Saturday 13 July 2013

p.Land - Another Church

The last part is here:   Business Jinx

“Hi, Luca, we finally meet!” “Hi, Father X …” “OK, let’s cut the chase and get down to the contract.” I swallowed my saliva hard. “Er … OK, then.” This white is very different lei and don’t really look like a Father, looks more like a gangster. I have to be careful. “I want to continue to stay in this church if you don’t mind. I can’t deliver vacant possession to you upon the sale.” “But, I would like to have vacant possession after the sale & purchase, because I want to continue the good work in religion.” “You can’t be a Father unless you have a degree in a Bible college! And I am already a Father.” I must have been the most unconvincing pastor-to-be in the world. “So, what’s the way-ahead?” “I’ll pay you rent and you allow me to stay here and take care of my flock of sheep.” “I don’t want to get rent. I want a church for myself.” “Then what do you want?” “I don’t want to rent to you, I want a cut of your takings per week.” “Ohhh … Now we are finally talking …” … details … conclusion … hand-shake …

The white agent who had been extremely quiet throughout the negotiation, later gave me a big friendly smile. She said I have done marvellously. I deserved to get a good hug from her. I said I am taken. She asked how about finding another love? I replied how to? She gave me a wry smile and of course, showed me another glorious church. I smiled too. She is getting too adorable and I should actually just take her … of course, to be my personal agent. What else?

A flash back from eons ago …

I was then wearing that silly student uniform on my first day of school and suddenly a very handsome boy approached me. “Hey, you are new here? What’s your name?” “I am Luca and yours?” “Gong Hee Fatt Choy.” (in a quiet but confident voice) “I am going to be your master.” “?????” “You bring me gals and I will bring you popularity.” “You are already so handsome. You don’t need my help. And furthermore, I am not exactly a gal catcher!” “That’s the deal if you want to learn from me about how to make wealth from nothing.” Ooooh … I like. My little brain started to click. I must never let go of this opportunity. I must learn from this senior. Not knowing that years later, he went on to become one of the best criminal minds of our times. “Yes, Master. I shall be your humble servant. Your words are my commands.”

Gong will always bring his guitar to school every other day. It was heavy but, he practised hard on the instrument for hours, hidden away in the clock tower. He sang too.

Soon after, I brought two of my cutest companions to him and he readily accepted my offering. From then on, he taught me that the most important weapon is the mind. One must use the mind to win battles. Master was pleased with me.

I asked him that will I ever be like him? He said no way and that his level is way above me. Just look at that tall speckie boy. He will one day be great too, but his level will still be below him. He then introduced the tall even more senior boy to me. I was happy. Master liked my servitude. This tall senior was quite cute. Whenever he talked, his lips would press hard against his teeth, making me felt that he is in pain all the time. True enough. That tall senior also later became a monk, with tons of two-legged boys and a four-legged horsie boy with him. Master was a real clairvoyant.

I remembered there was this one time when Master was strumming his guitar to my two cute gals, I asked him why did all great minds choose this exclusive school, wearing only pure white. His reply which I remembered till this day was a great mind would necessarily be intelligent and would automatically congregate at this school. I didn’t know till years later that criminal minds are the most clever to boot. I was indeed glad to be part of this entourage. So pompous, so aristocratic, so free ...

I am now glad to learn from Master that criminal state of mind. I must apply well what I have learnt. I am so blessed. With this church as the starting point, I am sure Master would be pleased with me. One day, I hope Master after he is out of imprisonment would visit me in my own prison too. Such belief of a young padawan ...

I was jolted back to reality by my white agent by a tight slap. She asked me when will I be ready to discuss my mink farm? I replied warily that she is only good at churches. She replied she is realtor, she handles all land matters. Wow …

Why do I, the hunter always felt like the hunted. Every pore now feels the chill in the air.

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