Saturday 19 October 2013

p.xox - I have Cancer (II)

The last part is here:   xox - I have Cancer 

"Dear +Luca, ... Didn't get back to you for so long ... my wife got cancer and undergoing treatment ..."

Sigh ...

This is another sad and grey day for me. This guy was a foreign talent attracted to that fucken little island. He took a phd scholarship provided by that fucken varsity. He was given 3 years to complete with full pay and lodging. But, he took 5 years. The fucken varsity just simply refused to let him have the degree even though he worked day-and-night for it. In his desperation, he came to work for me part-time to make ends meet. The job was hard and lowly-paid. Yet, he didn't take it personally. He worked hard and I came to admire his work and decided to teach him a trick or two in his final doctoral thesis. He finally got through.

Over the years, we became friends.

This news is considered real bad because he and his wife are barely 35-40yo. He and his wife must be having a real bad deal in that fucken little island.

This guy I have considered as a rare asset to that fucken little island because he is honest, not like those others who came from the similar culture and background.

The stress that he and his wife encountered in that fucken little island must be so great that they don't even have time to properly rest and recover before the next day's work. Man truly knows no limit when it comes to ill-treating his own kind. Just recall what the Japanese did during world war II in South East Asia. Such enslavery could only be thought out by evil elites who know no morals.

I am glad I am no longer tricked by such glamourous falsehood.

I wish him well.

ps:   I have no intention to curse that fucken little island all the time. I used to have an axe to grind and bitterness. Who doesn't after being forced off that fucken little island? Now, I don't do it anymore. Maybe I have gotten over that phase. Now, I have no more bitterness, but an overwhelming sadness to those who are still stuck in that fucken little island. They are still not too wise enough to quit while they still can.

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