitely be able to make a simple living. If your kids are in schooling age, then you have no choice but to fight at the medium town level. The property price level is higher, but you have a double-barrel income stream.

After you have played this game. You are now stronger. Play with the farms then. They are more pricey but way more fun. Don't buy anything that has buildings on them. Build your own buildings.

Friday, 22 November 2013

b.Exploration - Meeting the Grand Mayor Chieftain

The last part part is here:   Exploration - The Meeting with Another Grand Chieftain

Nowadays i met so many grand chieftains so much so that I lost count on who's who.

Just when I thought I have given up hope to build that free land. This land cannot be purchased, it must only be given free by the ring of Chieftains. The Grand Mayor Chieftain wanted to deal with me in person. Shit !!!

I had left all my fucken suits in that fucken little island. For fuck's sake, I am now a farmer, not a fucking top-ranked con-job businessman. Apparently, the city council don't think so. They want me to present my business proposal to their highest ring of power. I am only one rank short of the all-powerful ring king.

If the business plan is approved, the business would be announced in the national newspaper. Surely they are not serious?

I have asked for an escape route from a junior grand chieftain. He told me that we grand chieftains are already gods and there is no way to refuse the immortals. I swallowed hard. This business plan of getting free land is back-firing. I am too back-side itchy and I shouldn't have written such a proposal that can create national interest. I should have just do a simpler job.

He however gave me a wink. He said that if the business plan is approved and the land that is to be given to me might contain a hot spring for my exclusive use. He further expounded that that spring is his very private interest to own. Wow !!! This meeting is worth my time after all.

The hot spring, he said, is the cleanest of the springs he has found and the mayor is of the opinion that it is best used in my business plan. But, he further claimed that the mayor is not a joke. He will grill me to kingdom come.

Fuck them all! I have left the fuckens because their top brass are fucked. Now I have to walk again the path I most detest.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

b.Resource - Planning

The last part is here:   Land - The Waterfall

In yellowskin's land, the land are classified in the following versions:
"三通一平" (通水、通电、通路、平整土地)、
"五通一平" (通水、通电、通路、通气、通讯、平整土地)、

Water 通水
If you have a stream or lake or waterfall within your compound, you are free to suck these water for your own use. But, the surface water is normally not as clean. You will probably need to filter and soften-treat it. Sometimes, the water is salted too. Digging a well is a much better choice for a water resource. The underground water is a lot cleaner and requires less filtration and treatment. Digging wells interestingly is not as complicated an affair. You just need to get a few quotes and normally, they are relatively cheap to do. Hence, if you buy a piece of land that has no ready water resource, it is never a serious deal-breaker.

The bare land cost after accounting for water well digging is still way cheaper than those land that already have wells or town water and a fairly good chance you don't even need to pay for its use, i.e., free water. If you are in luck, you might can even hope for a hot spring in your area.
Power 通电
This requirement might be a deal-breaker if you seriously want to stay in it. One possibly option is to stay nearby in a small town and travel daily to the land for your needs. Most applications such as digging or working can be solved using diesel tanks. Without power, the lifestyle is greatly limited. Owners exact very high price for this requirement. The land cost without power and land cost with power on its curb side is almost double or triple.

Some yellowskins solved this requirement by starting a power farm by providing solar panels on his own land. These power generators can then provide power to surrounding grid. But, this cunning-ness is not clever enough for most use.

If power is so important, buy a small diesel generator. It can supply enough power for most uses. The diesel tanks are refilled on a fixed period from existing truckers.

The worst option is to pull the power lines to your land. Just pay lor.
Gas 通天燃气或煤气
This requirement is totally not critical if the power requirement is handled. Heating using natural gas and using electrical power only cause marginal cost differentials. Using gas requires venting. Else, if breathe in too much carbon monoxide over a long extended period will cause massive brain damage. Hence, gas requirement is normally not critical, hence, never consider a deal-breaker.

