The last part is here:
Land - The Waterfall
In yellowskin's land, the land are classified in the following versions:
"三通一平" (通水、通电、通路、平整土地)、
"五通一平" (通水、通电、通路、通气、通讯、平整土地)、
Water 通水
If you have a stream or lake or waterfall within your compound, you are free to suck these water for your own use. But, the
surface water is normally not as clean. You will probably need to filter and soften-treat it. Sometimes, the water is salted too. Digging a well is a much better choice for a water resource. The underground water is a lot cleaner and requires less filtration and treatment. Digging wells interestingly is not as complicated an affair. You just need to get a few quotes and normally, they are relatively cheap to do. Hence, if you buy a piece of land that has no ready water resource, it is never a serious deal-breaker.
The bare land cost after accounting for water well digging is still way cheaper than those land that already have wells or town water and a fairly good chance you don't even need to pay for its use,
i.e., free water. If you are in luck, you might can even hope for a hot spring in your area.
Power 通电
This requirement might be a deal-breaker if you seriously want to stay in it. One possibly option is to stay nearby in a small town and travel daily to the land for your needs. Most applications such as digging or working can be solved using diesel tanks. Without power, the lifestyle is greatly limited. Owners exact very high price for this requirement. The land cost without power and land cost with power on its curb side is almost double or triple.
Some yellowskins solved this requirement by starting a power farm by providing solar panels on his own land. These power generators can then provide power to surrounding grid. But, this cunning-ness is not clever enough for most use.
If power is so important, buy a small diesel generator. It can supply enough power for most uses. The diesel tanks are refilled on a fixed period from existing truckers.
The worst option is to pull the power lines to your land. Just pay lor.
Gas 通天燃气或煤气
This requirement is totally not critical if the power requirement is handled. Heating using natural gas and using electrical power only cause marginal cost differentials. Using gas requires venting. Else, if breathe in too much carbon monoxide over a long extended period will cause massive brain damage. Hence, gas requirement is normally not critical, hence, never consider a deal-breaker.
Heat 通暖气
In established industries, they even have area-wide supply of stream as an option. But, this is hardly a requirement, if the power option is already addressed.
Sewerage 排水
This is also not a deal-breaker. Common portable sewerage treatment plant is available by just buy and put in place. The usage is for 10 years and renewable by removing the shit. The cost is also not extensive. You just have to buy and put.
Internet 通讯
Surprisingly, this requires power. So you must first settle the power requirement. Else, you can only rely on your mobile cell phone. There is always another option - an expensive option - connect through satellite internet or raise a tall tower for line-of-sight connection. OR work without internet at the land and use internet only after you return to your small town to sleep. As long as you don't watch movies, you can still skype with little problem.
Road 通路
If your land is large enough, it is not unusual for roads to have reach the land curb side. Just wait long enough, you will get your power requirement by the wire. But, if your land is in say, Malaysia, you might encounter some problem in access. Freehold land prices in Malaysia is still quite reasonable. So buy cautiously, with patience, you can get them at about RM$2,000-5,000 per acre. This is not a deal-breaker.
Post 通邮
This is a rather inconvenient option. It is not unusual for postal service to refuse sending snail mails to your land. You will need to rent a post box in a small town to receive your snail mails. This is not a deal-breaker.
Land 平整土地
This is just a treatment issue. If you want it to be a farm land, you will need to pay for the levelling. If not, you just have to bear with the landscape. Prepared land and unprepared land is 100% difference in prices. This is not a deal-breaker.
Just go and buy a cheap second-hand mobile home (very cheap anyway) and move it to the land. This is a simple plug-and-play. This is not a deal-breaker.
Only that fucken little island has zoning. It is easy in most places to change the zone,
i.e., the land use type.
To sum, only power is the only tricky requirement. Play with it long enough. You will find a way out.
When buying land, do consider the above issues, the key guiding principle is not to be overwhelmed by these factors. Every factor can be resolved using money. The question is always about balance. Buy anything within the city/major town limits, you will get everything, but the price you pay would be surprising too high. It can't be that these land owners are going to give you a nice break. Not a chance in the century. They make sure they punish you for being lazy.