Saturday 13 July 2013

p.What Drives Me?

The last part is here:   Leaving the good shore in search of a better life 


What is this drifting life like? Do you know? It is like a wild goose treading on the snow.
Its tracks are left on the soil without knowing why. And the wild goose does not care where to fly?
A new memorial pagoda for the old monk rises above his burial place. The poems we once wrote on the ruined wall are gone without a trace.
Do you remember the time when we were travelling on the rugged road? The lame donkey brayed; we were tired and still have a long way to go.

There are so many people nowadays asked me the same question: "What drives me?"

I really don't know what to answer. The fact is that I am living and breathing every day as if I have no tomorrow. I don't seem to have time to achieve what I have set out to do. I simply have too many unfinished jobs.

I have lost so much time dealing with my failures and disappointments that I now realised that I have to let each of every one of these betrayals go. If I am still fill with hatred, then how can I fill my heart with love. By letting go, maybe I just given permission for me to live life again. Keeping bitterness don't create final happiness. Wallowing in sadness don't build a fortress of harmony. I must therefore learn to let go. But, sometimes letting go also means letting go of my memories. Some memories are good, but, memories that are bad are also stuck with the good ones. They are actually inseparables. Sigh ...

Maybe, just maybe, I might learn to fly once more.

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