Wednesday, 31 July 2013

b.xox - Considering Oil Palm Farming

The last part is here:   Farming xox - The Beginning

Today, 4.49 million hectares of land in Malaysia is under oil palm cultivation; producing 17.73 million tonnes of palm oil and 2.13 million tonnes of palm kernel oil. Malaysia is one the largest producers and exporters of palm oil in the world, accounting for 11% of the world’s oils & fats production and 27% of export trade of oils & fats. The industry provides employment to more than half a million people and livelihood to an estimated one million people. (Source:  The Oil Palm Tree from

Oil Palm price per metric tonne is RM2,215. (Source: Daily Palm Oil Prices from
The density is 143 trees per hectare or 58 trees per acre. (Source:    Oil Palm General Information from

Cost per acre of land:   RM30k - 60k per acre. (Source:   Land Prices from

Based on the above fact sheet, assuming that 20m tonnes oil palm is produced in 4.5 mha in Malaysia. That gives 4.44 tonnes per ha (20m/4.5m) or 1.8 tonnes per acre (4.44/2.47). Based on the daily palm oil price of RM2,215, that gives RM3,985 per acre (1.8x2215) or USD1,226 per acre (3985/3.25).

Based on the land price of RM30k-60k in Malaysia, the yield is 13% - 6.6% (3985/30kx100% - 3985/60kx100%). Not so bad for a farm operation, if you have no family to feed and no luxury to spend.Your nose to the grindstone will need 20 years flat out.

But, if the land is purchased based on bank loan, then the farm owner will shit bricks. Based on the loan percentage of 5-7% and maybe 50% down-payment, the cost of borrowing would be 2.5% - 3.5% (5%x50%, 7%x50%), the net percentage yield is reduced to 11.5% - 3.1% (taking the maximum and minimum, 13%-2.5%, 6.6%-3.1%). This is not even considering the running need to employ workers, place fertilizers, do repairs, buy machinery, maintain gals, buy food and go on holidays. Your chance of survival is greatly reduced. You need 40 years flat out. You gamble too much.

So always buy the land free of bank loans. Otherwise, you will shit bricks. Trust me.

Based on these numbers, you would realize the negativity of straight-jacket farming. So how to dance the mating dance of business where you are always 5,000 years too late?

What a teaser ... life is ... 

Hint:   If you must be a farmer,
(1)   Don't be a commoner farmer.
(2)   Find your passion, it can't be just oil palm like every one else.
(3)   Find a farming job that is not so tough going.
(4)   Read the internet and think like hell. Going through Google, don't count.
(5)   What if your farm dies?
(6)   Build a temple where you can hide and meditate.
(7)   You must find time.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

p.Song - 逝去的諾言 (陳慧嫻 1984)

The last part part is here:   The End of a Good Final Chapter

The song is here:   金曲重溫: 陳慧嫻 逝去的諾言 1984 



相識是偶然 無奈愛心頃刻變
你在我 又或是我在你 內心曾許下諾言
誰說有不散筵席 誰說生死不變 

這份愛 讓這份愛被流水一一衝染
此刻共對亦無言 流露我心中淒怨
看著你 我愁懷滿臉 淚水有如灑在面前
我的心怎忍說離別 凝望你輕忽走遠
已別去 是已別去 讓時光洗去悲怨

此刻共對亦無言 流露我心中淒怨
看著你 我愁懷滿臉 淚水有如灑在面前
我的心怎忍說離別 凝望你輕忽走遠
已別去 是已別去 讓時光洗去悲怨

Things are amazing nowadays, it seems like for every bad thing that happened to the past me is now rewarded with each a good thing. I am so fearful now, when will these good things end? When will I have to meet the bad again. When I seek land, they gave me free access. When I seek business, they gave me free channels. I have been given decades of hard life and misery, is this what they call a good turn?

All the shows are here:   笑傲江湖

The song is here:   笑傲江湖 (林青霞)

沧海笑 滔滔两岸潮
苍天笑 纷纷世上潮
江山笑 烟雨遥
苍生笑 不再寂寥

红尘多可笑 痴情最无聊
目空一切也好 此生未了
心却已无所扰 只想换得半世逍遥
醒时对人笑 梦中全忘掉
叹天黑得太早 来生难料
爱恨一笔勾消  对酒当歌我只愿开心到老

*风再冷不想逃 花再美也不想要 
任我飘摇 天越高心越小 
不问因果有多少 独自醉倒
今天哭明天笑 不求有人能明了 
一身骄傲 歌在唱舞在跳
长夜漫漫不觉晓 将快乐寻找

愿那风是我 愿那月是我
柳底飞花是我 对酒当歌
做个洒脱的我 不理世界说我是何
只要做个真我 在笑声里度过
懒管它功或过 对酒当歌
莫计一切因果 风里雨里也快活赏心地过
重做个真的我 回问那假的我
半生为何 眠后醉 醉后眠
眠后再醉又眠 岂求什么
重做个真的我 回望那假的我
笑痴又傻 谁是我 我是谁
无谓理我是谁 更加好过

The cantonese song is here:  只记今朝笑 - 林青霞 (粤语)

滄海一聲笑...... 白雲俏,艷陽照,襯我逍遙調; 自由是我,心裡只記,今朝的歡笑。 開心的感覺,傾心的快樂,今天開了心竅。 落霞如血,紅日如醉,我抱擁奇妙。 浮塵隨浪,只記,今朝的歡笑。 熱情和唱,縱情傲嘯,看透江湖玄妙。 自由來去,不盡逍遙,瀟灑得不得了。 笑面向,滔滔啊,他朝有誰能料? 浮塵隨浪,只記,今朝的歡笑。 開心的感覺,傾心的快樂,今天開了心竅。 【間奏】 滄海一聲笑...... 白雲俏,艷陽照,襯我逍遙調; 自由是我,心裡只記,今朝的歡笑。 瀟灑得不得了...瀟灑得不得了... 瀟灑得不得了...瀟灑得不得了... 

The song is here:   只记今朝笑 (林青霞)

白云飘呀绿水摇 世界多逍遥 自由的风呀 自在的鸟 今朝的欢笑 多么的快乐 多么的美妙 多么的不得了 唱你的歌呀 唱我的调 唱尽世间逍遥 嗯嗯...只记 今朝的欢笑 心在飘呀身在摇 唱我逍遥调 快乐的人唱快乐歌谣 声声都是欢笑 笑看呀滔滔潮 世界好逍遥 浮沉随浪只记 今朝的欢笑 多么的快乐 多么的美妙 多么的不得了 白云飘呀绿水摇 世界多逍遥 自由的风呀 自在的鸟 今朝的欢笑 快乐得不得了 快乐得不得了...... 快乐得不得了 快乐得不得了...... 快乐得不得了 快乐得不得了...... 快乐得不得了 快乐得不得了......

These shows and songs are so amazing. I am truly humbled by its creativity. 我是笑傲江湖。


江湖, 只要有人, 就有恩怨! 有恩怨,就有江湖! 人就是江湖,你怎麼退出!?!

Let's enjoy the shows and songs ...


The last part is here:   Fate is Strange


在人生的旅途中,我们谁都不知道,谁会与谁相遇。那些路过的风景,只是眼前掠过的一道光。转眼,即逝。每一天,在等待与期望中而过,每一天,都与陌生人擦肩而过。我们不断的遇见,彼此的脸庞在那段路上开始捻熟,我们不断的错过,熟悉的脸庞开始遗忘。... 谁不是谁的陌生人?!我又是谁的陌生人呢?



















