Some learning from the web (Wikihow):
American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) is still found with some effort throughout most of the Eastern United States, but improper harvesting, urban and suburban sprawl, along with expanded agriculture and the resultant loss of habitat has caused wild ginseng to be completely extirpated, rare or threatened in many of its erstwhile places. Used in herbal medicine for thousands of years, high quality ginseng roots still fetch hundreds of dollars per pound, and patient growers can harvest considerably larger quantities using the "wild-simulated" growing method (known in its most stringent form as the "virtually wild" method). This article teaches you the basics of growing ginseng using this organic method (other methods are available but generally produce ginseng which is far less valuable).
Obtain any necessary permits or licenses to grow and sell ginseng. State regulations on growing ginseng vary, but you will often need special permits or licenses, especially if you are growing for commercial harvest. Research regulations for your area, and contact your local extension service or state agriculture or commerce departments to find out what you need to do to legally grow. You should also look into organic certification well before planting your seeds. The "wild-simulated" method as described here is organic.
Get land in the right place. If you want to grow ginseng using the "wild-simulated" method, you'll need to have land within the plant's natural range. In the U.S. ginseng grows in nearly every state east of or bordering the Mississippi River as well as in Oregon and Washington. Ginseng is not heat-tolerant, so in southern states it is usually found only in mountainous areas.
Select a suitable site. Ginseng grows best in well-shaded sites (especially north- or east-facing slopes) of moist hardwood forests, especially where tulip poplar, maple, beech, hickory, walnut, and, sometimes, oak trees are present. The more mature the forest (with large hardwood trees and a full canopy that shades out most shrubs, briars, etc.), the better, as a thick under story of smaller plants will over shade or out compete ginseng.
- Probably the best way to determine if a site is appropriate is to look for wild ginseng growing there.
- Since wild ginseng is so rare, you can also get some idea of suitability if "companion plants" such as trillium (Trillium s.p.p.), cohosh (Caulophyllum thalactroides-blue, Cimicifuga racemosa-black), jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema atrorubens), wild yam (Dioscorea villosa), goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), and Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum biflorum) are present.
- In addition, be aware that ginseng poachers are a serious problem: be sure to choose a spot that is hidden from public view and not near a hiking trail or roadway.
Fertilize if necessary. If you find a site that is perfect except for its soil chemistry, you may wish to amend the soil in the plot to adjust the pH or increase the quantities of phosphorus or calcium. The "wild-simulated" growing method demands no tilling be done to the soil, so simply apply the fertilizer to the surface of the soil. The soil pH may be raised by adding lime (calcium carbonate), and calcium level can be increased--without altering pH--by the addition of gypsum (calcium sulfate). If you’re trying to grow your plants organically, make sure whatever fertilizer options you choose are consistent with organic growing practices. The best option is not to fertilize at all, and the wide plant spacing recommended in this article may make soil amendments unnecessary even with less than ideal soil chemistry.
Order and pay for stratified ginseng seeds. When a ginseng plant produces seeds in the wild, the seeds do not sprout the following year. Instead, they require a year of stratification, a process in which the seeds lose the flesh of the berries that encase them and gain enough energy to sprout. Most ginseng seeds that you can purchase are stratified already, but "green" seeds are also available, often at half the price. Buy the stratified seeds—you won’t have to wait a year after planting for them to sprout—from a reputable grower, if possible one from your area.
Wait. You'll need to wait about 7-10 years for your plants to mature, but with the right site and a little luck, growing ginseng with the wild-simulated method requires a lot of patience, but almost no maintenance. Periodically check the crop for pest or fungus problems, and have a soil analysis performed every year or two, particularly if you needed to amend the soil to begin with. Other than that, just let the plants grow as they would in nature. They will compete with other plants, and many will probably die, but the hardships that the "wild" plants endure are what give them their unique character and a price 10 or 20 times higher than cultivated ginseng.
Harvest mature plants. Given how long it takes ginseng to reach maturity, you’ll probably want to harvest your plants as soon as you can, but if you’re not in any hurry you can leave them in the ground for 10, 20, or 100 years and they can continue to grow.
