Saturday, 18 October 2014


The last part is here:   Show - 兰陵王

It is so excellent. Yellowskins from the big island are so good. Of all her inadequacies, she has developed a true democracy. This show is so well done that although its story line is weak but very enjoyable to watch. It allows poor bastards like me to escape from the rigours of life, even if it is just for a brief moment.

True democracy allows true creativity. I wish the big island well.

I guess some people don't mind having blood in their hands and still always able to sleep well at night. To this, I hope that karma will find its true way.

Now people from the larger island are busy fighting their evil empire. I wish them well too. Blood has already spit. I just hope that freedom would not exact too high a price.

Although I had been moaning for the loss of my medium project, as long as I have not lost capital, I still have a chance.

Tengri is a fair guy. He will look after those who are fair and hard-working.

A friend of mine suggested that instead of keeping toy chicken, I should keep this:
  She is definitely evil. An evil mind for business.

I am not sad. Just feel that life is easier if there is someone to share it with.

Friday, 17 October 2014

b.Ouch! I Lost a Medium Project

The last part is here:   A Chicken Farm is Born

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I just lost a nice medium project.

By going for the cheapo chicken farm, I had lost the opportunity to grab this medium sized project.

Moan ...

This cheapo chicken farm is so small as compared to this medium sized project.

I guessed I wasn't really thinking hard enough. I let my guards down.

This 18 November is a big day. I am engaged in a battle royal for a huge project. Let's hope that my army is in position to siege the city. Another important factor is this November is still too early for winter. I truly needed the wintry cover.

I hope my sacrifice for this medium sized is worth it.

I shan't speak too much details else tengri is angry. In life, I think I have lost too much, but I am very poor and all of these projects are almost always beyond my humble means.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

b.A Chicken Farm is Born

The last part is here:   Japan Is In Recession Again

Tra la la la la la ... Finally can celebrate a little.

Converting from big head projects to small head projects. Immediately, I received success. Kekeke ... I bidded 3 times the reserved price. All the small fishes went into hiding. They all avoided me as they worried that I might even bid 4 times the reserved price or I just freeze and let them have the small head project at 4 times the reserved price. Their expressions were gold. Their confusion and their angst in their loss fueled their pain. They now learned that I was no kind soul but a medium-sized bully.

People queued up to buy iPhone 6. I queued up to buy chickens. Unlimited supply of chickens. Now that I can keep lots of chickens, I wonder if they also let me go for the next small head project - keeping dogs.

Although I was blessed in small head projects, I am still interested in having a big head project and show my Jones that I have arrived. Fuck! Fucken characteristics at work.

The most natural question is that why did I pay so much for such a small head project? At low price quantum, the barrier of entry is extreme low. Every adventurer would have to pay cash to have a quick go at these projects. Therefore, there is a certain level of irrationality. Adventurers compete with each other and have an unnatural sense of achievement when any one of them won the final bid. These achievements are hollow.

I quote a current worked example:   An adventurer once bidded for a chicken farm and won with a 2 times reserved price. He was so happy and proud and even jided me on his victory march out. Months later, rumour had it that he didn't have the capital to buy cages and equipments to start his chicken farm. To date, his chicken farm remained a piped dream. It is only a matter of time that the license plus land would be revoked and resold again in the open market. That's when I shall return and have some more fun with it. You see:   James Sassoon once said it is better to lose opportunity than capital. Only blur fucks are happy for such a hollow victory march. The issue at hand is if you don't have sufficient cash to play the game through, the chicken farm would never yield a single cent of income. Indeed, it is a 100% return or 0% income perpetual shit-hole. Therefore, no matter how small or big is the project, generating cash-flow income is key to success in investment.

Then why should I have paid 3 times just to get at it. You are quite right to assume that I was out of my mind. I was frustrated for the better of one full year. I was without success I needed a successful bid to 冲冲喜. So yes. The bid was irrational but good as it rebuild the team's morale which money cannot buy.

All chicken farms are different. Some have super under-priced and some have totally overpriced reserved prices. I happened to gun for the super under-priced ones. But at 3 times the reserved price, you need an iron nerve to either blink or not blink. Remembering always your worst enemy is another human. In fact, none of the bidders knew that I was thinking of setting up a toy chicken farm which does not bother to turn in any revenue. So they can't really test my fathoms.

The true battle is about to begin ...