我们并肩坐在冰凉的台阶上,有风吹过,有爱来过。却最终被我们,一起错过。 原来,时间真的像流水,走得悄无声息。很多时光,很多事情,很多人,永远只能存在记忆里。











p.Show - At Any Price (A farm treat from me)

The last part is here:   Show - 42 (I named it 伯樂)

This show is about a farm. Study the show by watching it repeatedly. You will learn many finer points of life.

A hint:   One of the important points is that you will not make much money by having a small farm. LOL. But, is it true? Think ultra hard. You would be wiser and strong in no time. Then, read 孫子兵法 (始計篇第一) about praying in the temple before war. You need that.

The perennial question is if you are that keen in farming, how do you play this game when you are 5000 years too late? Hard work is not counted. A cow is hard-working too, so are your competition.

Let's enjoy the show ...

p.Show - 42 (I named it 伯樂)

The last part is here:   Show - Assault on Wall Street 

The show is here:   42 - The true American Legend

When a beauty pageant is called, the winner always thanks her 伯樂 , another name for sugar daddy.

传说中,天上管理马匹的神仙叫伯乐。在人间,人们把精于鉴别马匹优劣的人,也称为伯乐。 第一个被称作伯乐的人本名孙阳,他是春秋时代的人。由于他对马的研究非常出色,人们便忘记了他本来的名字,干脆称他为伯乐,延续到现在。


伯樂跑了好几个国家,连素以盛产名马的燕赵一带,都仔细寻访,辛苦倍至,还是没发现中意的良马。一天,伯乐从齐国返回,在路上,看到一匹马拉着盐车,很吃力地在陡坡上行进。马累得呼呼喘气,每迈一步都十分艰难。伯乐对马向来亲近,不由走到跟前。马见伯乐走近,突然昂起头来瞪大眼睛,大声嘶鸣,好像要对伯乐倾诉什么。伯乐立即从声音中判断出,这是一匹难得的骏马。 伯乐对驾车的人说:“这匹马在疆场上驰骋,任何马都比不过它,但用来拉车,它却不如普通的马。你还是把它卖给我吧。”驾车人认为伯乐是个大傻瓜,他觉得这匹马太普通了,拉车没气力,吃得太多,骨瘦如柴,毫不犹豫地同意了。

伯乐牵走千里马,直奔楚国。伯乐牵马来到楚王宫,拍拍马的脖颈说:“我给你找到了好主人。”千里马像明白伯乐的意思,抬起前蹄把地面震得咯咯作响,引颈长嘶,声音洪亮,如大钟石磐,直上云霄。楚王听到马嘶声,走出宫外。伯乐指着马说:“大王,我把千里马给您带来了,请仔细观看。”楚王一见伯乐牵的马瘦得不成样子,认为伯乐愚弄他,有点不高兴,说:“我相信你会看马,才让你买马,可你买的是什么马呀,这马连走路都很困难,能上战场吗?”伯乐说:“这确实是匹千里马,不过拉了一段车,又喂养不精心,所以看起来很瘦。只要精心喂养,不出半个月,一定会恢复体力。”楚王一听,有点将信将疑,便命马夫尽心尽力把马喂好,果然,马变得精壮神骏。楚王跨马扬鞭,但觉两耳生风,喘息的功夫,已跑出百里之外。 后来千里马为楚王驰骋沙场,立下不少功劳。楚王对伯乐更加敬重。

当伯乐年老的时候,他的儿子很想将这项专门技能继承下来,以免失传。于是他把伯乐写的《相马经》读得烂熟。《相马经》上描写千里马的外形是“额头隆起,双眼突出,蹄子好像垒起的酒药饼。”他就依照这一条,拿着经文出去“相马”了。伯乐的儿子把所见到事物的外形和《相马经》上描绘的图形一一对照,结果找到了一只很大的蛤蟆。他兴冲冲地跑回家报告父亲,说:“总算找到好马了,额头和双眼同书上说的差不多,就是蹄子的形状和书上写的有区别。” 伯乐听了,只好哭笑不得地对这个好心而不聪明的独生子说;“你倒是找到了一匹好马,只是它太喜欢跳,你可驾驭不了啊!” 正是,世有伯乐才得千里马。如果千里马没能遇见“伯乐”,终究会被埋没。


I used to train my horses too. They were all gals. I tried guys too. But, the guys were hopeless. They were impatient and unwilling to follow my method of training. Like young lions, they were lazy and liked to take short-cuts. But, most things can't be short-cutted. Naturally, they lost their ways. Initially most of these guys started off by learning to chase skirts from me. I taught them patiently. I told them there was no fool-proof method of getting gals. Every gal is super intelligent. You simply can't fool them to bed. You have to win their hearts. Even for just an ONS, you still need to win her heart for a brief moment too. To win a gal's heart, the fastest way is power. The guy got to show real power. Power unfortunately must come from money. You simply can't talk your way to her pants. So, I decided to teach them first the way of money. They found the way too long and tedious. They just want their pussies. LOL. Naturally, they lost me.

The gals are more foolhardy. They would silently learn from me and repeated the learned trick right in front of me. They performed extremely well for the tasks I assigned. They were patient and fast learners. Naturally, to be frank, they were awed not by my talent but by my money. They simply wanted to jump me, the business owner. What's better than to own the business owner who in turn owned the cash-cow business. These gals were no fools. Of course, I had my good times, I brought them out to sea, laze around the beaches, overseas trips but I seldom jumped them. Gals after jumping are trouble. They would stick to me like glue. I don't care to sex any of them, although some of them were beauty pageant winners. Their personalities sucked. I simply don't wish to enslave myself to bank robbers.

Actually in truth, the reason why I am so generous in teaching is because as a 伯乐, I too have needs. I need trusted lieutenants (千里马) to run my armies. I simply don't have so much time. It is a symbiotic relationship.

I have recently cooled-off my training of 千里马, too much hassle and little rewards. The gals are still very young and pretty though.

Gals are plenty, but how many can be my 千里马。

Let's enjoy the show ...

Monday, 29 July 2013

g.弃我去者,昨日之日不可留。 乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧!

