Tuesday 7 January 2014

p.Show - 楚漢傳奇

This is the last part:   孫子兵法 (Part 1)

The show is here:   楚漢傳奇

Since I started writing the lessons learnt in 孫子兵法, there was not many materials to showcase the tactics used in SunTzu's Art of War.

In this show, it is 80 episodes in length. The teachings in this show are very vivid in terms of showing the various principles in the Art of War. I am not sure about its accuracy in history, but, it did show the various factors that influenced the outcome of war. It is as good as it gets. Watch it 10 times if you must. I have already keep a good copy for my periodic reviews.

The question frequently on my mind is which character do I want to be?
  • 刘邦 - He was basically a user of man. He pretended to be useless, so he claimed to be in need of perpetual help. Once the help was fully rendered, he slaughtered them all in cold blood. He is so good at it that he reached emperor-ship, just by pretending. I would never work on this character mode. He was no more than another fucken. He played both ends. The lucky thing was he managed it all the way. But, based on this characterization, his future generations just like 秦始皇 were full of deceit to survive.
  • 项羽 - He is 一代枭雄。I would like to be like him. He was caring to gals and he was loyal to his friends. But, at the same time, he was brutal in every sense of the word. The key to it all was that he was never disadvantaged in his younger years. He reached sky-high position when he was very young. He never did hit defeats and troubles. This light-headedness set him up for bitter failures later. Luckily I was never "lucky" in my younger years. I did show great brilliance, when I was young. But, at the same time, every one around me was no friend. They pushed me to the corner hoping to drown out my brilliance. Even georgie baby was fearful of my brilliance. With that, I was retired with very little means and successes. I was humbled to my very knees. But, I stood up once again with no prosthesis. I roared once again. I will not be brutal, though I could. I will not be proud, though I could. I will not be blind to other talents, though I could.
  • 吕雉 - 一代铁血女皇,君临天下。We have to be weary of such women in our life. Every gal would turn to be like her if threatened hard enough. So please don't try testing the gals in your life.
  • 萧何 - He was a very loyal subject. He survived just like an ordinary joe on the street. No win, no loss.
  • 韩信 - He was very talented. He should have become a new god. But, he chose to become a long-term employee. Hence, retrenched at age 35, I guess. A bitter death as he served his all for an unloving organisation. If you asked me if he is a 帅才 or a 将才? I have a tendency to classify his talent as a 将才rather than 帅才, he merely showed prowess in winning battles using cunning. A 帅才must not only take care of the battle outcome, he must be responsible for the final outcome of the war. It is no use winning a war and to be swallow up again within a single generation. Winning a battle or war is easy. You just need numerical or resource superiority. But, to win a war ultimately, you need to grow in strength while others are dead. Look at the current situation, many large super marts are closing down, what then is your expected play of the circumstance. You can't just sit there and claim you have got no money. Wtf?
  • 秦始皇 - Like a deadly virus, too vicious. His life was easily terminated with no recourse. The fuckened old guy was slightly less vicious, he would live a day longer, but not his empire. Money is nothing more than printed coloured paper, it meant nothing, not even gold.
  • 逐鹿中原 - Although I wanted to win the war, but, I still like to be a honest kiddo. I truly don't prefer deceit to win my battles. Cunning, yes, but, not deceit. To truly win over one's opponents, one must win with great honesty. Only through honesty that one can retain the winnings. Your enemies will learn to respect you and give you that important victory. It is easy for me to amass money and people, but, I am weary of their ultimate ambitions. If I don't satisfy their ultimate ambitions, they will ultimately consume me alive. Just watch the show and you will know what i meant.
 Let's enjoy the show ...

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