Heat 通暖气
In established industries, they even have area-wide supply of stream as an option. But, this is hardly a requirement, if the power option is already addressed.
Sewerage 排水
This is also not a deal-breaker. Common portable sewerage treatment plant is available by just buy and put in place. The usage is for 10 years and renewable by removing the shit. The cost is also not extensive. You just have to buy and put.
Internet 通讯
Surprisingly, this requires power. So you must first settle the power requirement. Else, you can only rely on your mobile cell phone. There is always another option - an expensive option - connect through satellite internet or raise a tall tower for line-of-sight connection. OR work without internet at the land and use internet only after you return to your small town to sleep. As long as you don't watch movies, you can still skype with little problem.

Road 通路
If your land is large enough, it is not unusual for roads to have reach the land curb side. Just wait long enough, you will get your power requirement by the wire. But, if your land is in say, Malaysia, you might encounter some problem in access. Freehold land prices in Malaysia is still quite reasonable. So buy cautiously, with patience, you can get them at about RM$2,000-5,000 per acre. This is not a deal-breaker.

Post 通邮
This is a rather inconvenient option. It is not unusual for postal service to refuse sending snail mails to your land. You will need to rent a post box in a small town to receive your snail mails. This is not a deal-breaker.

Land 平整土地
This is just a treatment issue. If you want it to be a farm land, you will need to pay for the levelling. If not, you just have to bear with the landscape. Prepared land and unprepared land is 100% difference in prices. This is not a deal-breaker.
Just go and buy a cheap second-hand mobile home (very cheap anyway) and move it to the land. This is a simple plug-and-play. This is not a deal-breaker.

Only that fucken little island has zoning. It is easy in most places to change the zone, i.e., the land use type.

To sum, only power is the only tricky requirement. Play with it long enough. You will find a way out.

When buying land, do consider the above issues, the key guiding principle is not to be overwhelmed by these factors. Every factor can be resolved using money. The question is always about balance. Buy anything within the city/major town limits, you will get everything, but the price you pay would be surprising too high. It can't be that these land owners are going to give you a nice break. Not a chance in the century. They make sure they punish you for being lazy.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

b.Exploration - The Meeting with Another Grand Chieftain

The last part is here:   Exploration - The White Co-operative

Next week, I am going for the test of my life:   I am going to meet the grand chieftain to ask for my land. This grand chieftain has previously promised me a piece of land. He has promised to give it to me free.

Dealing with grand chieftains is a serious matter. One cannot treat it lightly.

I must now count the alignment of the stars tonight and predict my fate of the coming meeting.

Meditation is the order of the day and I must now fast in my temple ... The battle is nigh and the time has come once again for me to don my body armour ...

Monday, 18 November 2013

b.Exploration - Alpaca

The last part is here:   Exploration - The White Co-operative

Every proposition by the white must always be treated with respect. As mentioned before, a very old gentleman once told me, during the great chieftains' meeting, that keeping alpacas are the way to go in starting a farm proper.

An alpaca is a domesticated species of South American camelid. It resembles a small llama in appearance.

Alpacas are considerably smaller than llamas, and unlike llamas, they were not bred to be beasts of burden, but were bred specifically for their fiber. Alpaca fiber is used for making knitted and woven items, similar to wool. These items include blankets, sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves, a wide variety of textiles and ponchos in South America, and sweaters, socks, coats and bedding in other parts of the world. The fiber comes in more than 52 natural colors as classified in Peru, 12 as classified in Australia and 16 as classified in the United States. 

Females are "induced ovulators"; the act of mating and the presence of semen causes them to ovulate. Females usually conceive after just one breeding, but occasionally do have troubles conceiving. Artificial insemination is technically difficult, but it can be accomplished. A male is usually ready to mate for the first time between one and three years of age. A female alpaca may fully mature (physically and mentally) between 12 and 24 months. It is not advisable to allow a young female to be bred until she is mature, as over-breeding a young female, before conception is possible, is a common cause of uterine infections. As the age of maturation varies greatly between individuals, it is usually recommended that novice breeders wait until females are 18 months of age or older before initiating breeding. The gestation period is 345 ± 15 days, and usually results in a single offspring, or cria. Twins are rare, occurring about once per 1000 deliveries. After a female gives birth, she is generally receptive to breeding again after about two weeks. Crias may be weaned through human intervention at about six months old and 60 pounds, but many breeders prefer to allow the female to decide when to wean her offspring; they can be weaned earlier or later depending on their size and emotional maturity.