The last part is here:   Fate is Strange

宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云   唐·李白


这首诗是李白于天宝十二年(公元753年)游宣城时所作。在诗中诗人借送别盛赞李云文章如蓬莱幽藏,刚健遒劲,有建安风骨,又以谢朓清新俊逸的诗风自比, 表达了对高洁理想的追求,抒发了自己年华虚度、怀才不遇、理想和抱负不能实现的抑郁苦闷。全诗感情沉郁奔放,波澜迭起,结构腾挪跌宕,语言豪放自然,音律 和谐统一,是李白的代表作之一。




“俱怀逸兴壮思飞,欲上青天揽明月。”我们都具有超群的凌云壮志,满怀着无限的豪情,准备登上高高的青天,去摘取那皎洁的明月。 “抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。



注释: ①宣州:今安徽省宣城县。谢眺楼:南北朝齐代诗人谢朓任宣城太守时,在宣城外陵阳山上所建的一座楼,人称谢眺楼,也称北楼。校书:官名,校书郎的简称。云:李云楼。校书:官名,校书郎的简称。云:李云,李白族叔,官秘书省校书郎。②弃:抛弃。③酣高楼:在谢眺楼上畅饮。④蓬莱文章:东汉朝廷藏书东观,所藏均是经典秘录,故以蓬莱仙山称之。这里代指李云所写的文章。建安:东汉献帝年号(196—214)。建安骨:建安时期,曹操父子、孔融、陈琳等人的诗作,反映了当时动乱时代的社会现实,诗作风格刚健清新,后人称为“建安风骨”。⑤小谢:指谢朓。世称刘宋时代的诗人谢灵运为大谢,称谢朓为小谢。清发:指清新俊逸的诗风。这两句借赞美建安诸子和谢朓,暗喻李云和自己的诗文风格。⑥散发:不戴冠和簪,指自由无拘束。⑦扁舟:小船。弄扁舟,指归隐江湖。

This is a very poisonous poem. If not careful, one can get killed by it. Caused a strong guy to wallow in his own shit. No many guys realized that sentimental feelings are always abound. Gals will screw the guy's up using these sentimental feelings. How many alpha guys were beta-rized by this instrument? Whether a guy is alpha or beta, it is just a temporary state of mind. For a guy to stay alpha, he will feel strong in hunting power, but dry in emotions. For a guy to stay beta, he will feel weak in hunting power, but rich in emotions. For gals, they prefer guys who are alpha all the time, i.e., always able to bring home the bacon. If they can't find it in the current guy, they will screw outside. That's when all hell breaks loose.

At the end of the day, it is always about balance. A simple balance between what's needed to be stable person. I just read a story about a gal who studied in Harvard and got a phD, didn't get married and finally went cuckoo (一生何求,十年后会是怎样。。) (too many of such stories for both guys and gals). She over-spent her time studying so much so that she missed her marrying time, she went crazy after that. She just simply didn't realize that she also needed love to survive. Her genes now of course will be unceremoniously removed from the gene pool. Even if she tried to reach nirvana in intellectual arena, she went cuckoo after that as she simply couldn't take the pressure. It is almost like learning wushu (武术), too much concentration, 入魔; too little, waste time.

If you are learning to do business, take the path that is least trodden by man. It is longer, it is more tedious, but yet, it is also the shortest way.

Just as I am writing, a just-retired baby boomer just wants me to have his piece of land at 50% discount. He is desperate for the deal. But, my crane told me to wait for the winter chills. There is simply no need for haste. The deal is extremely juicy, but my crane is no foolish advisor. She said it is never about the discount rate per deal, she knows this is already the lowest and the best deal in town. Even if I were to buy it during the winter chills, it may not be cheaper then. But, every thing has its own timing, i.e., one cannot over-stretch his muscles, there is always harmony in the movements - The mating dance of Business.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

p.Show - Assault on Wall Street

The last part is here:   Show - 杀戒 

The show is here:   Assault on Wall Street

I have mentioned before, every male that survived till now had once upon a time a general great grandfather. He is now a beta because he has lost his wit, but only temporarily. If you test him, he will be back big time. So don't give him a chance.

Stay within the correct karma. Never anger a male and remove all escape routes from him. You will not kill him but instead, you will force him to fight you with whatever his tools. You will suffer a great force and of course, great losses. If he cares not about his life, you will have a deadly enemy. Never test a desperate guy.

As for good and bad karma, those fucken (old) guys who fed on weak guys will get their comeuppance, don't worry too much about it. They will get it some day, even if it means their second generations. They may wine and dance for all they like, they will get no where. If they are blooded, they will pay back with their own blood.

So stay on that straight and narrow path of honesty and fairness, you will live to fight another day.

Enjoy the show ...

p.Fate is Strange

The last part is here:   一生何求 

Fate works in strange way. I am so sad and expected to wallow deep into my soul to find that answer. There in the horizon, a strange but majestic crane appears right in front of me, telling me to understand that in life, for every ten things, there would always be nine bads and one good. Grit that teeth and survive the nine bads, and when the one thing good that comes along, savour its bitter sweetness and tell yourself life is still worth every moment.

For that, the silver crane bowed before me and gave me a silver feather. In that feather, it showed the words "同甘共苦". How wise!


The crane told me that far across the great mountain range, there is a holy land awaits me. It has yet the waterfall I asked for, but, a beautiful and pure river flows in between. Get that land for this land is destined to be mine. Do it not in the autumn colours, but through the bitter winter chills. I must always be able to remind myself that I come not from riches but humble background. I can only acquire this holy land with bitterness in my stead.

I humbly accepted her offering. The crane asked me, don't forget to breathe.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

p.Song - 一生何求

The last part is here:   人生什么最苦?

一生何求 (陳百強: 一生何求Song)
歌词 曲:王文清 词:潘伟源 编曲:苏德华
竟已 是我的所有 

Sigh ... This song is so poisonous, it has accompanied through many rounds of downs and tribulations. How much burden can I still bear?

The yoke is heavy and the body is weak.

To hunt is always a lonely task. Not every hunter shares the same prey. What's more my preys are so exotic ... All my songs are sang to no one. No one wants to understand the pain involved before the hunt. There is simply too much work. They only want to hear the spoils.

Indeed, I have no audience.    

温兆伦 - 一生何價 (Song)


p.Tree - Cypress 松柏

The last part is here:   Tree - White Oak

Cypress Tree

A blood relation just told me that he likes my idea of a tree. He said he also wanted a tree to be named after him. Since he is richer than me, he is entitled to a taller and bigger tree. He also wanted a pair of the same trees at one location.

He chose the cypress tree as his name has the words "松柏" in it. He will pass me the seeds to start. The trees are expected to be 350 feet tall (about 11 acres in size) and live up to 3500 years. Within the perimeter, he wants only grass or small trees to be planted. Again, if the trees were to die, the seeds will restart another pair. He wants the trees to bring harmony to the family.

Wow ... He really did his research.

Sigh ... naughty boy ... so demanding. I asked him why he choose such a tree? He said he is the alpha and the omega. I humbly respected his words.

b.Passion business IV - Black Périgord Truffles (as a)

The last parts are here:   b.Passion business III - Bird's nest (as a) and b.Passion business II - 冬虫草

Crying is a good business. It allows me to release tension and sadness stored unhealthily in my system. It clears my mind. It focuses my energy. It brings new nourishment to my body. It frees myself from shackles of history. A recent discussion has killed my idea about being a trader in 冬虫草,  the Nepali has expressed that he wants a bigger cut in the business. Sigh ... Such greediness will not go well with my business. I stopped him dead in his track.

Now, I have no choice but to search for cordyceps within my land. If I find it great, else it is still alright. It still falls within the failed business idea within passion business II. Since ginseng farming is my real McCoy for passion business II. I am still on track.

As all my doors are closed for all my lovely fungi, I was sad for a while.

Just yesterday, my cutey white agent just contacted me and she said she has a cheap and nice truffle grove for sale. She said that it fruits black Périgord truffles. I swallowed hard, hard, hard. I can hear my heart beats in my ears. She further suggested that the truffle grove is currently very young, about 2 years old. No yet fruiting. But, the owners are not sure if the truffles will fruit. She said that samples of the root sytem has already been sent to the university for test and confirmed to be the genre of the famous black Périgord truffles. A modest estimate is it can produce about 50 kilograms per acre. Each kilogram is worth wholesale $2,000, that would give about $100,000 per acre per year. Depending on how many acres I crave. She will cut out my share of it. Maintenance is easy and she will buy me a gifted Lagotto Romagnolo dog to hunt truffles. She is such hot darling in sale. She knows I am a cheapo Asian who craves freebies. This bad habit is going to kill me at the end.

