Saturday 3 August 2013

p.重做个真的我 (笑傲江湖 III - 风云再起)

The last part is here:   Song - 逝去的諾言 (陳慧嫻 1984)

Wink and the world surprises you suggested in my last part that the best song and show came from the first of the 笑傲江湖 series by Sam Hui. I have rewatched the show here.

This show reminded me of my first half of my life. During that time, I was full of admiration for S*m Hui for being able to see through life and decided to close shop after that. I attended his last concert and was fortunate enough to get his autograph. But, up closed, sad to say he had a crude personality. I was not impressed. I guess I have a different opinion of him after that. Nonetheless, he has acted well in that show. The song is here:   許冠傑 Sam Hui - 滄海一聲笑  

When the second of the 笑傲江湖 series came, I was admirable of 林青霞. She really did a great job for 东方不败. The show is here:   笑傲江湖之东方不败. Her song was very light. You can hear her here:   只记今朝笑.
只记今朝笑 (笑傲江湖之东方不败插曲)
白云俏,艳阳照,衬我逍遥调; 自由是我,心里只记,今朝的欢笑. 开心的感觉,倾心的快乐,今天开了心窍. 落霞如血,红日如醉,我抱拥奇妙. 浮尘随浪,只记,今朝的欢笑. 热情和唱,纵情傲啸,看透江湖玄妙. 自由来去,不尽逍遥,潇洒得不得了. 笑面向,滔滔啊,他朝有谁能料? 浮尘随浪,只记,今朝的欢笑. 开心的感觉,倾心的快乐,今天开了心窍. 【间奏】 沧海一声笑...... 白云俏,艳阳照,衬我逍遥调; 自由是我,心里只记,今朝的欢笑. 潇洒得不得了...潇洒得不得了... 潇洒得不得了...潇洒得不得了...

The cantonese version is here:   只记今朝笑 (粤语)
只记今朝笑 (笑傲江湖之东方不败插曲)
滄海一聲笑...... 白雲俏,艷陽照,襯我逍遙調; 自由是我,心裡只記,今朝的歡笑。 開心的感覺,傾心的快樂,今天開了心竅。 落霞如血,紅日如醉,我抱擁奇妙。 浮塵隨浪,只記,今朝的歡笑。 熱情和唱,縱情傲嘯,看透江湖玄妙。 自由來去,不盡逍遙,瀟灑得不得了。 笑面向,滔滔啊,他朝有誰能料? 浮塵隨浪,只記,今朝的歡笑。 開心的感覺,傾心的快樂,今天開了心竅。 【間奏】 滄海一聲笑...... 白雲俏,艷陽照,襯我逍遙調; 自由是我,心裡只記,今朝的歡笑。 瀟灑得不得了...瀟灑得不得了... 瀟灑得不得了...瀟灑得不得了...

When the third of the 笑傲江湖 series came along, I was not impressed by the show:  东方不败 - 风云再起. I never had any feelings about this last show. But, after all these years, I was truly impressed by the song:   東方不敗之風雲再起:插曲 《做個真正的我》
東方不敗之風雲再起 Swordsman III: East is Red (1993) 導演:程小東、李惠民 《做個真正的我》 演唱:陳淑樺 作詞:潘偉源 作曲:李宗盛
願那風是我 願那月是我 柳底飛花是我 對酒當歌 做個灑脫的我 不理世界說我是何 只要做個真我 在笑聲裡渡過 懶管他功或過 對酒當歌 莫記一切因果 風裡雨裡也快活賞心得過 重做個真的我 回問那假的我 半生為何 眠後醉醉後眠 眠後再醉又眠 祈求什麼 重做個真的我 回問那假的我 笑痴又傻 誰是我我是誰 無謂理我是誰 更加好過

I realised it was after so many years later that I came to the white land that I was allowed to 重做个真的我. When I was younger, I never knew what hits me. I was sad most of the time. I don't feel good. It was only after I landed in white land that my therapy commenced in earnest. I finally realised what hits me. It was pride. I have enough pride that I don't wish to sponge off people. I have enough pride that I don't serve a greedy king. I have enough pride that my money must not come from ill-receipts. If I were to do well younger, I have no choice but to do things that I feel I will earn no pride. I don't wish to be one old president that died so young.

I am lucky to be able to 重做个真的我.

天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月摧。 文韬武略求名主,遗憾伯乐是伪君。 有朝一日权在手,杀尽天下负他人。 嫩虎落平遭犬欺,睡薪尝胆气难延。 从此吾我不早起,玉楼落魄醉酒行。 楚腰纤细掌中轻,红颜回眸笑百媚。 南轲梦绕二十年,只赢青楼薄幸名。 可怜未老头先白,豪情柔心戎装冷。 卧虎藏龙五十载,磨心磨志平焰难。 男儿不展风云志,空负天生剑锋芒。 我自横剑问向天,不留肝胆两昆仑。 不世之功我懒立,带剑三尺天地间。 劝君莫说封侯事,一将功成万骨枯。 富贵于我如浮云,仰天长笑夺门去。 我辈岂是池中物,一遇风云便化龙。 不作犬驴锦奴隶,一代枭雄试比高。 千古河山棋一局,还看他朝舔血战。

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