Alpacas can live for up to 20 years

The price for American alpacas can range from US$50 for a castrated male (gelding) to US$500,000 for the highest of champions in the world, depending on breeding history, sex, and color. According to an academic study, though, the higher prices sought for alpaca breeding stock are largely speculative and not supported by market fundamentals, given the low inherent returns per head from the main end product, alpaca fiber, and prices into the $100s per head rather than $10,000s would be required for a commercially viable fiber production herd. Breeding stock prices in Australia have fallen from A$10,000–30,000 head in 1997 to an average of A$3,000–4,000 today.

It is possible to raise up to 25 alpacas per hectare (10 alpacas per acre), as they have a designated area for waste products and keep their eating area away from their waste area, but this ratio differs from country to country and is highly dependent on the quality of pasture available (in many desert locations it is generally only possible to run one to three animals per acre due to lack of suitable vagetation). Fiber quality is the primary variant in the price achieved for alpaca wool; in Australia, it is common to classify the fiber by the thickness of the individual hairs and by the amount of vegetable matter contained in the supplied shearings.

Alpacas need to eat 1-2% of body weight per day, so about two 60 lb (27 kg) bales of grass hay per month per animal. When formulating a proper diet for alpacas, water and hay analysis should be performed to determine the proper vitamin and mineral supplementation program. Two options are to provide free choice salt/mineral powder, or feed a specially formulated ration. Indigenous to the highest regions of the Andes, this harsh environment has created an extremely hardy animal, so only minimal housing and predator fencing are needed. The alpaca’s three-chambered stomachs allow for extremely efficient digestion. There are no viable seeds in the manure, because alpacas prefer to only eat tender plant leaves, and will not consume thick plant stems; therefore, alpaca manure does not need composting to enrich pastures or ornamental landscaping. Nail and teeth trimming is needed every six to 12 months, along with annual shearing. Similar to ruminants, such as cattle and sheep, alpacas have only lower teeth at the front of their mouths; therefore, they do not pull grass up by the roots. Rotating pastures is still important, though, as alpacas have a tendency to regraze an area repeatedly. Alpacas are fiber-producing animals; they do not need to be slaughtered to reap their product, and their fiber is a renewable resource that grows yearly.

The start-up cost for keeping alpacas is low compared to cattle. Also alpacas are very friendly. They make great companions as compared to man. Loyal and dependable.

This exploration is worth the time and considerations. Let's see how far this idea will stick in my mind ...

Sunday, 17 November 2013

p.Show - 射雕英雄传 1983 (part II)

The last part is here:   Show - 射雕英雄传 1983 

The best songs:
四张机 (《射雕英雄傳之東邪西毒》插曲)

春波碧草 晓寒深处

桃花開 (《射雕英雄傳之東邪西毒》插曲)
千愁記舊情 (《射雕英雄傳之華山論劍》插曲) - 羅文
沒有月也不見星 迷茫路伴孑影
從此斯人失去 剩我千愁記舊情
紅日再不會升 熱心漸似冰 從此星沉天際 剩我低徊血淚凝
日日伴隨難再現 夜夜叫喚亦不應
舊日笑面上的萬般千種親愛 消失風中 風卻未靜
含淚訴不清 問天未有聲 何日再歡顏相見 復得斯人說舊情

曲 : 顾 嘉 辉 词 : 黄 沾
早已明知对他的爱 开始就不应该
我却愿将一世 交换他一次真意对待
我是宁可抛去生命 痴心决不愿改
为了他甘心去忍受 人间一切悲哀
在我心中这份浓情 没有东西能代
肯去承担爱的苦痛 敢去面对未来
我是宁愿改我生命 痴心也不愿改

四张机 鸳鸯织就欲双飞 可怜未老头白 春波碧草 晓寒深处 相对浴红衣 ...

So simple ... So perfect a rhythm ...

Life is actually a very simple thing. We just have to live a simple and passionate style.

The hero in the show is 郭靖. A dumb guy who is just pure hard-working and very straight. I can identify with him. Being cunning is never my cup of tea. May tengri saves me from temptations of greed. But, on the other hand, I always had 杨康 in my mind. Trying to employ cunning all the time. 一念一天堂,一念一地狱 ... Sigh ...