Sigh ... She really wants to go for the kill. Just 10 acres will have easily provide sale volume of up to $1m. Really attractive. 

White Truffles

The "white truffle" or "Alba madonna" (Tuber magnatum) comes from Italy, Croatia and France. Growing symbiotically with oak, hazel, poplar and beech and fruiting in autumn, they can reach 12 cm diameter and 500 g, though are usually much smaller. The flesh is pale cream or brown with white marbling. Italian white truffles are very highly esteemed and are the most valuable on the market: The white truffle market in Alba is busiest in the months of October and November when the Fiera del Tartufo (truffle fair) takes place. In 2001, the Tuber magnatum truffles sold for between 1000–2200 USD per pound (2000–4500 USD per kg); as of 2009 they were being sold at 14,203.50 USD per kilogram. Giancarlo Zigante and his dog Diana found one of the largest truffles in the world near Buje, Croatia. The truffle weighed 1.31 kilograms (2 lb 14 oz) and has entered the Guinness Book of Records. The record price paid for a single white truffle was set in 2007, when Macau casino owner Stanley Ho paid 330,000 USD (£165,000) for a specimen weighing 1.5 kilograms (3.3 lb), discovered by Luciano Savini and his dog Rocco. One of the largest truffles found in decades, it was unearthed near Pisa, Italy and sold at an auction held simultaneously in Macau, Hong Kong and Florence. This record was then matched in 2010 when Ho again paid 330,000 USD for a pair of white truffles, including one weighing nearly a kilogram. The Tuber magnatum pico white truffle is found mostly in northern and central Italy, while the Tuber borchii, or whitish truffle, is found in Tuscany, Abruzzo, Romagna, Umbria, the Marche and Molise. Neither of these is as aromatic as those from Piedmont, although those from Città di Castello come quite close.

Black Truffles

The black truffle or black Périgord truffle (Tuber melanosporum), the second-most commercially valuable species, is named after the Périgord region in France and grows with oak and hazelnut trees. Black truffles are harvested in late autumn and winter.


Truffles are the “fruit” of fungi that live in mutually beneficial symbioses with the roots of host trees. The truffle fungus explores the soil for water and mineral nutrients, which it passes along to the tree. In exchange, the tree provides sugars produced through photosynthesis to the fungus. The tree and the fungus depend on one another, but there are many tree species that can serve as hosts for the truffles, and many fungi that can fulfill the same role for the tree. In nature, these fungi compete for space on the host tree’s root system. This competition limits truffle production, and if conditions are poor, other fungi can displace the truffle fungus from the root system.

Truffles grow in association with the roots of European Oak or Hazelnut trees. Although they are fungi (mushrooms) they never poke their heads above ground and so must advertise their presence by their smell, which wafts up from their location, 2 to 10 inches underground. Humans, of course, do not have a strong sense of smell, so dogs are used to locate the truffles. The dogs as well need to go through a multi year training process, hunting sample truffles placed further away as training progresses.


This warrants a new number be given to this new passion business, namely, Passion Business IV.

After every crying, there is always hope. Mother Nature rewards those that are humble and kind. After this deal, I am going to ask the white agent to buzz off. She is sucking me dry.

Project Progress:
(1)   Meetings with the grove owners are scheduled and due diligence would be made.

Friday, 26 July 2013

p.Tree - White Oak

White Oak

I have chosen the white oak tree to be planted in my name. Please keep 150 feet all round from any building (about 2 acres). It should live 500-1000 years.

The exact species is not important as white oak are relative free-fucking. I would have chosen the acorn needed for my tree by my passing on.

When this tree dies, please take one of her daughter acorns and restart another tree else where near to our family most established heritage.

At the foot of the tree, please place a stone plaque engraved with my name.
An old oak tree has always been my tree. To me, it means long life, stability, peace and reliability. I hope this tree will bring good health to all my next generations and provide them with a peace in their fragile hearts. Whenever they feel troubled, come back to this tree; no judgment and no curse would be made. May they rest.

Thursday, 25 July 2013


The last part is here:   The End of Good Final Chapter


首二句“曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云”,是从《孟子·尽心》篇“观于海者难为水,游于圣人之门者难为言”变化而来的。两处用比相近,但《孟子》是明 喻,以“观于海”比喻“游于圣人之门”,喻意显明;而这两句则是暗喻,喻意并不明显。沧海无比深广,因而使别处的水相形见绌。巫山有朝云峰,下临长江,云蒸霞蔚。据宋玉《高唐赋序》说,其云为神女所化,上属于天,下入于渊,茂如松榯,美若娇姬。因而,相形之下,别处的云就黯然失色了。“沧海”、“巫山”, 是世间至大至美的形象,诗人引以为喻,从字面上看是说经历过“沧海”、“巫山”,对别处的水和云就难以看上眼了,实则是用来隐喻他们夫妻之间的感情有如沧海之水和巫山之云,其深广和美好是世间无与伦比的,因而除爱妻之外,再没有能使自己动情的女子了。




笔下凌乱的华丽,会化作谁心上的疼痛?有一天,我们的故事,我也许记起,我也许忘记。而经年之后,我们却已散落天涯,再见无期。 落红无数,如我的文字,能有谁懂?烟雨朦胧,把一切忧伤的、唯美的的故事都折成纸飞机,放飞天空。从此,素白的记忆里,只剩下华丽的骚动。


p.Story - Josef Stalin's Chicken

The last part is here:   Story - Sylvester Stallone

Josef Stalin was a bastard in his days. He was the de facto leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953. His story was one of disgust and lack of humanity. But, his story was not unique. His story was the main basis that this blog is based on. The Animal Farm. 1984. He single-handedly butchered 20 millions of his countrymen. He was the butcher of man. Nothing good could come out of his regime. AND that was only 50-60 years ago. Indeed, greed has great fellowship in man. His heir(s) would be extinguished in time through karma. Just see how cruel he treated his wives, sons and daughter(s).

Stalin's Quotes

“A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.”
"Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem."
“The only real power comes out of a long rifle.”
“It is enough that the people know there was an election. Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
“Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas?”
“Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”
“History has shown there are no invincible armies.”
“It is not heroes that make history, but history that makes heroes.”
“Gratitude is an illness suffered by dogs.”
“I believe in only one thing, the power of human will.”
“This creature (his first wife) softened my heart of stone. She died and with her died my last warm feelings for humanity.”
“You cannot make a revolution with silk gloves.”
“In the Soviet army it takes more courage to retreat than advance.”
“Quantity has a quality all its own.”
“The Pope! How many divisions has he got?”
"The easiest way to gain control of the population is to carry out acts of terror."
"The public "will clamour for such laws if the personal security is threatened.""
"A sincere diplomat is like dry water or wooden iron."
"Everyone imposes his own system as far as his army can reach."
"If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves."
"Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party."
"If any foreign minister begins to defend to the death a "peace conference," you can be sure his government has already placed its orders for new battleships and airplanes."
"I trust no one, not even myself."
"Writers are the engineers of human souls."
"Die, but do not retreat."
"Gaiety is the most outstanding feature of the Soviet Union."

