Saturday 16 November 2013

b.xox - The White Snub

The last part is here:   Matters fo the Heart

Sigh ... So many things happened over the past one year.
Same pen, different llama.
I asked the grand white chieftain for a piece of land. She replied how big do I want it? I replied in the humility. She snubbed me by saying the smallest they have for a horse ranch is 2,000 acres. Did I mention that I wish to keep horses? Sigh ... I only want to exact my dream a year ago for a llama farm. She then waved me on.

The beautiful thing is that the chieftains only want to maintain their stranglehold on their agricultural land. But, what can they do now against the yellowskin invasion and for how long? Farmers are now suffering from poor conditions and prices. Traditionally, the farmers are the worst treated ones amongst their kinship.

The grand chieftain has forgotten that I, the yellowskin, is not without help. My yellowskin partner-in-crime is a historian and a damn good one. He argued that about a hundred years ago, the whites were told to buy land at $5.00 per acre. Now the same land is worth about 85 times the original purchase price, making an internal rate of return to be 4.5%, i.e., if you buy a land and as long as it appreciates at say, 4.5% per year, you have no issue in buying it at a later date. You will still gain the same return. Therefore, put investment into businesses that give a better rate than 4.5%. You will accelerate against the growth rate of land prices. Buying the land later if you are a poor bastard. If not, buy as soon as possible, using cash.

I smiled.

She didn't know that another grand chieftain has loved me deep deep.

I love the challenge.

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