30 full years have passed me by ...

Do join me to watch the show in its former glory ...

Saturday, 16 November 2013

b.xox - The White Snub

The last part is here:   Matters fo the Heart

Sigh ... So many things happened over the past one year.
Same pen, different llama.
I asked the grand white chieftain for a piece of land. She replied how big do I want it? I replied in the humility. She snubbed me by saying the smallest they have for a horse ranch is 2,000 acres. Did I mention that I wish to keep horses? Sigh ... I only want to exact my dream a year ago for a llama farm. She then waved me on.

The beautiful thing is that the chieftains only want to maintain their stranglehold on their agricultural land. But, what can they do now against the yellowskin invasion and for how long? Farmers are now suffering from poor conditions and prices. Traditionally, the farmers are the worst treated ones amongst their kinship.

The grand chieftain has forgotten that I, the yellowskin, is not without help. My yellowskin partner-in-crime is a historian and a damn good one. He argued that about a hundred years ago, the whites were told to buy land at $5.00 per acre. Now the same land is worth about 85 times the original purchase price, making an internal rate of return to be 4.5%, i.e., if you buy a land and as long as it appreciates at say, 4.5% per year, you have no issue in buying it at a later date. You will still gain the same return. Therefore, put investment into businesses that give a better rate than 4.5%. You will accelerate against the growth rate of land prices. Buying the land later if you are a poor bastard. If not, buy as soon as possible, using cash.

I smiled.

She didn't know that another grand chieftain has loved me deep deep.

I love the challenge.

b.Strategy - Strangeness in White Land

The last part is here:   Strategy - How to survive in White Land

I have heard guys around me complaining non-stopped about how strange white land is.

Always remember traditions were built over thousands of years. The white land is tens of thousands of miles from our ex-home town. When one travels from one place to another, things are different. Language are different. Habits are different. People are different. Do not at any one time impose our knowledge and habits on them. We will fail.

But, if we try to assimilate into their culture and customs. We would be at least 10 thousand years' too late. So please don't bother. Instead be humble, acknowledge their leaderships. Don't fight them. But, deep down don't ever assimilate. There is no use.

When you get home. Play your own music. Play your own songs. Watch your own movies. Eat your own food. Speak your own language. Build a very, very strong core. Cry if you must. But, don't despair.

There are many strangeness in the white land. First and foremost, they don't work. They depend only on government's subsistence payments. Second, they are very proud about their way of life. They don't like to change. They rent and  live in paper houses and proudly claimed that they are rich. Amazing. Many locals can't even afford to travel, not even across provinces.

They use stupid things like water tank heaters for their hot water supply, without thinking that these heaters are very expensive to maintain. With the yellowskins squeezing their house sizes. They will feel the pain within one generation.

Other things that are strange are they like to gamble at their toto shops, fruit machines. I saw thousands of dollars changed hands at the casinos. I saw their distress. They smoked weed all the time. They humped all sorts of gals. I saw their loss of will. Every day, they will look towards getting money from the government. They will stop work the moment they feel that the government is going to pay them free money. They talked non-stopped about weather and how their cats do somersaults. They dealt with non-ambition. Only immigrants have ambitions. Only immigrants will quarrel non-stopped. When the guys are in need of power, they will fight in their pubs.

Very strange, indeed.

When I speak to them about ambition, they will look strangely at me and express strangeness, as if their world don't need ambition.

More strange is that they are excited about holding down 2 part-time jobs and yet never bother about holding down a good full-time job. They will sleep till the sun-set.

They will play hide-and-seek in the cinemas after the show times till wee mornings and use their cinema screens to play xbox. To them, this is already their top-of-the-range entertainment. No doubt about it to a certain extent. But, these people owned no houses, no cars, no papers, no assets, no cash, but, maximum pride.

Sigh ... strange white land ... Let's enjoy the building power of the yellowskins.