"The rich experience of history teaches that up to now not a single class has voluntarily made way for another class."
"Человечество делится ... which means Mankind is divided into rich and poor, into property owners and exploited; and to abstract oneself from this fundamental division; and from the antagonism between poor and rich means abstracting oneself from fundamental facts.”
“Undoubtedly, our path is not of the easiest; but, just as undoubtedly, we are not to be frightened by difficulties. Paraphrasing from the well-known words of Luther, Russia might say: ‘Here I stand on the frontier between the old, capitalist world and the new, socialist world. Here on this frontier I unite the efforts of the proletarians of the West and of the peasantry of the East in order to shatter the old world. May the god of history be my aid!”

In today's context, how many leaders are guilty of these vile acts. The key problem with them is they have yet known the bitches of karma. All are welcomed to try them.

Stalin's Chicken

In the late summer of 1934 Russia was in the midst of a period of extreme upheaval and change known as the purges. Under the guise of progress and modernization the self promoted leader of the communist party, Josef Stalin, was systematically killing millions of his own people. Those whom he did not kill he left broken and scared, striped of their lands, possessions, food, and freedom.

Few outside of Russia seemed aware or concerned about what he was doing. State news reports at the time touted the dramatic evolution of such a large and backward country into a modern industrial society. The massive government work projects moved mountains and changed the course of rivers, industrial factories began to produce a limitless supply of modern goods, and endless oceans of wheat grew upon the arid farm land of the western step under the direction of authoritative state owned collectives.

Stalin himself was lifted up as the model of a strong leader. Every where he went there where large crowds cheering him as he struck impressive and stoic poses for the media. Numerous events were staged to demonstrate the triumph of communism over poverty, ignorance, and corruption and to portray Stalin as the firm benevolent father.

At one such event a small group of state and visiting western media were gathered to document Stalin as a man of the people. He was to tour a local farm, interact with the workers, and answer questions from the press. All had gone as planned. The farm was perfectly staged for pictures. The workers were hand picked and prepared for their performance. Stalin’s presence was undeniable as he answered every one of the prescribed questions given to the media. Stalin walked casually through the barnyard answering questions and spreading grain to a group of chickens. “Yes, domestic agricultural output has increased by four hundred percent since we nationalized agricultural production.” answered Stalin. “Through the implementation of modern farming methods and state control there is more grain, more cabbage, and more carrots.” He continued, “Even these chickens have increased egg production.” He half joked. The media and his aides nodded and smiled in agreement. Everything was wonderful in Russia. Everyone agreed and that’s all there was to know.

That is until one typically skeptical American journalist dared to ask an unprepared question; an honest and informed question. “Mister Premier,” the journalist said “How long do you think you can keep up this charade?” To which there was no reply.

Stalin just continued spreading grain. The journalist asked again, “What makes you think you can starve and torture and kill your people and they won’t rise up against you?” The local media stood dumbstruck with fear and his aides in a panic attempted to shuffle off the question and the journalist. Stalin motioned for them to stop and for the cameras to be put away.

He then reached down and picked up one of the chickens and held it tight under his arm so it could not move. Stalin then continued in reply to the journalist’s question as calm and as confident as before. He said, “We have more grain because we have nationalized farming and so we can sell the grain for capital in order to build factories to produce the things the people need.” As he spoke he began to rip the feathers off the chickens back in great handfuls. He continued, “The people have need of many things that we are now giving them.” The poor bird squawked and screeched in agony. Stalin’s grasp tightened. His iron grip held the bird firm as he calmly turned to the journalist and spoke. “It is a testament to the ability of man in this modern age that through the state we have overcome the individual weaknesses of greed and selfishness that have kept us from solving our problems.

The journalist could hardly speak. He stared in horror as Stalin savaged the chicken. The bird nearly limp, convulsed slightly as Stalin placed it back on the ground. It staggered clumsily away, unlikely to have been able to process what was just done to it. A feeling of disgust covered over by fear was palpable upon the barnyard. Stalin reached into his pocket for a handful of grain and continued on as before to feed the chickens who flocked around him.

The journalist stammer, “What… Why…?

Stalin continued in response, “We are solving these problems.” Seemingly oblivious to the journalist’s questions. He was remarkably unaffected by his own actions or the journalist’s response to it. He said, “In Russia, as it should be in all the world, from each according to his abilities and too each according to his need.

Stalin, identifying the wounded chicken he had just damaged creeping back toward the edge of the flock to peck at the bits of grain remaining on the ground, reached again into his jacket pocket and pulled out a fresh handful of grain. He knelt down a bit and held out his hand toward the injured animal. The bird looked for a moment, cocked its head to the slide a bit, and then timidly step toward Stalin.

In a moment, it was eating the food right out of the hand that minutes before had torn the feathers right off it’s back. Stalin dropped the remaining grain on the ground stood and turned toward the journalist. "Did that answer your question," he said.

The journalist hesitated, locked in a momentary state of emotional and mental chaos. He responded, “Yes sir, thank you.” as the full impact of the situation became clear in his mind.

The Point:

The point is there is no point. People do things because they can. Both good and bad. This is a difficult concept to understand and even more difficult thing to accept without generally destroying most people’s basic understanding of the world. Our interaction with the world is based on perception and perception is the act of drawing internal conclusions based upon external stimuli.

We take what is on the outside bounce it off of what is on the inside and try to figure out how they relate. This is why people can have widely varied opinions. What is on the inside is never exactly the same. The problem is that most people tend to think that everyone else thinks the same as they do. If you have ever heard the expression, “think out of the box”, this is what that is talking about.

The bigger problem is that in general, we do all think the same or at least in a similar enough manner to get by. As much as we are different we are the same grouped along varied trains of thoughts. There are liberals and conservatives, aggressives and passives, intellectuals and physicals all gravitated together in sub categories within the general human experience.

So when an abnormality presents itself, such as a serial killer, we don’t know how deal with it. They are outside of our general understanding. When confronted with things outside of our individual and general experience we waste precious time trying to explain it in a way that reconciles with our understanding or perception. The result is that when you are confronted with this. The best thing to do is to simply identify the situation and then determine what response is in your best interest. Do not waste time trying to figure out why, you can do that at a later time. Trying to understand often leads to anger, confusion, frustration, and delay. All of which can impair your ability to act or act wisely.

The Lesson to Learn:

Jee’s just re-read the story. The lessons to learn from this story about human nature, business, and social interaction are near endless. OK, here is an example of a lesson about human nature.

This story illustrates both of the far sides of the human experience. Man is corrupt anyone who tells you differently is likely attempting to delude themselves in order to deal with the world in a manner that they can handle. By pretending that the world and people are good and just need a chance to do what is right they feel safer.

But man and the world are neither good nor safe and by recognizing this you can take better actions to protect yourself, those you are responsible for, and your stuff. It is easy to see how Stalin was corrupt always dominating, control, and ruling by fear. The image of him as an aggressor brutalizing the poor weak bird is a caricature of the strong over the weak. This is an obvious example but given the choice, I would choose the obvious evil over the hidden. I can fight it or at least avoid it. You can’t avoid what you can’t see.

