Tuesday 30 July 2013

p.Show - 42 (I named it 伯樂)

The last part is here:   Show - Assault on Wall Street 

The show is here:   42 - The true American Legend

When a beauty pageant is called, the winner always thanks her 伯樂 , another name for sugar daddy.

传说中,天上管理马匹的神仙叫伯乐。在人间,人们把精于鉴别马匹优劣的人,也称为伯乐。 第一个被称作伯乐的人本名孙阳,他是春秋时代的人。由于他对马的研究非常出色,人们便忘记了他本来的名字,干脆称他为伯乐,延续到现在。


伯樂跑了好几个国家,连素以盛产名马的燕赵一带,都仔细寻访,辛苦倍至,还是没发现中意的良马。一天,伯乐从齐国返回,在路上,看到一匹马拉着盐车,很吃力地在陡坡上行进。马累得呼呼喘气,每迈一步都十分艰难。伯乐对马向来亲近,不由走到跟前。马见伯乐走近,突然昂起头来瞪大眼睛,大声嘶鸣,好像要对伯乐倾诉什么。伯乐立即从声音中判断出,这是一匹难得的骏马。 伯乐对驾车的人说:“这匹马在疆场上驰骋,任何马都比不过它,但用来拉车,它却不如普通的马。你还是把它卖给我吧。”驾车人认为伯乐是个大傻瓜,他觉得这匹马太普通了,拉车没气力,吃得太多,骨瘦如柴,毫不犹豫地同意了。

伯乐牵走千里马,直奔楚国。伯乐牵马来到楚王宫,拍拍马的脖颈说:“我给你找到了好主人。”千里马像明白伯乐的意思,抬起前蹄把地面震得咯咯作响,引颈长嘶,声音洪亮,如大钟石磐,直上云霄。楚王听到马嘶声,走出宫外。伯乐指着马说:“大王,我把千里马给您带来了,请仔细观看。”楚王一见伯乐牵的马瘦得不成样子,认为伯乐愚弄他,有点不高兴,说:“我相信你会看马,才让你买马,可你买的是什么马呀,这马连走路都很困难,能上战场吗?”伯乐说:“这确实是匹千里马,不过拉了一段车,又喂养不精心,所以看起来很瘦。只要精心喂养,不出半个月,一定会恢复体力。”楚王一听,有点将信将疑,便命马夫尽心尽力把马喂好,果然,马变得精壮神骏。楚王跨马扬鞭,但觉两耳生风,喘息的功夫,已跑出百里之外。 后来千里马为楚王驰骋沙场,立下不少功劳。楚王对伯乐更加敬重。

当伯乐年老的时候,他的儿子很想将这项专门技能继承下来,以免失传。于是他把伯乐写的《相马经》读得烂熟。《相马经》上描写千里马的外形是“额头隆起,双眼突出,蹄子好像垒起的酒药饼。”他就依照这一条,拿着经文出去“相马”了。伯乐的儿子把所见到事物的外形和《相马经》上描绘的图形一一对照,结果找到了一只很大的蛤蟆。他兴冲冲地跑回家报告父亲,说:“总算找到好马了,额头和双眼同书上说的差不多,就是蹄子的形状和书上写的有区别。” 伯乐听了,只好哭笑不得地对这个好心而不聪明的独生子说;“你倒是找到了一匹好马,只是它太喜欢跳,你可驾驭不了啊!” 正是,世有伯乐才得千里马。如果千里马没能遇见“伯乐”,终究会被埋没。


I used to train my horses too. They were all gals. I tried guys too. But, the guys were hopeless. They were impatient and unwilling to follow my method of training. Like young lions, they were lazy and liked to take short-cuts. But, most things can't be short-cutted. Naturally, they lost their ways. Initially most of these guys started off by learning to chase skirts from me. I taught them patiently. I told them there was no fool-proof method of getting gals. Every gal is super intelligent. You simply can't fool them to bed. You have to win their hearts. Even for just an ONS, you still need to win her heart for a brief moment too. To win a gal's heart, the fastest way is power. The guy got to show real power. Power unfortunately must come from money. You simply can't talk your way to her pants. So, I decided to teach them first the way of money. They found the way too long and tedious. They just want their pussies. LOL. Naturally, they lost me.

The gals are more foolhardy. They would silently learn from me and repeated the learned trick right in front of me. They performed extremely well for the tasks I assigned. They were patient and fast learners. Naturally, to be frank, they were awed not by my talent but by my money. They simply wanted to jump me, the business owner. What's better than to own the business owner who in turn owned the cash-cow business. These gals were no fools. Of course, I had my good times, I brought them out to sea, laze around the beaches, overseas trips but I seldom jumped them. Gals after jumping are trouble. They would stick to me like glue. I don't care to sex any of them, although some of them were beauty pageant winners. Their personalities sucked. I simply don't wish to enslave myself to bank robbers.

Actually in truth, the reason why I am so generous in teaching is because as a 伯乐, I too have needs. I need trusted lieutenants (千里马) to run my armies. I simply don't have so much time. It is a symbiotic relationship.

I have recently cooled-off my training of 千里马, too much hassle and little rewards. The gals are still very young and pretty though.

Gals are plenty, but how many can be my 千里马。

Let's enjoy the show ...

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