Winter is round the corner. Leaves are now falling like nobody's business. In some nights, there were even frost on the window sills.

I have contacted some banks and they were happy to give me an advance on all my assets. But, I am not going to take that route. All my life, I have been played time and again by the fucking banks. I intend to play it totally safe. If I can't get a loan on the strength of my purchased property, I have no intention of buying it. Further, in winter, the sellers might even give me a repayment period in return for a good lump sum upfront. They are desperate to sell to finance their ongoing lifestyle. After all, they were once the immortals that walk this earth. Now they are old and fragile, they needed that assurance that they still can walk independently without help. Well, their gambling sons are definitely not helping. 

Interesting things do happen now and then. The chicken farm I just bidded successfully was in fact one of the 10 chicken farms in the area. This farm is currently the most juicy amongst them. All the chicken farms belong to a single owner. That's when the fun begins. The owner doesn't know that I happened to be a good chicken farmer. In fact, I hope to buy the other nine farms off him and make it into a big dog farm.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

b.Japan In Recession Again

The last part is here:   Philosophy - The Highest Form of Thinking

Japan has fallen victim to the Keynesian scam 

Michael Pento, president of Pento Portfolio Strategies Japan saw its economy shrink at an alarming 6.8 percent annualized rate in the second quarter, proving its greatest national disaster, Abenomics, has failed and the Japanese economy has fallen victim to the scam called Keynesian economics. (Defined as the belief that a country can tax, spend, devalue and inflate its way to prosperity.)

Since the popping of the BOJ-induced bubble in 1989, Japan has been the most faithful adherent of Keynesian principals. At the onset of the crisis, they immediately began on their misguided path with large doses of deficit spending. Instead of allowing the economy to rid itself of bad investments and heal, they continued to prop-up failed business models — creating Zombie banks and an equally Zombie-like economy.

As one lost decade turned into two, in the year 2000, they coupled their fruitless spending efforts with massive amounts of money printing. And despite two decades of low growth, the nation stubbornly held on to the popular Keynesian excuse of "if only" … If only our stimulus was larger, if only we weakened our currency more, if only we kept interest rates lower for longer; economic nirvana would be achieved. Keynesians love to use this counterfactual argument because they believe it cannot be proven wrong — that is until now!

In 2012, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had a master plan to pull the world's third-biggest economy out of its stagnation. His plan was to deploy, in massive and unprecedented fashion, the strategies of central bank credit creation, currency destruction and debt accumulation. The Japanese doubled down on the great Keynesian experiment, as if Paul Krugman himself was running the economy, they placed the economy on Keynesian steroids. Now, we are beginning to see what an economy looks like when the Keynesian playbook is utilized to its fullest extent.

With a first-half economic contraction in the books, many economists are now warning that Japan is poised for yet another recession. Back In June, I warned the reported 6.1-percent GDP growth in the first quarter would prove to be temporary because businesses front-loaded capital spending in a move to avoid April's well-anticipated and substantial increase in the consumption tax from 5 percent to 8 percent. And because of the asinine belief that growth comes from inflation, Japan's lethargic economy — whose inactivity had previously been blamed on falling prices — slowed dramatically right after prices went up.

Household consumption plummeted at an annualized pace of 19.2 percent from the previous quarter, while private investment sank 9.7 percent. And because of the Japanese battle against deflation, real wages dropped 3.8 percent year on year in May. Those mismanaging the Japanese economy believe consumption will surge if they can achieve a substantial increase in the CPI. The misguided logic being the Japanese consumer will only spend if they are running in perpetual fear of rising prices.

One of the cornerstones of Abenomics was destroying your currency with the hopes of boosting exports. Ironically, last week the central bank warned over a worsening export and factory output picture. In fact, June showed the worst trade deficit ever in Japan, and a 57 percent rise in the trade deficit for the first half of the year.

And today with a near 250 percent debt-to-GDP ratio, it's difficult to argue Japan didn't engage in enough deficit spending. Over the past three years, interest rates on the JGB 10-year note went from 1.5 percent to 0.52 percent. Under its own brand of quantitative easing policy put in place last April, the Bank of Japan now buys 70 percent of all new government bonds issued in markets, as well as other more risky assets. With the JGB market on virtual life support courtesy of the BOJ, it is impossible to argue rates aren't low enough or that the BOJ hasn't monetized enough. They spent, they printed, they taxed; but the Japanese economy is out of gas, and the Keynesians who own this plan are now out of excuses.