Besides the very principle of strong over the weak is the basis of survival and for the non religious reader who denies the Biblical account of the fall and the corrupt (sin) nature of man it is also the basis of the Darwinian model of evolution. Strong over the weak for the purpose of survival via propagation of dominant traits. So don’t get upset when a bum beats the crap out of you in an alley because you think it is wrong to carry a gun.

The less obvious corruption is that on the opposite side of the pool from Stalin, the chicken is just as corrupt. It shows no moral courage, no strength of character taking hand outs and charity. It demonstrates no advanced thought or ingenuity in the pursuit of its subsistence. It puts forth no real defense to the aggression forced upon it and having been abused it does not rise to a higher status of purpose with the knowledge and understanding gained by its experience. It simply comes back for more… it is meat. It is fodder for the energies of those who take action. It is the potential corruption of ---- that lies at the shallow end of the pool.

It is the evil that exists and we don’t see it as evil for pity’s sake. But in being a victim it exists as a temptation to the strong like a glass of whiskey is a temptation to a recovering alcoholic. And what about everything in between these two extremes?

Think of the state media and Stalin’ s handlers, or the farm workers, or even the journalist; all were complacent in the situation and the system. Each singly looked out for themselves in order to get by. Is Stalin any worse then anyone else in this story, well yes, but he is a shark and a shark is a shark and a chicken is a chicken and if a chicken falls into the shark tank can anyone blame the shark for eating it.

Stay away from the tank, if you are a chicken. If you’re not a chicken then take your chances as you see fit but don’t expect us to cry for you if you jump into the tank and end up bloody.

The Short Lesson:

People are bad and will hurt you to get what they want. People are weak and stupid and will keep coming back to harmful situations if they don’t learn.

The Brutal Truth:

There are bad people out there and I mean really bad; evil. There are a lot more of them then you think and they look just like you and me. They can and will hurt you. They will hurt you financially, mentally, emotionally, and physically. It does not matter why but most will do it as a simple unconscious exercise of a choice between them or you. Then there are others who will hurt you on purpose because they don’t like you or they feel threatened by you. And finally some will hurt you just because they can.

Let this essay be marked and remembered in its raw form. I have no doubt of its value when the right moment arrives. I know the flow is biased towards nastiness, but do bear in mind, karma is a real bitch when it comes to revenge. Try not to hurt anyone if you can. If you must, do it with the understanding that one day, a stronger force will swallow you whole. He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

p.Zen Stories

Empty Your Cup

Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen. Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then kept on pouring.

The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself.

“It is overfull. No more will go in!”

“Like this cup,” Nan-in said, “you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”

We'll See ...

There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit.

"Such bad luck," they said sympathetically.

"We'll see," the farmer replied.

The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses.

"How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed.

"We'll see," replied the old man.

The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.

"We'll see," answered the farmer.

The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.

"We'll see" said the farmer.

Working Very Hard

A martial arts student went to his teacher and said earnestly, "I am devoted to studying your martial system. How long will it take me to master it."

The teacher's reply was casual, "Ten years."

Impatiently, the student answered, "But I want to master it faster than that. I will work very hard. I will practice everyday, ten or more hours a day if I have to. How long will it take then?"

The teacher thought for a moment, "20 years."

Is That So? 

A beautiful girl in the village was pregnant. Her angry parents demanded to know who was the father. At first resistant to confess, the anxious and embarrassed girl finally pointed to Hakuin, the Zen master whom everyone previously revered for living such a pure life. When the outraged parents confronted Hakuin with their daughter's accusation, he simply replied "Is that so?"

When the child was born, the parents brought it to the Hakuin, who now was viewed as a pariah by the whole village. They demanded that he take care of the child since it was his responsibility. "Is that so?" Hakuin said calmly as he accepted the child.

For many months he took very good care of the child until the daughter could no longer withstand the lie she had told. She confessed that the real father was a young man in the village whom she had tried to protect. The parents immediately went to Hakuin to see if he would return the baby. With profuse apologies they explained what had happened. "Is that so?" Hakuin said as he handed them the child.


Two zen monks were travelling. They came to a ford of a stream that was running high, and the current was strong and frightening looking.

An attractive young lady was standing at the ford, looking nervous. She clearly was afraid to cross, but had an important reason to go.

Without a word, the older of the two monks lifted her in his arms and waded across the stream, and placed her safely on the far bank.

The younger monk looked shocked at this action, but kept his silence for quite some number of miles as they continued their journey.

Finally, he blurted out "You know that it is against the rules of our order to have any contact with women. How could you do that?".

The older monk replied "I put her down when I reached the other side of the river. You, on the other hand, have been carrying her this whole way."

Learning the Hard Way 

The son of a master thief asked his father to teach him the secrets of the trade.

The old thief agreed and that night took his son to burglarize a large house.

While the family was asleep, he silently led his young apprentice into a room that contained a clothes closet. The father told his son to go into the closet to pick out some clothes. When he did, his father quickly shut the door and locked him in.

Then he went back outside, knocked loudly on the front door, thereby waking the family, and quickly slipped away before anyone saw him.

Hours later, his son returned home, bedraggled and exhausted. "Father," he cried angrily, "Why did you lock me in that closet? If I hadn't been made desperate by my fear of getting caught, I never would have escaped. It took all my ingenuity to get out!"

The old thief smiled. "Son, you have had your first lesson in the art of burglary."
The Emperor's Seed

An emperor in the Far East was growing old and knew it was time to choose his successor. Instead of choosing one of his assistants or his children, he decided something different. He called young people in the kingdom together one day. He said, "It is time for me to step down and choose the next emperor. I have decided to choose one of you." The kids were shocked!

But the emperor continued. "I am going to give each one of you a seed today. One very special seed. I want you to plant the seed, water it and come back here after one year from today with what you have grown from this one seed. I will then judge the plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next emperor!"

One boy named Ling was there that day and he, like the others, received a seed. He went home and excitedly told his mother the story. She helped him get a pot and planting soil, and he planted the seed and watered it carefully. Every day he would water it and watch to see if it had grown. After about three weeks, some of the other youths began to talk about their seeds and the plants that were beginning to grow. Ling kept checking his seed, but nothing ever grew. 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks went by. Still nothing. By now, others were talking about their plants but Ling didn't have a plant, and he felt like a failure. Six months went by, still nothing in Ling's pot. He just knew he had killed his seed. Everyone else had trees and tall plants, but he had nothing. Ling didn't say anything to his friends, however. He just kept waiting for his seed to grow.A year finally went by and all the youths of the kingdom brought their plants to the emperor for inspection. Ling told his mother that he wasn't going to take an empty pot. But honest about what happened, Ling felt sick to his stomach, but he knew his mother was right. He took his empty pot to the palace.

When Ling arrived, he was amazed at the variety of plants grown by the other youths. They were beautiful in all shapes and sizes. Ling put his empty pot on the floor and many of the other kinds laughed at him. A few felt sorry for him and just said, "Hey nice try." When the emperor arrived, he surveyed the room and greeted the young people. Ling just tried to hide in the back. "What great plants, trees and flowers you have grown," said the emperor. "Today, one of you will be appointed the next emperor!"

