Saturday, 13 September 2014

b.A Legend Re-Told All Over Again

The last part is here:  The Generations Game - Worked Example

I would like to extend my theory:   The total length of Man is Constant.

Many of the parents always like to advise their children to study hard and get a desk job and make huge money and live happily ever after.

There is nothing wrong with the above statement. It just sounded wrong with my theory. I therefore would like to restate my theory:

The total length of Man is ABSOLUTELY CONSTANT.

A current example:
This 25yo mudlander guy went to USA and jumped aeroplane. He hid in all kind of corners and worked like a scavenger. Deep down inside him, he knew he was nobody. But, he worked hard. He worked in all kind of conditions. The best part is that he got a chance to even get married. he had kids and he then worked as a chinese cook (well, that's all one can try their luck in anyway, to stay in the kitchen and stay unseen). He cooked and he cooked. He then started his own restaurant business years later and now in his 70s. He had spent 50 fucking years doing that same thing. His restaurant is one of the best in the city. He exploited his chineseman workers. He is damn rich now. His last wish before he extinguishes is to return to mudland and die. With his restaurant and bungalows, he is by no means poor. He will do well in mudland after 50 fucking years. He only visited his mudland twice in his lifetime. That's how hard he has worked. He intended to liquidate all his current assets and return home to mudland as a hero. His kids were all married and have kiddos too. If they so choose, they may return to mudland with him. With their great overseas education to boot, they will do fine in mudland too. This is how foresightful this bloke was. He had sponsored all his kids to the best education one can hope to get in white land (The Ivy League).

The pinoys are no different. The pinoys are also very intelligent. They do shit jobs in foreign countries but they earn big time in local terms. They too will return to pinoyland richly retired. This again tells a great intelligence in man. They do jobs like nurses cleaning asses in white land that make 3 times what a McDonald store manager will make running the burger store.

By having a super degree from super varsities is no better than to work thyself in shit holes. Both are equally if not more rewarding than all these white collared jobs.

Therefore, tengri is fair. He gave every one an equal opportunity. The problem is whether one is willing to do that shit for 50 straight years.

For all those kiddos out there, if one can't do good shit. It is A-OK. One can still try to do bad shit for 50 years. One would come out A-OK too.

Therefore, if one has kiddos. Please don't chide them if they screw up in their academic studies. They will do OK in good soil.

Finally, my riddle for you:
How then do you play that fuckened Little Island Game? You may make some money in white land, but your hard work cannot be rewarded by re-investing that small sums of money in that fuckened little island. LOL ... Nice Nice Riddle ...

That fuckened little island had converted every thing tangible to rentals. That's how beautiful the riddle is. Solve this riddle, I can assure you that you would be ahead in your generations game. Meantime, do chill and find that fucking way out ... It is never too late ...

I wish every one a happy mid-autumn day. May all true love be rewarded with equally true love. May all fakies be rewarded with equally great fakies.


  1. How about making money in white land but investing it in a 'third world' country (and eventually retiring there) instead of hopeless singa-land

    1. Dear Sir Seeker,

      Perfect! This answer is 100% correct. It goes to prove my theory of constant length of man. But, do be careful, this answer doesn't always apply to everyone. If this answer is good for you, by all means, do it.

      As for those who wish to work and be permanent resident in white land, you may consider looking at their job websites or engage a snake-head agent to do it for you. Many jobs that are shunt by the whites are very good paying jobs for you. Washing backsides is one of them. The pinoys are superb in this. Clearing shit in houses is another. Digging for oil is good too. Cooking food is obviously a poor idea. The chinamen in restaurants will exploit you to death. Pushing grains is a good idea but you need to be strong. Just to name a few. If you ever work for the government (and it's easy), your pay is skyward.

      Emotionally, you would be down for a long, long time. You need the internet to remain sane.

      That fuckened little island unfortunately is already lost cause, it is very sad that I had to leave it. But, trying to beat a new path in that little island is not easy and takes time, not many of us have that amount of time that we can wait. So many of us instead of trying to fix it, we leave it alone. Let the emperor-of-the-day win mah. If you have read my articles on the Hollocaust II and with the recent sad, sad, sad case of 42yo mum taking the life of her 9yo autistic child, you will soon deduce and witness within your lifetime that a fellow human will eat another human in that fuckened little island.

      That's all I can suggest.

      You have a great day.


  2. Dear Sir Luca,

    Yes, I read all your great articles. Please write more about the preparation of the 3rd country.

    1. Thank you once again for visiting.

      I shall respond to your request after some thinking. There are difficult issues involved.


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