Friday, 15 November 2013

p.Show - 射雕英雄传 1983

The last part is here:   Show - 天龍八部之六脈神劍 1982 

The show is here:   射雕英雄传83版 粤语

The actors were 黄日华,翁美玲,苗侨伟,杨盼盼. A beautiful combination. This is a very, very good show. Never stopped watching every 10 years. Another journey opens ...

Plenty of chance to cry.
满江红 - 罗文
怒髮衝冠 憑欄處 瀟瀟雨歇
抬望眼 仰天長嘯 壯懷激烈
三十功名塵與土 八千里路雲和月
莫等閒 白了少年頭 空悲切
靖康恥 猶未雪 臣子恨 何時滅
駕長車 踏破賀蘭山闕
壯志飢餐胡虜肉 笑談渴飲匈奴血
待從頭 收拾舊山河 朝天闕

To survive, we have to surround ourselves with familiar objects. Don't try to assimilate. You would be disappointed.

On this land, there are so many pinoys. They are locusts to the land. Don't trust any pinoys. The guys and gals are great consters. I have no good fuckens with them.

It may seem slow if we don't integrate with the locals, we would be shunt from their communities. But, what's the use of joining their communities to feel lost. Our direction is to be hard working. You won't learn it right from them. Most of the locals are so used to be lazy that we would end up even more lost. These guys are willing to take on jobs that are always at minimum wages. They talked non-stopped about the weather. But, I couldn't. I can't even live just for myself. Such is the difference. We just have to burn a little more to get going faster.

I just received good news that my wares have orders. A very, very small order indeed, but, it was good enough for me. A very honest deal. A very delightful project. I wish all who were involved happy days. This project is very important not only to me, but to all the families involved with the project. If done correctly, this business will feed them and their families for the next thousand years. I am glad to be of good company. First, I would like to thank my partner-in-crime for believing in me that a maverick like me could be controlled and directed towards greatness. My humble thank-you to him. Next, I would like to thank a friend. She single-handedly against all odds fulfilled my bidding. Harshly, at many times. I apologized for my brashness. It was the pressure to see the project through. It was so hard, hard, hard for 4 long years. I hope she forgives me for the bad behaviour. I will do my utmost never to disappoint her. There are many others. You and I know who we all are. A big thank-you. I better don't listed them out. Lol. Otherwise, my infrastructure is as naked as the day.

We must be in business. Fool's stop.

Let's enjoy the show ... I will comment about the show later ...

Thursday, 14 November 2013

b.Exploration - The White Co-operative

The last part is here:   That Straight Narrow Path

學那春蠶吐心絲 自縛繭追隨君背 掏盡我生命 來換你的愛 盡此生都不悔 ...

Every step is difficult. It is so difficult that one must never despair. It is just part of a very difficult path. Once you have gotten through, it is fun to look back and marvel at the feats you have been through. Right now, my path is still so uncertain that I wonder if I could still come out alive.

From the ring of white chieftains, the chieftains I have spoken to were so very fierce. They were so proud that they refused to even talk to me. They mentioned they were governed by a white chieftain co-operative. Every sizable farm business had to join this cartel. They would produce and sell everything to this cartel. The cartel would set the price at the beginning of each year. In the event of over-supply, the cartel would dump the external market. These producers would be paid in 4 installments, spread over the whole fucking year ahead. On top of that, a part of their receivables was made to buy shares in the co-operative and cannot be paid till the producers are 70 years of age. Sounded like a fucking con job from another fucken little island.

The most draconic measure was that if any of the chieftains were to under-produce what they produced last year or failed to deliver on time. Their membership to the co-op would be terminated immediately. Their wares would be sold in the open market as bulk.

So when I said I am a buyer of their wares, their faces changed from white to red. They were embarrassed by my brashness. How can a small fart with a small budget be talking to them the farmers. Out of curiosity, they asked me for my volume, I told them a very modest figure, but mentioned that I would pay cash for the wares. They started to chide me for being such a small fart. I smiled. If a rich cattle farmer needs to talk to me to buy his heifers, I can't be that bad, after all I was the only yellowskin in the whole ring of camp fire. No pinoys, no shitskins, no yellowskins.

I then inquired if I could sneak some wares off them on the quiet. They then replied in a very straight face. They couldn't. I smiled. Whites are so easy to handle.