All of a sudden, the emperor spotted Ling at the back of the room with his empty pot. He ordered his guards to bring him to the front. Ling was terrified. "The emperor knows I'm a failure! Maybe he will have me killed!" When Ling got to the front, the Emperor asked his name. "My name is Ling," he replied. All the kids were laughing and making fun of him. The emperor asked everyone to quiet down. He looked at Ling, and then announced to the crowd, "Behold your new emperor! His name is Ling!"

Ling couldn't believe it. Ling couldn't even grow his seed. How could he be the new emperor? Then the emperor said, "One year ago today, I gave everyone here a seed. I told you to take the seed, plant it, water it, and bring it back to me today. But I gave you all boiled seeds, which would not grow. All of you, except Ling, have brought me trees and plants and flowers. When you found that the seed would not grow, you substituted another seed for the one I gave you. Ling was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot with my seed in it. Therefore, he is the one who will be the new emperor!"

If you plant honesty, you will reap trust.
If you plant goodness, you will reap friends.
If you plant humility, you will reap greatness.
If you plant perseverance, you will reap victory.
If you plant consideration, you will reap harmony.
If you plant hard work, you will reap success.
If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation.
If you plant openness, you will reap intimacy.
If you plant patience, you will reap improvements.
If you plant faith, you will reap miracles.


If you plant dishonesty, you will reap distrust.
If you plant selfishness, you will reap loneliness.
If you plant pride, you will reap destruction.
If you plant envy, you will reap trouble.
If you plant laziness, you will reap stagnation.
If you plant bitterness, you will reap isolation.
If you plant greed, you will reap loss.
If you plant gossip, you will reap enemies.
If you plant worries, you will reap wrinkles.
If you plant sin, you will reap guilt.

When Tired

A student once asked his teacher,

"Master, what is enlightenment?"

The master replied,

"When hungry, eat. When tired, sleep."
A blogger once said:

Living by Intention I need to know that I exist. I cannot know what lies beyond the end of existence, and I refuse to let my attention be taken up by it. There is too much here and now to be lost if I focus my eyes far away. Each moment holds the possibility: do I do, with this moment, that which leads to my dreams? Or do I accept by default that which is laid out before me, without being formed by my decisions? Do I let uncertainty, fear of the disapproval of others, considerations of my 'dignity', the thought that I have never chosen this choice before, do I let these things dictate my way? Or do I say "NO!" to the inertia of habit and choose each moment's course to be the one that satisfies my highest vision of myself-as-I-choose-to-be?

To have new-born eyes, to see the vast imponderable majesty of perfection in a common leaf-pile, to be emboldened by a puddle on the sidewalk to live life with the joy and abandon of a perfect child; this is the goal I seek. To see ahead of me a climb into the perfection of the moments I have passed through, without wasting regret on any path I have not chosen, to be exactly where I want to be because I chose my steps to get here -- that is the high estate to which I aspire.

I say that you can choose this aliveness by deciding what to do at any moment on no other basis than this: is this what I, in my entire soul and heart, know to be the thing I should do next? You do not ask yourself questions to know this; it comes to you from your whole body, and takes less than an instant to know, or you do not know it. You will have to practice silencing the voices of your past - mercilessly, for they will have no mercy on you and deserve none from you - but then you will hear the voice of your true self. It will know what to do so well, so perfectly gracefully that in a moment you will have lived longer than your last year of living within the mundane bounds of society, and by living fully this way, you live forever within the stretch of your lifetime. 

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

b.Capital - The Inner Core

The last part is here:   Capital - Investment Style

Sigh ... I have written about this many, many times before, but, no one seems to understand. 一念天堂一念地狱

Many guys go through education and not knowing why they are in it in the first place. Lots of these guys thought that since I wouldn't use the knowledge gained from books and education, I shouldn't waste money going to school, but instead, go straight to work and learn from the market and become a graduate from the streets.

This is so sad. Many guys don't understand that the fastest way to learn their weapon-of-choice is through education. What can be easier than being spoon-fed from the bottle in school?

A bachelor degree will allow the guy to break free from the mother's apron tie. His 思维 will enable him to learn things independently. He does not need help from any quarters. He is his own man. Given enough thinking, he will be able to solve his own problem-sum.

A master degree, as the name implies, will allow the guy to run a group of bachelors and commandeer them to work. His 思维 will enable him to coordinate attacks on cities and land. He will move men by mind-fucking them. He is a leader and manages resources. Given enough thinking, he will be able to build empires. He has solved the 3-dimensional space problem.

A doctorate degree will allow the guy to return to his basics. He questions every single class norms. He does not take what he sees as the truth. He questions about the illusion that the incident provides. His 思维 will enable him to build timeless machines to calm his clan. Given enough thinking, he will transcend the time dimension.

Given a choice, I would defer my entry into the market place as late as possible and get spoon-fed by the kind masters of the trade. 

A strong guy is normally in the science discipline, but there are indeed numerous exceptions. My partner-in-crime is not only scientific and analytical, he is also a historian. He knew history of mankind at the back of his hand, he therefore able to explain philosophically why things happened the way they were. Lessons are learned and mistakes avoided. A very pleasant outcome indeed.

Attack the issue at hand only from philosophical point of view. Only then will you find peace.
If you must, learn to play GO. The rules are simple. There are only black and white stones. Every stone is important. Every move is permanent, i.e., once move is placed, the stone will stay till the end of the game. This stone will either help in the attack or be eaten alive if wrongly decided by the general. The stone's fate is fixed. It can't be moved. Once placed, it has no more freedom. The stone's usefulness will either be a lifetime or cut short by circumstances. Such is the fate of the stone. Unmoving, unchangeable. It can be a game changer, a useless by-stander or a sacrificial lamb. Each stone is equally important and equally cunning. Life is also like the game of GO, once move is made, it can't be changed. Therefore, contemplate and re-contemplate each move. There are not many possible moves in life. Like what 柴九 said:

b.Land - Vintage

The last part is here:   Land - Waterfall

Over one's lifetime, there will be opportunity for you to own or inherit very old buildings. In my case, I do have buildings that are more than 100 years old. Although you may not like the shape or the government-of-the-day have yet to gazette it, you may be wise if you consider carefully before tearing it down for reconstruction. You might lose the support of your local community.

I used to work for a boss who has a 16-apartment block constructed in 1910s. The whole building is almost collapsing, since he doesn't have much dole to repair it. It was considered a danger working at the building. In fact, he should seriously work on improving his infrastructure before it is too late. Anyway, just a story about a troubled old building. This building has been a historical site for many tourists. My boss should have considered making some money out of these wondering tourist snoopers.

What I am highlighting is:

Old buildings are important communal landmarks for the local folks. They grew up looking at that building day-in-day-out. If you can still preserve the look-and-feel, you will definitely be accepted as one of them. This way, any evil schemes that you might have, would be easily over-looked.

To modernise the use of these old buildings, try to build around it. Never try to demolish them. You would have lost big good-will. This is local branding at its best. Repairing them may burn a big hole in the pocket, but destroying them may cost you your life. Do exercise caution!

b.Contract - Buying Season

The last part is here:   Contract - Gap down

Never buy during the spring and summer seasons. The ground is sweet and the roads clear. This is the time that every monied guy is out prowling. So the chance of you getting what you want is not very high. Even if you can get it, the price would be bad, bad, bad and of little discount. Since we are talking about a long, long 16-year depression, you have loads of time to get those land of your choice. Exercise extreme patience. Close off for the year and wait for the coming of winter. When winter comes, the bitterness of winter will bite their souls. They will be weak. The price would be fancy.

