Tuesday 29 October 2013

p.Show - 错龙袍/倾城雪

The last part is here:   Show - 精忠岳飞 (Part 2)

The show is here:  错龙袍/倾城雪

If you want plenty to cry but afraid to let others around know that you are crying, just watch this show.

Maybe I am just an old worn record repeating so many things. Give everyone a chance to show you how good they are. Give them some patience. Give them time to align themselves to you. They will eventually.

With the conquest at the land of crescent lake more or less in the bag, suddenly I noticed everyone is aligned to me. To some, their alignments are true. I know that deep in my heart. To many others, I know their alignments are driven by greed. These guys just want to share the mammoth I have landed.

To those fakies, just give them time to show themselves. Pull back all the resources that you might have given them. They will be spiteful but who cares. If they beg to return, maybe consider giving them another test. If they passed the test, then consider giving them a minor role. Never entrust them anymore with big items as they have proven to be unworthy.

For those faithful ones, treat them like family members. They will serve you well. Money will come in well if you trust your own family members well.

Dwell in every happy moment and grit that teeth during the sadder ones. It is always like that. 9 out of 10 is always sad.

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