The truth is Japan is a perfect example to the counterfactual argument that anemic U.S. growth is the result of a Keynesian plan that was launched half-heartedly.

The United States should heed Japan's economic woes as a warning sign, and a reason to change course while we still have a chance. With U.S. debt-to-GDP at 105 percent and household debt at over 80 percent, the aggregate amount of our nation's debt is at an all-time high. But unlike Japan we have the overwhelming privilege and responsibility of holding the world's reserve currency.

Obliging other nations to trade and hold U.S. dollars is not written anywhere. These nations have, for the time being, decided to maintain a holding that is equal to 50 percent of our publicly traded Treasury debt. Losing their confidence in our credit and currency would be devastating to our economy. Japan has no such worries about keeping foreign investors happy because they finance 90 percent of their debt internally.

We have become a country that habitually over-consumes and under-produces. Debt levels have skyrocketed while our demographic and labor force participation conditions are quickly approaching critical mass.

We have to abandon these failed Keynesian policies while there is still time. We must boost our employment-to-population ratio, deregulate the economy, simplify the tax code, balance the budget, cut expenditures, end the Federal Reserve's runaway printing press and allow the free market to set interest rates and asset prices. Only by doing this do we stand a chance of not falling further into Japan's stagflationary nightmare. But if we persist in following the Keynesian counterfactual, our fate will be worse than that of Japan, as the deluge of debt being dumped by our foreign creditors causes the dollar to be dethroned, interest rates to soar and inflation to skyrocket.

My Comment:
Japan recorded a Government Debt to GDP of 227.20 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2013. Government Debt To GDP in Japan averaged 118.66 Percent from 1980 until 2013, reaching an all time high of 227.20 Percent in 2013 and a record low of 50.60 Percent in 1980. 

Japan like it or not is not going to come out of this ruins. The coloured paper printing press would never stop. There is no discipline.

Before I continued ...

My BIG Apology
Recently I have engaged in a big head project. In the end, I got nothing going. Although I didn't lose any capital, I wasted very valuable time. I wasted other people's time. I lost a good 1 year worth of time. She reminded me that all things beautiful must be small. Small things are beautiful because they are absolutely manageable.

In such an inflationary environment, bubbles are everywhere. Therefore, I cannot engage in bubbly projects. I am facing uncles and aunties that have just sold their restaurants and lands. I cannot engage them head-on thinking that I have ample resource. But, no. I don't. They have far deeper pockets. They smile all the time. I lost in all 20-30 deals in the year. Fuck them! They outwitted me in every single turn. They can't read English and they can't speak English and yet, they outwitted me in English. What an insult! I am humbled by the experience.

Now, my acquaintance retold a story about how small things can be a beauty. Suddenly, I felt the correct answer. I have been wrong all this year. By going for tiny projects, I am a relatively big fish in a small pond. I am a big fish in their eyes. With that, I can call the shots. The smaller fishes will move aside whenever I am in town. Nice feeling for a change. That way, I can shift my weight around and they would avoid direct contact.

She is truly intelligent. Fuck! I feel age is catching me up good.

All this idea about having a big head project is to show-off to the Jones that I have arrived. But, big head projects always carry a price called big risk. Now I have decided that there is no need to show-off to the Jones. I am already home. I must be comfortable in my own skin. That characteristics of a fucken is still too ingrained in me. Just a fucking disgusting characteristics to have.

Monday, 6 October 2014


The last part is here:   Red Sorghum Wine

From what I observed no matter how much education one gets, it would never change the 劣根性 of chinaman.

Why do I say so?

I noticed some students who were educated in the west; when they returned, they were amazingly eloquent and very smooth at getting to where they wanted to reach. Once they have reached those places, they became very arrogant and unfeeling towards other "lesser" beings' plights. What grow them such arrogance? God knows. Most of the early immigrants were labourers and menial workers. They all came from very humble beginnings, but, when the next generations came and stepped on their daddies' shoulders to reach new horizon, they totally forget that they were once from very humble beginnings. If not for their forebears' hard work, they wouldn't have reached what they have. Let alone, a rich meal on the plate.

This is not a plea for their change of superiority. The sight of them disgusts me totally.