In conclusion, they finally asked me what happen if they deliver in quantity less than what I have asked. I then replied in agreement that I will source my short-fall from other farmers. They then heaved a sign of relief. My power as a buyer was felt to the fullest by now. If I commit the quantity to them, they can be rest assured that I will honour the purchase as their supplies formed only a part of my ingredients every year.

Cartel, my foot! See how I use cash to kill the co-op's strangle hold on these chieftains. So sad. I didn't know for all their proudness, they have been too fucken by the government-of-the-day.

Learn to smell behind that facade, their true weakness.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

p.Show - 天龍八部之六脈神劍 1982

The last part is here:   Show - 致我们终将逝去的青春

The show is here:   天龍八部之六脈神劍

Just re-watch the old, old show. So much memories. So much nostalgia. It was almost like yesterday. So gay. So light. So free.
倆忘煙水裡 1982年電視劇《天龍八部之六脈神劍》主題曲)
付上千萬倍 (修改)
作詞:黃沾 作曲:顧家輝
為你生也為你死 未怕苦也全不悔
我此生甘願 呈奉每點愛 系得同心佩
為你歡也為你喜 為你悲也無一點悔
那管百般淚 和著百般愛 誓不忍相背
為得心裡半回蜜 更多更詳盡歌詞
就肯飲千盅苦杯 為得你情與義
願付上千千萬倍 學那春蠶吐心絲 
自縛繭追隨君背 掏盡我生命
來換你的愛 盡此生都不悔

歌词: 关菊英 梁漢銘曲 蕭笙詞
万缕垂杨 柳浪莺鸣 绿野上蝴蝶诉情
盛放红菱 吐艳水上 湖上把鸳鸯订
慢诉静听 伴侣低诉互倾 悦耳动听
尽数湘女是柔情 愿你静听 欢乐声
绰约丰姿相辉映 共舞霓裳 美妙轻盈
月下双双倩影 互爱定情 结下关睢咏

《天龍八部之虛竹傳奇》插曲 情愛幾多哀 1982 關正傑
作詞:黃沾 作曲:顧嘉輝
情和愛 幾多哀  幾度痛苦無奈 無窮怨 幾多冤
幾許悽然期待 情和愛 幾多災  幾度要將人害 迷茫網
一張開  要你蹈進孽海 幾多次枉癡心  換了幾多傷害來
衝不過 千般障礙  剩得斷腸感慨 明明知 愛有害 
可是我偏也期待  但求得 她一笑 彷佛抵上萬次災 
幾多次枉癡心  換了幾多傷害來 衝不過 千般障礙 
剩得斷腸感慨  明明知 愛有害 可是我偏也期待 
但求得 她一笑  彷佛抵萬次災 爲換到 她的愛  甘心衝進恨海

Every time I look at things. There is always many losses. 學那春蠶吐心絲 自縛繭追隨君背 ... I wondered how many can do this for their loved one ... I never had hope for 我的传奇 ... but, deep down, don't we all had hoped. How enthralling ...I would one day bring 湘女 to go punting ...

Lets' enjoy the show ...

b.Exploration - Livestocks

The last part is here:   Happiness - A blessed Christmas 2012

It has almost been a year since I left the last chieftains' meeting. Now I am back, it felt so familiar and yet strange. Familiar in that I am now talking to them again. Strange in that a kind white once told me if I have not been in farming for 3 generations, I can't talk to them. Farming is a sacred operation reserved for their whites.

My land power is weak compared to them. But, strangely i felt they were weak too. The farmer who used to own 2000 acres talked to me about a joint venture. He now has only 500 acres. A far cry from his hay days. He wanted me to invest in some of his heifers. A heifer costs about $3,000 and lives 20 years. Over a little year to go, she would give birth to a calf. If the calf was good stuff, the calf could fetch a couple of thousands, else the calf would be worth only $1,000 for meat. I would minimum get back half of the collection. He would supply the land, care and feed. Quite an interesting proposition.