If you have competitor(s) for the land, let it go. The land is not meant for you. The price will never be right. Why can't we compete with them since the land is so juicy to collect? The answer is a big fat NO. Any slight inflational push on the price would have rendered the land not attractive. Learn to see value where no one sees.

Over in white land, the chinamen rush for residential properties mostly. If you pit yourself against them, you are in deep trouble. You use honest money and they use corrupt money. You can never win. Game them in other arenas. Work them out and tire them. Employ wit. Trap their armies within the cities. Praise their "wise" and "expensive" choice. Praise their "no-enemy" seaview.

You need not fear as you already collected land that have entire rivers passing right through. So my heir(s), you will have a waterfall soon. That will reduce you reliance on external water source. This waterfall water source will last you centuries. Build businesses that use this water supply. You will never die unless earth dies. Without a permanent water supply to boot, you will one day suffer the same fate as that fucken little island, i.e., processing and drinking shit water.

Monday, 22 July 2013

b.Capital - Investment Style

The last past is here:   Capital - Generations Game 

A friend once asked me that not every one is interested in land, some might prefer the more modest property investment. But, she saw problem in property investing. For each property, marked at say, $100, the place could usually be fairly rented at say, $5 per year (or 5%) or $0.42 per month ($5/12). With this gross rental, it will take approximately 20 years ($5 x 20 = $100) to recover the investment. This is a very long time. But, compared to bank deposit rate (at 1-2%). This is still superior. And compared to stocks & shares (15% returns), it is slightly inferior. But, stocks & shares have higher risk. The good news is property investment does bring about capital appreciation which she felt that is a good compensation. So in order to bridge this low returns, one usually tries to gear the investment by borrowing from the bank. Say, based on 10% down-payment and if there is a capital appreciation of 5% that year, one would have gained 50% investment return! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Many people has forgotten that borrowing incurs cost. That interest cost could be as high as 6-8%. Based on the borrowing of 90%, the net interest cost could be anything from 5.4%-7.2% (90%x6%, 90%x8%) which is way above that of the 5% appreciation. There is therefore a net loss of 0.4%-2.2%, even with 5% capital appreciation. What if there is no capital appreciation for some years?  The longer one borrows, the more negativity one gets. so how?

I smiled. Once you borrow from the bank, you would be doomed. I have been there, done that. There was no happiness. There is no quarrel. See the car that the banker drives and the car that the borrower drives would tell you its true story. If all are earning normal profits, there should be no difference in being a banker or a borrower, all are earning fair value, the fact is the banker drives a much better car implies that there is trickery up the banker's sleeve. So it is a zero-sum game, the winner is the banker and the loser, the borrower. So don't borrow, regardless. You will see the wisdom many years down the road.

But faced with the grim prospect of buying a property cash and renting it out to try to recover its capital is real long and painful, there must be a better legal way.

If you must invest in boring property such as houses and buildings, then you must exercise cunning. Most residential properties have terrible tenant records, i.e., the tenant will not pay on time, the tenant is very well-protected by the authorities, the owner can't evict the tenant without an eviction order, which can take up to 3 months to get. There are hearings and complaints from the tenant to slow the eviction process down. By the time the property is vacated, i.e., rental-free for 6 months, you may find cement powder poured down the sewerage before they leave. The repair bill (or rebuilding cost) is going to be extremely high.

You have no choice and must therefore employ cunning, if you must buy a residential property, find out if you could rent it out to businesses like the old-folks homes, child-care centres, corner grocery stores, churches, display houses and etc. The key is you will receive a much higher return for your property and hence, it is now worth its while to purchase. Having a business residing in the residential property provides stability in rental income and general state of repair. These businesses hope to gain in the long haul and so is less likely to play tricks. For other property types, you will have to think further.

There is however one more joke. The capital appreciation is not real. Why? Well, if you were to sell the property, can you buy back the same property with less cash. The answer is a big fat NO. So what have you gained? Nothing. The so-called capital is nothing more than the state's printing press having gone on overdrive to print more coloured papers in exchange for your real estate. Paper money is not real estate, it is just a medium of exchange for goods and services. It has no intrinsic value. By the time you wish to sell, your plate of chicken rice would have been $50 per pop.

So even with boring residential property investment, you have to employ cunning to win the race. Anyway, I rather prefer not to. Learn to put the land on duty, that's what my partner-in-crime used to say.

b.Megatrend - 16-year Depression

The last part is here:   Land - Distressed Properties

As stated before, the Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in 1930 and lasted until the late 1930s or middle 1940s (a total of 15 years). It was the longest, most widespread, and deepest depression of the 20th century.

In the 21st century, the Great Depression is commonly used as an example of how far the world's economy can decline. The depression originated in the U.S., after the fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929, and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as Black Tuesday).  The Great Depression had devastating effects in countries rich and poor. Personal income, tax revenue, profits and prices dropped, while international trade plunged by more than 50%. Unemployment in the U.S. rose to 25%, and in some countries rose as high as 33%. Cities all around the world were hit hard, especially those dependent on heavy industry. Construction was virtually halted in many countries. Farming and rural areas suffered as crop prices fell by approximately 60%. Facing plummeting demand with few alternate sources of jobs, areas dependent on primary sector industries such as cash cropping, mining and logging suffered the most. Some economies started to recover by the mid-1930s. In many countries, the negative effects of the Great Depression lasted until the end of World War II.

There are sufficient literature on the causes of the Great Depression, I shall not bother to explain them. If you are interested, you may explore further. But, frankly, a depression is depression for whatever that damn reason. Once the depression gets underway, the world could only solve it by only two things: one, reduce the number of people consuming and two, increase the number of resources. Since, increasing the amount of resources during that time was never possible, the world chose the first option. The world went into another world war.

The result was the world went into one of the best happy eras of our time. The world super-boomed from 1946 to date, a total of 62 years. It was almost abruptly ended in 2008, if not for the intervention of the governments-of-the-day by propping up money supplies. But, this merely kicked the problem ball further down the road, my partner-in-crime always says we will meet the ball soon enough and the ball would be one hack of a big mama. it would be even harder to game the ball. The leaders prayed like hell that the ball would not come during their watch. Meantime, suck the system dry lor.

The super boom brought a huge growth of population - the baby boomers. These baby boomers are now retiring and have been liquidating their full assets in earnest now. I called these baby-boomers, the sin of excesses. There are simply too many of them and so uncountable at any one time. I was fortunately to have met some of them liquidating their land. The drop in price is not for fools. It is very hard and very real. There are simply not enough takers of what they are going to encash. Since these baby boomers have gotten their holdings cheap, it doesn't matter how much they would let go. It is going to be one crazy sale season. The joke is, of course, there would be very few takers.

My estimate is 16-year worth of depression from today. No amount of money-printing or QEs will defer the problem of over-supply caused by these filthy-rich retirees. They are your super-rich uncles and aunts. We are only their very poor nephews.

So don't hope for any price recovery, don't hope for any sale recovery and don't hope for any market expansion. None of these events will happen. The so-called "depression", in my terms, does not implies the usual suggestion by the financial gurus. What I meant is the world will be stuck in this non-performance mode for the next 16 years, just like Japan in her lost 3 decades. So make full use of your current resources to command a better living.