But, one thing I truly enjoyed is that they like to buy very expensive dwellings to show their purchasing power. They all went into millions. Beautiful. They have to por lumpar all the way. The moment they stopped. Their income stopped. They would be dead. What a beautiful methodology. They all lived under constant stress and worry that they might be discovered as fake supporters of the white fucken regime, i.e., they must never be discovered as fakeys. LOL. So they would cry on national TV like our dear leader North Koreans. Even if they die their own father, die their own mother also not as sad as their dear leader illy dies.

Their commitment to the banks is so heavy that they have no choice but to fail.

Recessions or financial crises will come every 5 or 10 or 15 or 20 or 25 or 30 years. Each cycle more severe than the next. I love it deep deep because most of their loan periods are in the 30 years. If the 5-year cycle don't fuck you, the 10-year would. If the 10-year cycle don't fuck you, the 15-year would. If the 15-year cycle don't fuck you, the 20-year would. If the 20-year cycle don't fuck you, the 25-year would. If the 25-year cycle don't fuck you, the 30-year would. I am merely watching an extended serials.

Another thing I noticed - Anger. Some of them were so angry that I am not interested in joining their meals. They couldn't show off to me that they have arrived to places that were way better than mine. I was sad. I was just a mouse. I was a no-body. There was no need to compare. Yet, there were no true friendship. I am not a Jones. 劣根性?

My time to return is nigh. I would be burning away some of my candle to warm one or few people. I know I am just a poor fucker. But, I still have 40 years to go. If I finally managed to start this year, I just hope that I am not so late. I would never live my life in vain.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

b.New Property Game?

The last part is here:   Grotesque Printing of Fiat Money


Interesting. During my dad's era, saving is the way to go. During my era, I did save but not as much as my dad. My money came mostly from speculations.

Now with grotesque printing of fiat money, a new strategy has to be found to protect our hard-earned money.

Quantitative easing (QE) is an unconventional monetary policy used by central banks to stimulate the economy when standard monetary policy has become ineffective.

Quantitative easing can be used to help ensure that inflation does not fall below target. Risks include the policy being more effective than intended in acting against deflation (leading to higher inflation in the longer term, due to increased money supply), or not being effective enough if banks do not lend out the additional reserves. According to the International Monetary Fund and various economists, quantitative easing undertaken since the global financial crisis of 2007–08 has mitigated some of the adverse effects of the crisis. Financial experts have criticized the programs for exacerbating wealth inequality, a finding confirmed by the Bank of England.

In simple words, it means printing money all the way. It is new concept as it was only put truly in place in 2008. The result is the number of coloured papers increases every year chasing after a fixed number of real assets. The result is hyper-inflation. Meantime, the wages of plebeians are kept low. The owners of real assets get ultra-rich as a consequence.

I know because all my white farms have gone up 3 times the prices I bought. Even garbage like an old useless church is now going for 3-4 times its original worth. All my paper houses are now worth even more. All these in less than 2 years of work. The plebeians did not even receive a penny increase in wage.

Therefore, in the era of grotesque printing of money, the true answer lies in the ownership of real assets.

Just look at the REITs in that fuckened little island, the REITs don't care whether the shops can be rented or not. They just raise the rentals every damn year. There will always be stupid takers, thinking that they can become the next 12 cupcakes. They sure did. They are now buried alive under a mountain of debts. Soon the daddies would have to sell off their teachers' estate terrace houses to repay.

To cut the chase,  the following results:
  • Cannot Save - You cannot save fast enough to buy real assets cash. You can only buy a small one quickly and trade it upwards.
  • Bank Borrowing - I know this is dangerous. But, you may not have a choice but to dance with the devil for your first property.
  • Trading Upwards - By not increasing any GEARING, you must learn to trade upwards, i.e., liquidate one and buy two.
  • Small Size - Buy small sized properties only. This will reduce predatory aggressive from neighbouring players. Please don't appear to be a big fish.
  • Rental Income - Rental income is important. Forget about capital growth, it will take care of itself when the time is right. It will behave like a swinging pendulum. It will be right soon enough.
  • Never Remortgage - This killed me the last time. Enough said.

Another worked example:  The legend Retold 10 years ago bought into an apartment that can house 8 families. The apartment block sits on a small piece of land. It was cheap and very great for rentals. The whites love to rent. Over the years, because it was made of paper, the repair cost was terrible. Quite frequently, his rentals were used to cover repairs. Now, 10 years later, he tries to sell it. There are no good takers and the capital appreciation is bad. So although the idea of investing in real estate was good, but poorly executed. He has lost a decade of capital appreciation.