But, he has forgotten that I am a yellowskin. A yellowskin is very cunning. For an investment of $3,000 per pop and get back only $500 per year is too slow for me. I then ask him what happen if the cow dies? He said this is the risk I must take. I smiled and suggested that we must meet in the future at his farm. He proudly declared his farm as extremely valuable. I should consider hard. I smiled again as I don't wish to shock him with my land power. This depression indeed has bitten him badly. My thousands would perhaps be able to start a splash every time.

The whites are stuck in that they have very bad access to the world export market. They were controlled by the co-operatives that run the white land. Sounds familiar? I will discuss this in the next essay. Right now, I need to prepare for the chieftains' ring meeting. My power is proving to be strong in the force. In fact, I was surprised by the new turn-of-event.

Monday, 11 November 2013

p.Strategy - How to survive in White Land

The last part is here:   绝情

Tomorrow is an important day for me. I am going to the white chieftains to buy their wares. It is going to be a very hard bargain ahead. How easy and difficult I not yet know. But, I should be able to feel their strengths soon enough.

Playing in the white land is really tough if you just simply think about it. You don't know any one. They don't care about giving you jobs. They just want to make you do menial tasks that they themselves shunt. They don't hang out with you. They don't even invite you for coffee, let alone Halloween or Christmas party.

You might have bought them drinks. But, they will never buy back. You were all the time wondering what has gone wrong? Your own yellowskins tried like hell to con you. The shitskins are too many and smell bad even at -50degC.

If you try to engage them, whites or shitskins in the earnest, what you get is only pure disappointment. When you hit that pit-stop, you will simply give up and think about returning to your ex-home country, that fucken little island. When you do that, you are nowhere to survive in that fucken little island ever again. You are now ostracized even by your own fuckens. Sad, isn't it?

Welcome to reality, my friend. This is immigration at its best. To stay is shit, to leave and return to little hole is shit. Then how?

That's why all the gals who happily went ahead with the immigration will happily blog about how happy they were when they landed, but diappeared totally when shit hit their walls. This is the most cruel joke ever.

Sigh ...

Not many people plan ahead. That's why my partner-in-crime always called me a cunning bastard. I have planned way, way ahead of every one else.

There is no way you can survive without support in the white land. You must have a plan. You don't go into the white land and try to get employment and cheat jobs from the white's hands. No whites will employ the yellowskins if they were to be paid the same. If the yellowskins cost way less and do the nobody-want jobs, sure the yellowskin will be able to survive, but to what ends?

Even after working for a decade without any job promotion, what are you going to achieve except to burn your candle of life for free?

Your kids are also nobodies as they only are clever in mathematics in school. They knew nuts about making in-route to white strongholds. The whites will never accept any yellowskins to their inner circles. You are the kids' father, if you yourself can't do it, what makes you think, your young blur-like-fuck kiddos can make it without experience, money, foundation and help from you, the father?

The solution

Enough said about the problem. In fact, there are even more issues. But, sufficed to say that they are indeed serious and real problems to settle.

The way ahead must therefore to stop talking in white language. Stop learning their ways, haven't you learned enough already? You are no longer young and naive. You can't jump as far nor run as fast as younger lads. Listen to yellowskins' music, shows, songs, articles and works. Fill yourself with things that are familiar to you and you alone.  You will feel loads better. With a strong inner sanctum, you will be able to smile.

Then, start exercising your strength. You came from another shit-hole into this new shit-hole. Both need shit to fill their holes. Do that! Fulfill their needs.

This is your strength. Most of the whites I met have not even travel further that 300 km from their own town. They are too poor to spend. They were so excited when I said I would treat them to a Christmas meal. They jumped up and immediately booked the restaurant in town for our meal. Of course, I am using money to buy affection. Let's not hope that they will treat me back in return. As far as I am concerned, I am only paying for the arm-candy for that Christmas meal. Even if I were to engage a social escort, it would also cost me money lah. So don't stingy-ch over such a small sum. Now these same people will guard my car when I leave for home. Keep my house in order. Check my mails. Don't you think I have gained even more? How often do you see a bunch of whites dinning happily with a single yellowskin, with the yellowskin laughing the loudest?

When you made it, you too will employ only the yellowskins as employees. They will sing yellowskin's songs, act on stage and cook your favourite yellowskin's meal.

You just have to dream big ... of course, must be correctly too ...