Monday 29 July 2013

g.弃我去者,昨日之日不可留。 乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧!

The last part is here:   Fate is Strange

宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云   唐·李白


这首诗是李白于天宝十二年(公元753年)游宣城时所作。在诗中诗人借送别盛赞李云文章如蓬莱幽藏,刚健遒劲,有建安风骨,又以谢朓清新俊逸的诗风自比, 表达了对高洁理想的追求,抒发了自己年华虚度、怀才不遇、理想和抱负不能实现的抑郁苦闷。全诗感情沉郁奔放,波澜迭起,结构腾挪跌宕,语言豪放自然,音律 和谐统一,是李白的代表作之一。




“俱怀逸兴壮思飞,欲上青天揽明月。”我们都具有超群的凌云壮志,满怀着无限的豪情,准备登上高高的青天,去摘取那皎洁的明月。 “抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。



注释: ①宣州:今安徽省宣城县。谢眺楼:南北朝齐代诗人谢朓任宣城太守时,在宣城外陵阳山上所建的一座楼,人称谢眺楼,也称北楼。校书:官名,校书郎的简称。云:李云楼。校书:官名,校书郎的简称。云:李云,李白族叔,官秘书省校书郎。②弃:抛弃。③酣高楼:在谢眺楼上畅饮。④蓬莱文章:东汉朝廷藏书东观,所藏均是经典秘录,故以蓬莱仙山称之。这里代指李云所写的文章。建安:东汉献帝年号(196—214)。建安骨:建安时期,曹操父子、孔融、陈琳等人的诗作,反映了当时动乱时代的社会现实,诗作风格刚健清新,后人称为“建安风骨”。⑤小谢:指谢朓。世称刘宋时代的诗人谢灵运为大谢,称谢朓为小谢。清发:指清新俊逸的诗风。这两句借赞美建安诸子和谢朓,暗喻李云和自己的诗文风格。⑥散发:不戴冠和簪,指自由无拘束。⑦扁舟:小船。弄扁舟,指归隐江湖。

This is a very poisonous poem. If not careful, one can get killed by it. Caused a strong guy to wallow in his own shit. No many guys realized that sentimental feelings are always abound. Gals will screw the guy's up using these sentimental feelings. How many alpha guys were beta-rized by this instrument? Whether a guy is alpha or beta, it is just a temporary state of mind. For a guy to stay alpha, he will feel strong in hunting power, but dry in emotions. For a guy to stay beta, he will feel weak in hunting power, but rich in emotions. For gals, they prefer guys who are alpha all the time, i.e., always able to bring home the bacon. If they can't find it in the current guy, they will screw outside. That's when all hell breaks loose.

At the end of the day, it is always about balance. A simple balance between what's needed to be stable person. I just read a story about a gal who studied in Harvard and got a phD, didn't get married and finally went cuckoo (一生何求,十年后会是怎样。。) (too many of such stories for both guys and gals). She over-spent her time studying so much so that she missed her marrying time, she went crazy after that. She just simply didn't realize that she also needed love to survive. Her genes now of course will be unceremoniously removed from the gene pool. Even if she tried to reach nirvana in intellectual arena, she went cuckoo after that as she simply couldn't take the pressure. It is almost like learning wushu (武术), too much concentration, 入魔; too little, waste time.

If you are learning to do business, take the path that is least trodden by man. It is longer, it is more tedious, but yet, it is also the shortest way.

Just as I am writing, a just-retired baby boomer just wants me to have his piece of land at 50% discount. He is desperate for the deal. But, my crane told me to wait for the winter chills. There is simply no need for haste. The deal is extremely juicy, but my crane is no foolish advisor. She said it is never about the discount rate per deal, she knows this is already the lowest and the best deal in town. Even if I were to buy it during the winter chills, it may not be cheaper then. But, every thing has its own timing, i.e., one cannot over-stretch his muscles, there is always harmony in the movements - The mating dance of Business.

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