Dig carefully so as not to damage the root.
- Wash and dry the root(s). Briefly soak the roots in a bucket of cool water to remove excess soil. Then place the roots in a single layer on a wood tray (do not touch ginseng with metal) and wash them under a sink faucet or with a hose. Do not scrub them or wash them too vigorously—some of the medicinal chemicals are concentrated in the root hairs, and removal of these hairs will decrease the usefulness and value of the root. Make sure the roots are not touching and let them dry on a wooden rack in a well-ventilated room.
- Once your plants begin to produce fruit, they will naturally reseed the plot each year, so you will have a truly sustainable crop. If you want to ensure a continuous crop, however, you can add seed in the first and second years, when your plants will not likely produce fruit.
- It’s hard waiting 7 years for any return on your investment, so after the first couple years, consider harvesting some of the leaves to make ginseng green tea, which is fetching increasingly high prices in natural foods stores. You can also collect and sell some of the seeds, either stratifying them yourself or selling them "green".
- Order and pay for seeds in the summer to be delivered in the fall. If you wait until fall, quantities will be limited, and you’ll be getting the dregs.
- Proper spacing helps prevent fungus and disease problems. Although you may lose some plants to disease, you won’t likely lose them all as you might if they’re too close together. Companion plants such as goldenseal may also reduce pest and disease problems. If fungus gets out of hand, contact your local extension office for advice before breaking out the fungicide.
- The only pests you’ll have to worry about are deer and digging mammals, such as voles. Normal populations of deer likely won’t significantly damage your crop, but if overpopulation of deer is a problem in your area, consider using guard dogs. Because of the wide spacing in this method, digging mammals generally won’t be much of a problem either, but consider using traps (not poisons) and other organic deterrents if necessary.
- If ginseng seeds are allowed to dry out, they’ll die and be useless. You can verify the viability of a seed by dropping it in a dish of water. If it floats, it’s dry and dead.
- Some farmers completely replace the top soil when planting a new crop. They even don't let the tractor tires contaminate new soil with traces of old soil, so they clean them.
- To ensure survival of the species (and to avoid being fined or imprisoned), always follow your state’s laws regarding the growth and sale of wild-simulated ginseng.
- Growing ginseng has in the past been a good way to save for retirement: you can plant a crop cheaply, and after a decade reap a rich harvest. As long as the price of ginseng stays high (and there is little reason to believe that it won't), growing the plant can still be a viable investment option. However, given the risks inherent with growing any crop, the chance of poaching, and the uncertainty of the market, make sure you have a backup plan.
- Beware cheap seeds. The collection and stratification of seeds is an intensive process that requires extra care. Reputable suppliers will do it right, and you’ll be charged accordingly.
- Exercise caution to prevent poaching. The best defense against poachers is secrecy. Make sure your crop is on your private property, well-hidden and unlikely to be disturbed. Don’t talk about it any more than necessary, and only deal with reputable suppliers and buyers. As plants approach maturity, be especially watchful. Should you catch poachers, try to deter them and have them apprehended by law enforcement officers.
- Be careful when confronting potential poachers, and avoid using force or violence to repel them.
By the end of the nineteenth century, however, the wild root was near extinction in North America due to over-harvesting and the destruction of its natural habitat. At this point, farmers began cultivating the sensitive plant and after numerous failed attempts the first harvests of cultivated ginseng reached the market. From 1880 to1960 the ginseng trade experienced many ups and downs for reasons as diverse as blight and world wars but since the 1960s the trade in American ginseng has grown steadily.
(2) Land is fully allotted for the "wild-simulated" growing method of ginseng. Due to the large size of the land requirement of this method. This may burn 5 years of my time running the first part. Therefore, I have to acquire more assets by end of this year for deer velvet/mink portion. Unfortunately for now, they might be mutually exclusive. A split of this passion business into its respective portions is imminent.
A beautiful day breaks.
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